"Colleagues and distinguished guests; we are on the brink of utter destruction. The world as we know it is reaching a point in time where we will cease to exist. Humanity has scarred the earth for too long, and there will be nothing left of us, when the earth finally consumes us."
Alec Oppenheim, the 34 year-old tycoon who gained stocks in Vault-Tec through his latest invention; the RadAway, further known as the Alpha and Omega of Vault-Tec, opened his lecture on the latest project that the corporation was intending to create. The charismatic genius built his empire on his wit in trading, science, and medical skills; solidifying the corporation with his perception, endurance, and although he hates to admit it, a hefty amount of luck.
"We have lavish accommodations that can easily surpass, the projected centuries of nuclear winter. Sustaining people through the nuclear energy stored in our reactors, deep within the ground, it is safe to say that life can flourish as the world intends to re-start itself."
The loud applause of the convinced crowd was evidence enough to see that they loved the pitch. Alec revelled in the glory of his successful endeavour, and as he left the stage, all the people could see was an iconic smile, captivating even the sturdiest of men. Four years later began Project: Safehouse.
Between that time however, in the deep recesses of the RobCo headquarters, the selected executives met in a soundproof room, enclosed from all other forms of life or devices. In the dark light of the room, a single table stood, surrounded by the highest executives from the two international corporations. Again, Alec spoke.
"My friends, it is time. The world as we know it is spiraling into a flurry of chaos. Mayhem is in the streets. Power is with the rich. There is nothing left for our fellow man to feed on, and people have been fighting over resources that no longer will be relevant in the years to come. There is nothing left for humanity here. There is nothing left for us.
"I have gathered you all here to this secret summit to propose a solution. We shall keep our most prized possession, our humanity, safe. We shall lock it away from the face of the earth. We shall save the human race. There is a chance, and now is the time to take it.
"Governments will do no good for us. They are too self-absorbed in their own follies that they do not see what is becoming of our very home. Our planet is dying, and they have done nothing to stop it. It is up to us, the private entities, to prevail over the lost cause that is the law, and emancipate ourselves from the falsehoods of our time.
"We will not be the weakest link in the chain. We will not be the ones who stood idly by as the world consumed itself in its own greed. I implore you, my colleagues, my brothers in humanity, to not let this opportunity slip our grasp.
"I realize now that the time is upon us, to create these places, these safe-spaces with which we shall hide ourselves, and other like-minded individuals. We cannot allow the destruction to corrupt what is left of the beauty that is the world, and the very existence that we hold ourselves accountable for.
"Project: Safehouse is to be launched, but we cannot trust them. They are the government, and their greed overpowers their vision for saving the human race. They have blinded themselves to the facts. They refuse to see. As much as it burdens me to know this, they are not to be trusted. Furthermore, it burdens me to know that we cannot abide by the simplistic nature of their project. We cannot follow their ideals and bring it to the next world with us.
"Instead we shall create our own plan. We shall create our own project, to be launched simultaneously with theirs. We just cannot let them know of it; at all costs. We are doing this to save the earth and the human race, not for money, not for greed, not for anything else. So, if anyone wishes to wash their hands clean of this proposal and this plan, please do so now.
"There is an exit to your left, and I will personally see you out. Thank you for taking the time to be with us and for the contribution you have made to this group. Please accept our deepest apologies, if we do not come into terms."
Out of the 15 executives, there were 7 who stood up, and proceeded to the door. Alec initiated by shaking the hands of all those present, beginning with those who sat down, and ending with those who stood up.
"We are sorry you do not wish to partake in this. We need no explanation, just your vow of silence and a firm shake of your hand."
Alec shook the hands of each of the 7 executives, as he walked them into the next room. Those who remained eased themselves into their chairs, lighting up cigarettes and pouring their drinks. Nobody flinched as the sound of fully automatic gunfire erupted from the next room. Although soundproof, the vibrations echoed through the doorway, as Alec returned to the room. The projector flipped to the next side, as Alec returned to his place at the head of the table. Alec placed the MP5 sub-machinegun on the table before him, the barrel still smoking from the heat.
"So, let's proceed."
The op started out normal… Other than Dallas' constant complaints about the place and weather, there wasn't really much to report at the beginning.
In fact, I think the newly woven shemagh she wore for the op was more interesting than the state itself…
"Testing. Testing. Do you read me, Dallas?"
"I read ya loud and clear, Vivian"
"Alright. I guess the signal's good even from here"
"No shit. Never thought that old radio could reach as far as Washington State"
"So how's Washington State? Please tell me it's a good place to take a vacation"
"I don't think you'd like it here… Fucking place is as barren as the Mojave and it's the middle of December. To top it all off, these… snow storms are annoying as hell"
"Huh… To think even after more than 200 years, you'd think the state of the area would have improved…"
"So what's the sitrep?"
"Well… I'm currently in a cave taking shelter from the snow storm. God… I swear these storms are too frequent!"
"How long have you been there?"
"About an hour or so… Wait… Looks like the storm's clearing. I'm gonna resume my search. Dallas out"
After that, Dallas didn't report back until about half an hour later… it was the last series of transmissions I got from her before 'it' happened…
"Vivian. This is Dallas. Do you read me?"
"I got you, loud and clear, Dallas. What's up?"
"I found a Vault door, cleverly camouflaged too… I'm going in"
"Wait, Dallas. You sure? You don't know what to expect in there"
"Don't worry about me… I can handle whatever's in there"
I guess she opened the vault door from there since I heard the familiar alarm you hear when opening one…
I didn't know it yet but I had this feeling that something was wrong with the vault…
"Dallas… I really think we should contact Ellie or Polonsky first. Washington State was one of the first places to be hit during the war and they were hit hard… So finding an intact vault is a bit suspicious…"
"Don't worry about me. I can hold my own just as well as those two"
"Alright. I'm going in!"
"Dallas… Hey Dallas!"
"Sorry you're breaking up… I can't hear you"
"Dallas! Alright fine! But at least maintain radio contact"
"That's the spirit!"
Dallas entered the vault… The signal was warping but I managed to talk to her from time to time…
"Dallas… Come in, Dallas"
"Dallas here"
"Oh good… So what's inside?"
"The vault's pretty intact… It doesn't even look like a single object was touched… It's almost as if none of the original occupants made it here…"
"Well I did tell you that Washington State was one of the first places to be hit…"
"Yeah… no shit…"
"Anything interesting?"
"Other than the surprisingly clean and preserved pre-war theme of this vault, nothing really comes to mind… Wait. Vivian. I think I found something"
"I stumbled upon what looks like a meeting room… Still intact, ash trays and wine glasses on the table… Looks untouched but these cigarette butts look recent…"
"Shit, Dallas. I got a bad feeling about this… Maybe you should get outta there and wait for backup"
"Wait. I found a file… Bingo! It's a Vault-Tec file! Classified too!"
It looked like Dallas stumbled on an important find. I kept on telling her to get outta there but she didn't listen to me…
"Dallas! I think you should get outta there first!"
"Wait… I need to make sure this file's what we're looking for"
"We can do that back at base camp! Come on, Dallas. There's something not right with that place"
"The place is deserted… Don't worry too much, Vivian. Besides, you'll get wrinkles if you keep on worrying like that"
"Fine. Fine. I'll go back to base camp…"
That was when I heard the two gunshots…
"Dallas?! Shit! Dallas! Are you ok?! Dallas!"
"Gah… Motherfucker!"
Based on the sounds, I think she returned fire. But in the end… it was useless… I heard about 4 more shots before the shooting stopped.
"Dallas! Dallas! Dallas! Fucking shit! DALLAS!"
That was when, I heard someone else answer the radio. Based on his tone, I'd say he's a man in his 50s...
"Hello? You should have knocked first. Didn't you know that in this state, I can lawfully kill any trespassers that enter my property?"
"Kids these days… Don't know anything about discipline or respect…"
I then heard several shots… That was when I lost the signal…
Shit… If only I could have… Damn…
It's not your fault, Vivian… You couldn't have done anything…
But, Ellie…
What's done is done. All we can do now is deal with it… Dallas was a horrible loss… I know, she's one of the people who helped me reached who I am now… But at least, we've confirmed some of our suspicions… Vault-Tec has a presence in Washington State.
Contact Alexander and Polonsky, we move for Washington State as soon as possible! We can't allow those slimy bastards to run!