

Lost Hills Bunker

Arthur Maxson enters the council chamber, met by several Brotherhood Sentinels and Scribes.

"What happened?" he asked sitting down

"Elder" one of the Sentinels reported "3 hours ago, hostile foes, later identified to be Caesar's Legion, sabotaged the Gecko Power Plant causing a nuclear meltdown"


"We estimate at least 100 Gecko residents, 14 Enclave soldiers, 25 NCR troopers, 3 Initiates, 2 Knights, one Knight Sergeant, Paladin Roy, and Star Paladin Sambile"

"All dead?"

"Most are… Those that survived are suffering from severe Radiation poisoning. The ghouls, on the other hand, suffered severe burns and injuries brought by the explosion"

"Damn… What is the NCR's response?"

"Elder" one of the head scribes reported "The NCR has begun mobilizing their military. They asked for the support of the Brotherhood and Enclave in their campaign"

"Hmm… Where is Caesar's Legion?"

"They captured the city of Dayglow. Their forces are slowly moving north. The NCR is currently establishing a forward base near the ruins of a pre-war suburb in Menifee"

"So… They plan to intercept the Legion there…"

Maxson closes his eyes and rests his fingers on his chin.

He ponders for a few minutes as the Sentinels and Scribes look at one another, perplexed as to what to do.

"What shall we do, Elder?" one of the Sentinels asked

"Nothing" the Elder answered opening his eyes and placing both hands on the table "We will provide no aid to the NCR's campaign"

"What?" one of the Sentinels said with her eyes wide open "Elder. Are you sure about this? The Legion has proven to be a formidable threat. We have already lost brothers and sisters to them. Why-"

"That's enough, Sentinel. The Brotherhood will not be part of this campaign. Those of you who still wish to avenge our fallen brethren are free to do so but you will be acting as mercenaries with no affiliation with the Brotherhood. Am I clear?"

"Yes Elder" everyone responded

"Very good. Head Scribe Marna. What is the status of our project?"

"Going very well, Elder" the head scribe reported "Given enough time, resources, and luck, this project will be complete in less than a year"

Maxson smiles. "Very good"


Rocky Mountains, Washington State Area:

A man, wearing an advanced suit akin to a Chinese Stealth Suit, walks up the ruins of an old rocky path.

The clouds cover every corner of the sky as a fierce radiation storm rages throughout the area.

He cocks his G36c as someone calls him.


The man looks behind him as 4 other individuals, 2 wearing a suit similar to his and the other 2 wearing gas masks and thick military apparel.

"Hey Captain. Are we there yet?" one of the men in military apparel asked "This storm's not exactly being nice to my skin"

"I thought you got used to it already, Paul?" one of the men in suits replied "Too delicate for this weather?"

"Shut up, Charles" the man responded "It's not like we're all wearing hostile environment suits now, don't we?"

"Haha!" Charles replied "Come on, Jane's doing pretty fine and she's not even wearing the suits"

"Don't involve me on this" Jane responded "Anyway, remind me again what we're doing here?"

"According to the data I took from West Tek" the Captain replied "There's a bunker nearby owned by Wattz Electronics. It says Oppenheim wants everyone in that bunker dead"

"Everyone?" Paul wondered "Why would Vault-Tec want their own allies dead?"

"The data doesn't say anything… But Oppenheim isn't one to actually share anything. I reckon he's killing those who either outlived their usefulness or no longer follow his orders"

"What makes you say that?" the other one wearing the suit asked

"During my infiltration of West-Tek's bunker, I found several West-Tek employees lined up to a wall and based on that, it was a firing squad execution. Among the dead was West-Tek's CEO, Karl Sanderson"

"That is weird… Found any clues as to why?"

"Nothing. West-Tek had close ties with Vault-Tec for decades. I won't be surprised if Sanderson was part of Oppenheim's little coalition… But yeah… The real question is why would Oppenheim kill his own allies?"

As the radiation storm gets more intense, gunfire erupts from the distance.

"Looks like we're just in time…" the other one wearing the suit uttered cocking his ACR

"Lock and Load" the Captain said cocking his G36c

Paul, Jane, and Charles cock their respective rifles; a M16A4, a SIG 550, and an AN-94.

They all run towards the ensuing fight.


Navarro; Commander's Quarters:

Ellie reads the recent reports sent to her by field agents in the irradiated remains of Gecko.

"Damn it…!" she muttered drinking a cup of coffee

Suddenly, her ham radio picks up a transmission.

"Ellie. Ellie"

The Enclave leader turns to the ham radio. "Rufus? Where have you been? I've been trying to reach you for 2 days!"

"Sorry" the Lone Wanderer replied "I've been following up on my lead with Alex"

"Right… So I think you already heard about Gecko"

"Yeah… How bad is the damage?"

"It's nothing but an irradiated crater now…"


"The NCR is mobilizing their troops against the Legion"

"Where's the Legion coming from?"


"Right… So the NCR asked for the Enclave's support?"

"Yes. I'm currently meeting with my commanders and-"

"Don't send anything"


"Let the NCR fight this campaign. Focus on our actual objective"

"But Rufus! Civilians have died because of the Legion! Not just the ones from Gecko but those from Dayglow too!"

"Leave. The Legion. Alone. No discussion. Am I clear?"

"Since when do you call the shots here?"

"Ever since Alex disappeared and Vault-Tec killing our friends one-by-one"

"So what? We're just gonna let the Legion overrun California?"

"That just means that we have to hurry"


"Look. Just trust me on this. We will not help in the campaign. Not a single squad will be sent to fight"


"Ellie. 5 years ago, you've kept on asking that same question. And like that time, I'll give you the same answer. So as much as I'd love to enlighten you on my findings, we got other problems"

"Pfft… That exact same line? Really?"

"What can I say, I'm a guy who likes one-liners"

"Fine… I'll make sure the Enclave stays out of this but you better give me a good explanation when the time comes"

"When have I NOT done that?"

Ellie sighs. "Yeah… Fine..."

"Exactly. So just be patient, be a good little puppy, and follow my orders"

"Who are you calling a 'little puppy'?!"

"Haha! Just a little joke. Anyway, I gotta go. Be careful, Ellie"

"Yeah… You too, Rufus"

The transmission ends.

Ellie rests her head on her right palm as she sighs.

"What the hell is going on…?" she muttered sipping her coffee

As she returns to reading the reports, Talon, who was listening in, stares at his left palm.

He sighs, closes his palm, and walks away.


The 5 soldiers assemble just outside the bunker as the sound of laser and gunfire echo through the halls.

"Kira. Charles" the Captain said as Charles and the other soldiers wearing the suit attach suppressors to their rifles

They nod at one another before entering the facility, guns drawn.

The two soldiers crouch and lead the way with the rest following close behind.

They soon enter a large open hall with Vault-Tec soldiers hiding behind pillars & makeshift cover on one end and several armed Wattz employees & automated defenses on the other.

"What do we do, Captain?" Kira asked as they hide behind a wall, at the back of Vault-Tec's side of the room.

He presses a button on his suit which prompts his helmet to scan the room.

"Got it" he whispered "Leftmost door. 8 meters. Move slowly and quickly"

The soldiers nod as they sneak past the Vault-Tec soldiers into the leftmost door.

Dormitory Area:

As the squad goes deeper into the facility, the sound of gun and laser fire echo loudly once more.

The squad goes against a wall as Paul peeks through a corner.

"6 Tangos…" he reported "… No way around…"

"Are you sure?" Charles said pointing to a vent

"Can we fit in there?" Jane asked

"Only one way to find out" the Captain said as he goes in first.

The rest of the squad follows except for Paul and Jane, whose apparel is too big to fit.

"Hey Captain" Paul said "What do we do?"

"I guess there's no other choice" the Captain responded "You two are gonna support the Wattz Employees"

"Uh… how do we do that without being shot at by both sides?"

"You can think of a way. I know you're capable enough for that, Paul. I'll maintain radio contact so keep me updated"

Paul sighs. "Alright, Jane. Let's go"

Jane nods as Paul throws a frag grenade at the Vault-Tec soldiers.


Klamath; Abandoned Shack:

Rufus sits down in front of an old table. Dust and rust litter the old shack as the Lone Wanderer brings out a bottle of whiskey.

He takes a swig.

Staring at a disabled terminal, the wanderer plays Alexander's tape on his pipboy.

2 in 1.

I was running out of time so I had to put two codes in this one.

Now. You know that decades ago, Caesar's Legion was wiped out by yours truly.

Well at least that's what the 'official' statement says.

It's true that I pummeled their armies to near extinction but I allowed small pockets of survivors to retreat to the south, to what was once known as Mexico.

We made an agreement that they would fade away in exchange for safe passage and a guarantee that the NCR will leave them alone.

Only me, a couple of my lieutenants, and Polonsky know this.

In the event something happens and the Legion becomes a problem, you must make sure they DO NOT get wiped out this time.

I cannot stress this enough, Rufus. The Legion is important for the moment.

That's all I can say here.

The last 2 codes for the safe is Tyrant and Thoughtless.

Upon the recoding's end, Rufus hears a clicking sound.

The backside of the terminal opens.

Rufus opens the terminal, finding a holotape.


Minutes later, the Captain and his 2 companions drop down from the vents into an armory.

This part of the bunker is quiet, devoid of any sound of fighting.

They carefully walk through the area, eventually reaching a locked door.

The Captain hacks the nearby terminal as the sound of gunfire is slowly getting clearer.

He succeeds hacking the terminal.

"Be ready for anything" he says as Charles and Kira stack up behind the door

The Captain stacks up just opposite of the two. He raises his left arm and positions his right index finger on top of the arm.

He nods at the two before pressing a button on his left arm.

The locked door opens and the two soldiers burst in, guns at the ready.

The Captain enters seconds later and finds the three of them pointing weapons at several Wattz Employees, who return the favor.

For a few minutes both sides aim their guns at one another, as if waiting for one side to open fire first.

Among the Wattz Employees, the Captain notices a middle-aged man wearing a business suit.

"Are you Mr. Vaile?" the Captain asked, still pointing his weapon

"Judging by the fact that you asked for my name and did not shoot first, I reckon that the two individuals aiding my men are part of yours?"

"Yes. So are you Mr. Vaile?"

"Yes. Wattz Electronics CEO Bercisc Vaile at your service"

"We're here to rescue you"

"And why would you do that?"

"Let's just say that you may prove useful and if you help me, you can have your revenge on Alec Oppenheim"

"Revenge on Oppenheim, you say? You must be that intruder who destroyed the West-Tek bunker months ago. Why should I trust you? For all we know, you could either be working with Oppenheim to fool me or you could kill me like you did with Mr. Sanderson"

"Sanderson?" Charles said "West-Tek's CEO?"

"The very same" Jane answered "What the hell did you do there, Captain?"

"Nothing" the Captain answered "I had nothing to do with his death. All I did was blow up the bunker but the West-Tek staff there was long dead by the time I arrived"

The CEO leers at the Captain as both sides are still pointing weapons at one another.

An explosion in the distance catches the CEO's attention.

"Mr. Vaile!" one of his employees, operating the security cameras, said "They've breached the armory!"

"Damn…" Vaile said "What of our troops?"

"They've suffered heavy losses and are retreating but the two individuals are covering their retreat"

Vaile then notices an ominous warning on the screen.

"Mother of God…" he muttered as a satellite icon flashes in the monitor

The CEO then orders his men to stand down.

Both sides put their weapons down.

"Alright" the CEO said "I'd rather die a free man than be at the mercy of Alec. I to evacuate my men from this bunker. Will you help?"

"So long as you help me make Oppenheim's life harder" the Captain answered


The Captain then turns to his two allies.

"You heard him" he said "You know what to do"

"Right!" the two said as they run to the frontlines.

Upon reaching the frontlines, the Captain and his men provide heavy suppressive fire upon the enemy.

Minutes pass as the Wattz Employees slowly manage Vault-Tec's forces back.

Reaching the R&D level of the bunker, Vault-Tec's forces hunker down behind some riot shields and bulletproof glass.

"Hey" Vaile said tapping the Captain in the shoulder "There are prototype gravity grenades by the desks over there. Use them to force the enemy out of cover"

"Right" the Captain said, tapping Paul in the shoulder "Cover me"

"Roger!" Paul answered as he and the other provide cover fire while the Captain runs to the container holding the prototype grenades.

The captain dives behind cover and reaches for the box but several bullets lands in the floor next to his arms, forcing him to return to cover.

He quickly realizes a big metal cabinet behind him. The captain pushes the cabinet until it falls to the floor.

Using it as cover, the Captain grabs the container and grabs several prototype grenades.

They look very different from the regular frag, pulse, or plasma grenade.

"Captain!" Paul said over the radio "the CEO says to twist the top and throw it"

"Copy!" the Captain responded as he does what he was instructed.

The grenade bounces a bit before suddenly floating in the air.

It generates a gravitational pull that pulls the Vault-Tec soldiers out of cover before exploding, killing the hapless soldiers.

A few minutes pass and the last few Vault-Tec soldiers were finally forced out of the R&D Level.

Vaile quickly uses a terminal to put the room on lockdown, closing all doors.

"What now?" Charles asked, catching his breath

"Wait a moment…" Vaile replied typing something on the terminal "Be sure to grab as many schematics, weapons, and items as you all can. We will not be coming back here"

His employees comply before a hidden door in the wall opens.

"Quickly!" he shouts as everyone runs into the hidden room "The Lex Talionis will be in range soon!"

"The what?" Paul wondered

"There is no time! HURRY!"

The survivors reach what looks like a tram station. They quickly enter the tram as the train starts moving.

As the tram picks up speed, a gigantic laser pierces through the underground, obliterating the entire bunker and half the tram, killing anyone caught in the blast.

The last car was cut in half. Causing it to skid through the tracks, slowing the tram down as the area starts to cave in.

"Shit!" the Captain said opening the car's door "Move to the next car!"

The survivors run to the next car as the falling debris slowly catches up.

With the last survivor getting out of the last car, the Captain places a breaching charge on the connection cables.

He detonates it, disconnecting the car from the tram.

The tram finally picks up speed, safely speeding away from the debris.


Klamath; Abandoned Shack:

Rufus stares at the holotape he found for a few seconds before playing it on his Pipboy.

Instead of an audio file, the holotape contained one text file: 'Hide and Seek'

Rufus clicks the file.

A short message pops up: 'Where dreams come true and/or lost in the blink of an eye'

Rufus smiles. "So why the hell are you gambling at a time like this?"

As he was getting up, Rufus felt the barrel of a 10mm pistol at the back of his head.

"Took you long enough" Rufus said as the shack echoes with the sound of a single gunshot.