
Some time ago:

"Talon! Talon!" A young girl says, pulling a young boy by his left arm "Come on! We're almost there!"

"Wh-Where are we going?" The young boy asked "Aren't we at the edge of the mountain?"

The young girl kept silent and continued to pull the young boy through the narrow mountain passage.

The duo soon stop shortly after getting through the passage.

The boy's eyes widen as he witnesses an amazing view of the wasteland.

Despite the view below showing only the destruction that the old war brought, he couldn't help but feel amazed by the view as the sun sets just in front of them.

"What do you think?" the girl asked "Isn't the view great?"

"Y-Yeah…" the boy replied as his eyes are fixed to the horizon "But… Down below, the scars of the old world remain…"



"It's true that the world destroyed itself… But… I don't want to think that humans are trapped in an endless cycle of destruction…"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean… Look at our village. Our elders say that it started out as a shelter for those who couldn't make it to the vaults… Our ancestor didn't point weapons upon one another. Instead, they worked together to build the village we know today…"


"I-It's kinda hard to explain actually but that's what I think…"

"No… I get it… somewhat…"

"You do? Great! Now promise me that you'll keep this place a secret"

"Huh? Oh… O-Ok…"

The duo shake hands

"Yey! We have our own 'secret hideout'!" the girl said with a bright smile


"Let's work hard to make a better tomorrow… Talon"

The young boy nods as the duo look at the setting sun

Talon slowly opens his eyes

Still groggy, the young man could barely see 4 figures standing near a campfire.

He attempts to move but finds his right arm is cuffed to the side of a tank while his left arm was chained to a nearby post.

He attempts to break his restraints but to no avail

"I see you're awake"

Talon looks behind him and sees Ellie pointing a rifle at him

"I told you" Talon said "I am not part of Vault-Tec!"

"Still sticking to that story huh… Maybe you can explain where you got this Pip-boy!"



Ellie then throws a Pip-Boy in front of Talon

"That item? I found it on a corpse"

"Really now? You sure it's not something given to you by Vault-Tec?"

"I am telling the truth! They are my enemies as well!"

"Really now? And why is Vault-Tec your enemy too?"

"They… They did things to me"

"Things? Like what?"

"As you can see, my arm is not exactly normal"

"Your arm huh… Anything else?"

"Listen to me! I know the location of a nearby Vault-Tec facility. If you undo my restraints, I shall lead you to it"

"You think I'm stupid? Give me one good reason why I should trust you"

Talon fell silent. "How could I convince this woman that I am telling the truth?!" he thought to himself

That was when he remembered what the Elder said. "If you find yourself lost, this pendant may help you find your way"

"My pendant…" Talon muttered

"Well?" Ellie said "I'm waiting"

"My pendant!" Talon responded


"My pendant! Look at it!"

Puzzled, Ellie approaches Talon, putting down her rifle and drawing her pistol.

"Your pendant?" she said "No funny business"

She looks at the pendant and the pattern was familiar but Ellie could not recognize the pendant at all.

"Nice pendant" Ellie sarcastically said "Now what?"

Before Talon could answer, he sees a figure, behind Ellie, slowly making its way towards her.

"Hey!" he said "There's someone approaching from behind you!"

"Don't change the goddamn subject!" Ellie responded "What the hell is up with this pendant?"

"Not NOW!" Talon shouted as he struggles to free himself "Behind you!"

"What?" Ellie said as the figure pulled out a knife

Ellie quickly turns around and blocks the knife with her left arm

"Another one?!" she said "Wolf Pack! We got more company!"

"What the hell?!" Owen shouted as gunfire suddenly erupts

Ellie quickly overpowers her would-be assailant and stabs him with her hidden blade

She quickly draws her rifle as she and her squad return fire.

"These bastards never let up!" Jonas said as he throws a grenade

"More meat for the grinder, I'd say!" Marta responded laying heavy suppressive fire

As the fighting continues, Talon attempts to undo his restraints.

"Hey!" he shouted "You! Girl! I can help! Undo my restraints!"

"Girl?!" Ellie responded "You got some nerve you piece of shit! What makes you think I'll let you out of those?!"

"Because I can help! If you help me, I shall help you!"

Ellie ponders for a moment.

"Fine!" she said removing Talon's restraints

"Thanks you" he said

"So what now?" Ellie asked

"I shall move to their side and catch them by surprise"

"I'll be coming with you! Don't want you stabbing us in the back!"


"Alright. Vivian! Owen! I'll be going with our little prisoner to flank these bastards! Sit tight!"

"Don't take too long!" Owen replied as the duo made their way to the side

"Right!" Ellie said "You! Boy! Let's go!"

"Boy?" Talon wondered as he follows Ellie

Vancouver, Oregano; NCR Border Outpost


In the watchtowers, 2 NCR troopers scan the horizon.

"Huh?" a male trooper uttered

"What is it?" a female trooper asked

"I thought I saw something…"

The NCR trooper slowly leaned over the watchtower, trying to get a clear view of what he saw

"Looks like it's just a couple of mole rats" he said

"Mole Rats? What are they doing around these parts?"

Before the male trooper could say anything, an assailant emerges from the wall.

He grabs the trooper and quickly slits his throat.

"Ka-" the female trooper uttered before a bullet drills through her head but there was hardly any sound.

With the 2 troopers dead, several figures emerge from the wall and begin their mission, eliminating some guards and planting explosives around the base.

Briefing Room:

Inside, Rufus is briefing the rangers on their next mission.

"We lost contact with Ellie and her team around here" he said pointing to a location on the map "This is a search and rescue. We are cleared to engage any assailants but we must engage them with caution as our main priority is securing Ellie and her team"

As the briefing continues, the nearby radio comes to life. "Sparrow. This is Hawk. Do you copy?"

It was General Alexander.

Rufus and the other rangers approach the radio

"This is Sparrow" he replied "We copy you, Hawk"

"Good" Alexander responded "You're still in the base! I need everyone there on high alert! I can't get in touch with the comms officer for some reason"

"High alert?" Rufus wondered "What's up?"

"No time to explain! I'm headed your way right now!"

Rufus turns to his rangers. "You heard the man. Alert everyone in the base. We may have company"

"Yes sir!" the rangers said as they comply, leaving Rufus, Clover, and Jericho in the room.

"Hawk, what's your ETA?" Rufus asked

"My ETA is-"

"Hawk? Do you copy? Hawk?"

The general didn't respond but Rufus continues his transmission.

"Hawk? Are you there?"

"Ah! Goddamn it!" Alexander responded "Sparrow! I'll be a bit late! Got some uninvited 'guests' here! Shit! Get down! Into the building! Everyone! Get into the building!"


"Can't talk rig-" Alexander replied as the transmission is cut once again.

Before the 3 rangers could make sense of the situation, several explosions erupt around the base and bullets started flying.

"We're under attack!" a NCR trooper shouted as the soldiers scramble to combat the threat

The 3 quickly emerge from the briefing room and find that the entire base was in flames and several armed assailants have surrounded the base, assaulting the NCR troops in the area.

"I see why Alex wanted us to be on high alert…" Rufus uttered cocking his rifle

"Your orders, sir" Jericho said as he readies his rifle

"We kick ass, of course" Rufus replied

Clover chuckles as she draws her dual blades and the 3 enter the fray.

Meanwhile back in Washington, Wolf Pack continues to engage Vault-Tec's soldiers while Ellie and Talon flank them from the side.

From the 2nd floor of a derelict building, Ellie and Talon jump down towards the unsuspecting Vault-Tec troops.

Ellie plunges her hidden blade on one of the soldiers while Talon uses his claw to crush the other.

Ellie and Talon quickly draw their M1911 and Python respectively and open fired upon the stunned Vault-Tec troops.

With the combination of Ellie's hidden blades and Talon's claw, the duo decimate the enemy troops

"I think that's all of them" Ellie said as a lone soldier manages to catch her off guard. "Shit!"

The soldier activates an energy wrist blade and attempts to stab her.

Talon quickly jumps between the 2 and catches the blade. He then fires his python at the assailant's head.

Despite holding the blade itself, Talon's claw shows no sign of damage.

"That's a pretty sturdy claw you got" Ellie said

Talon stares at his 'palm' as an image of a man in a lab coat flashes before his eyes.

He clenches his 'fist'.

A few minutes later, Wolf Pack regroups.

"So" Owen said "What do we do now? Vault-Tec knows we're here and I think this isn't the last squad they'll send against us"

"Should we move on?" Vivian asked

"But where to?" Marta responded

Ellie ponders for a moment.

"This guy" she said pointing at Talon "says that a Vault-Tec facility is nearby. He'll leads us to it"

"So we're just gonna trust him like that?" Jonas asked

"We don't have a choice. Hey kid. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Talon. My name is Ellie. Now lead the way"

"Right" Talon replied

Vancouver, Oregano; NCR Border Outpost


Rufus, Clover, and Jericho stand over the corpses of the assailants as NCR soldiers attempt to put out the fires.

"They were tough…" Clover said

"… They're not your regular soldiers… That's for sure" Jericho added

Rufus stayed quiet and began to check the bodies.

He soon finds an insignia on one of the assailant's vests

"Guys…" Rufus said with a hint to dread "… We have a problem…"

"What is it?" Jericho asked as he and Clover came closer

Rufus shows them a familiar insignia.

"Isn't that…" Jericho said as a cold sweat drops from his forehead

"… Caesar's Legion…?" Clover said

"This is not good…" Rufus muttered "… Let's put out these fires so we can send a rescue squad for Alex… If the Legion's back… This is gonna make things more complicated…"

The next day:

Hidden Vault-Tec Facility:


Wolf Pack soon finds themselves in front of a familiar Vault door.

"So this is the place?" Ellie asked

"Yes…" Talon answered "I 'lost' my left arm here"

Ellie then nods as Wolf Pack prepares their rifles.

"Vivian" Ellie commanded "Do it"

Using her Pip-Boy, Vivian hacks the control panel, opening the vault door.

"Hey guys" Owen said "Isn't it weird that there are no guards here?"

"You're right…" Jonas replied "Something's not right…"

"Cut the chatter" Ellie responded as the door fully opens, revealing the inside "Keep your intervals wide and your asses covered, let's move!"

Wolf Pack slowly makes their way through the facility.

"This place is a mess…" Owen said noticing the scattered items around the facility

"Don't let your guard down" Ellie responded "We don't know what Vault-Tec has in here…"

Eventually, Wolf Pack finds themselves inside a laboratory.

"This is where it all began…" Talon muttered

"Clear the area" Ellie commanded as Wolf Pack splits up and clears each part of the lab

A few minutes later:

"Place is empty…" Jonas said as scouring through the lab equipment "… Weird…"

"I know…" Owen replied "Why'd they abandon this place?"

"Maybe because our little mutant over there escape" Marta answered

"Alright" Ellie said "Start looking around. Vault-Tec was in a hurry to abandon this facility. They would surely have left something useful"

"Right!" the other members said as they comply

"So…" Ellie said to Talon "This is where you were experimented?"

"Yes…" Talon answered "I as well as my tribe were captured and… and… the things these people did to us…"

"Your tribe? What tribe? There shouldn't be any settlements around Washington State"

"We lived in the mountains… I do not know where exactly but it was home"

"What happened to your tribe?"

"Most died in this very building… Some, like me, were able to escape… Others are still in the hands of those bastards…"

Ellie noticed a tear drop down Talon.

"Ellie" Vivian said "You may want to look at this"

"What is it?" Ellie asked as she and Talon walked towards Vivian, who was holding a file

"This file…" Vivian said "I'm not entirely sure but… This must be where Dallas was…"

"It's ok Vivian… Let me take a look"

Vivian hands over the file to Ellie, who promptly opens it

California Observation Reports

Year: 2131

After being exposed to high levels of a prototype FEV strain, a lone human evolves into a grotesque being that has taken control of a nearby facility as well as gaining the support of the Super Mutants, who are known to be hard to control. Further observation is recommended as this being may be the key to completing the super soldier program of the old United States Government.

Year: 2134

This being known as 'the master' has been kidnapping wasteland inhabitants and are forcibly exposed to the prototype virus. Mutations vary. Some turn into super mutants, others become grotesque creatures (devoid of humanity) but they seem to act as guard dogs, the rest simply die out. Parley is recommended in order for samples to be obtained as well as gain insight on how 'the master' is able to control these mutants.

Year: 2137

Mutant populations are now comparable to an entire battalion. All envoys sent to 'the master' have met with failure. All were immediately detained and subjected to the effects of the virus without this 'master' allowing them to parley. The growth of this 'army' is concerning as it may pose a threat to the inhabitants of the California area.

Year: 2154

The Mutant army has attacks Vault 17. Kidnapping vault residents and exposing them to the virus. Mutant Army threat is imminent. Recommend euthanizing the mutants to secure the safety of Vault-Tec property.

Year: 2156

A cult was formed under the banner of the super mutants named "The Children of the Cathedral". Composed of unmutated humans, they act as spies. All hired mercenaries and security squads sent to neutralize the super mutants have met with failure.

Year: 2161

Vault 13's water chip unexpectedly malfunctions. A lone vault dweller is sent to repair it. Said dweller has shown resilience and resourcefulness, possible candidate to neutralize super mutant threat. Begin preparations to 'guide' said dweller, dubbed Blue, to 'the master'

Year: 2162

Security forces attack 'the cathedral'. Failing to destroy the facility, casualties' number in the hundreds. Super Mutant Army retaliates, attacking settlements, numerous civilian casualties. Attacks spur 'Blue' to confront 'the master'. Confirm absolute destruction of the cathedral and the Mariposa Military Base. Begin cleanup operations. 'Blue' no longer relevant.

Year: 2189

Human settlements in California begin to form a government naming it, "the New California Republic". Recommend integrating agents into the new government to assure control over it. (The rest of the text is unreadable)

Year: 2198

US Government remnants, dubbing themselves "the Enclave", have surfaced. New faction is fully aware of Vault-Tec's ambitions as well as confirmed reports that the leadership are members of the Templar Order. Recommend immediate action as their activities may be damaging to the company. New California Republic is a viable candidate to oppose this new faction.

Year: 2241

US Government remnants, dubbed "the Enclave", have begun operations to undermine Vault-Tec activity in the area. Methods include mass genocide of vaults, human experimentation, and many others. Security Forces sent to area to limit damage. New California Republic proves useless in this endeavor. New candidate surfaces, a lone tribeswoman.

Successful termination of Enclave assets in the California Area. Agents within New California Republic have begun cleansing operations, silencing all members of the Enclave. Company secrets remain hidden.

Year: 2253

Continued support to New California Republic. The government has grew large and powerful, conquering the California Area. Agents have convinced the government to begin expanding to other regions, resistance is to be expected.

Year: 2254

Enclave convoys moving towards the Washington D.C. area. The reprogrammed A.I., known as 'John Henry Eden', has lured many Enclave survivors to the Capital Wasteland. Brotherhood of Steel squadrons are enroute to the Capital Wasteland, probable candidate for the final cleansing of Enclave elements in the region.

Year: 2277

Brotherhood elements begin attacking Enclave forces. Confirm total destruction of the Enclave's command structure as well as the A.I. Enclave no longer a threat. Agents on standing by in the region, awaiting further orders.

Year: 2282

New California Republic fails in their invasion of the Mojave Wasteland. Unknown variable present, an individual known as "the courier". Immediate termination of the variable is recommended. Caesar's Legion decimated and forced to retreat east. New candidate to help grow the New California Republic's power, the Brotherhood of Steel. Recommend sending agents to infiltrate the brotherhood and gain control from within.

Year: 2290

Agents successfully take control of the Brotherhood leadership. Alliance was born between the Brotherhood and the Republic. Presence of Templar and Assassin activity in the Washington DC area have been detected. Immediate elimination of both factions is recommended. The republic is to invade the eastern coast, eliminating another anomaly, the one called "the Lone Wanderer" as well as the secret factions.

Year: 2300

Agents have encountered and fought against elements of the Assassin Brotherhood. Reports confirm that the 'lone wanderer' is one of them. The faction is aware of Vault-Tec's activities, immediate termination is advised.

Year: 2307

Republic forces take control of the majority of the Capital Wasteland. Agents begin cleansing operations against Assassin and Templar elements.

A rebel group surfaces and begins opposition against the republic. Agents have encountered several elements from the Assassin Brotherhood and the Templar Order.

War ends with Republic defeat. Confirmed reports that Templar and Assassin elements have joined forces. Situation is critical. Immediate action is recommended.

"Shit…" Ellie said as she finishes reading the file "Vault-Tec… They were behind all of them… Not just the Great War… Everything…"

"Yeah…" Vivian replied

"What are these bastards planning…?" Ellie uttered as she sees a photo at the back of the folder.

She opens it and sees the photo of a familiar man.

"Threat level: 10. Immediate termination recommended…" she said "This man… He's the one in that picture… At that house…"

Talon leans over and sees the picture of the man.

"Him!" Talon uttered

"You know him?" Ellie asked

"He is the fabled sun…" Talon answered "The one who made our tribe possible"

"Made your tribe possible?"

Ellie then remembers the holotape she got from the house. She quickly plays it.

I hope whoever is hearing this, you would be willing to help me. My codename is Raven. I am a member of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. This war… This entire war was orchestrated by one man, Alec Oppenheim. He is a madman who will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. I failed to stop him from starting the nuclear war that ended the world… I can feel the effects of radiation all over my body and it's painful… There is no time… I have left behind some supplies and data about Vault-Tec, hidden inside an underground bunker in Menifee, California. The door is marked with the insignia of the sun, the same pattern shown in my pendant you see in the picture. Please… Whoever you are. For the sake of retribution. You will follow the clues that I left behind and bring Alec Oppenheim and Vault-Tec to justice!

The recording ends. Ellie stands there, stunned at the revelation.

"Kid…" she said "That pendant of yours… Where did you get it?"

"It was passed down from my family" Talon replied

"Kid…" Ellie said as she turns to Talon "Looks like you're our key to winning this long war…"