
San Ysidro Battlefront


NCR Camp; Near Wolf Pack's Tent:

Wolf Pack, minus Ellie, stands on top of a destroyed freeway, though this is a dead end as the road ahead had collapsed into the ground below.

"Damn" Owen remarked as he looks at the city with his binoculars "I never thought I'd see vegetation covering an entire city"

"I too find this to be quite amazing" Talon added "Of all the places I travelled, I had never seen such a city before…"

"Really now?" Marta responded "Where have you travelled?"

"I am not familiar with the names of the places I travelled. I hardly saw any human settlements in my travels"

"Since when have you started travelling anyway?"

"A few months ago"

"Care to describe the places you travelled to?"

Talon closes his eyes and rests his index finger and thumb on his chin. "Hmm… Well… the landscape was mostly ravaged though most of the time, snow covers the entire region. Also, I spotted several old world flags. It was colored red two times and white a single and a red leaf is placed in the middle of the white painted area"

"Canada? You've been to Canada?"

"I am unfamiliar with that name but given your knowledge of the old world, maybe so"

Marta squints her eyes before closing them. She exhales and crosses her arms, seemingly thinking about something but as she was about to say something, Ellie beats her to it. "Wolf Pack! Gather up!"

With nary a word, the members gather around her though Marta mutters "You got lucky".

"What's the word, boss?" Jonas asked

"The Legion's been pushed back to the pre-War Mexican border" Ellie replied while looking at her Pip-boy map "Seems this is a major base for them since scouts and aerial recon report a well-fortified encampment. With everything that's been happening, nobody could have been able to build such impressive fortifications in a short time while fending off enemies in the frontlines"

"So we're basically at the border of Legion Territory?" Vivian said

"Yes. If we manage to push through here, we'll be marching on Legion territory from here on out"

"Finally!" Owen said "So where's their capital?"

"The pre-War city of Ensenada" Ellie answered "But we're thinking too ahead. Our focus, for now, is to push the Legion out of New California"

"So what's the plan?" Marta asked

"Despite the bombs, the pre-War structure around the border are still completely intact. I won't mince words. It's a fortress. The numerous pre-War AA guns and anti-tank cannons on top of the walls will make short work of our forces if we just charge forward"

"Funny how the Legion is using 'modern tech' now" Owen remarked "Can't we just bomb it with mortars or something?"

"No place to position them. Terrain is too obstructive. It'll take a while to position them which we don't have time for. Our mortars are a better alternative but we need to get closer than where we are now"

"So what's the plan?" Jonas asked

"There's a small forward operating base positioned just close to the cannons' range. The terrain should be good enough to place our mortars and from there, we can start raining death on the fortress. Once the fortress defenses are weakened, we'll swoop in and take it"

"What time's the operation?"

"We'll move out in 3 hours. Be ready by then"


Wolf Pack and a few Rangers move through the ruins of the old freeway, neutralizing Legion sentries in their way.

They soon stop at the end of the ruins as the rest of the freeway still stands above them. The target base is right next to it though the soldiers have to cross a small open area.

"Vivian" Ellie said over the radio "On your mark"

On top of a still intact freeway, Vivian and a few NCR snipers take aim.

"Copy that, commander" Vivian responded, aiming her Barrett at 2 Legion soldiers, one of which is standing behind the other.

The sniper holds her breath. "Taking the shot"

Seconds later, her bullet pierces through a Legionnaire's head and lands on his companion's chest.

The other snipers open fire as well, neutralizing the enemy soldiers in front of Wolf Pack as they charge forward, guns blazing.

Several more Legionnaires emerge from the tents and makeshift barracks. They return fire but are easily gunned down.

The base goes quiet but Wolf Pack stays doesn't move from their position by the base's entrance.

The base was silent though the sound of gunfire still echoed as the other NCR units continue battling Legionnaires in the other areas.

"What are we waiting for?" a Ranger asked "The base is clear"

Ellie peeks at the base. Only the dead Legionnaires are plainly visible. "Something's not right… Why is the base lightly defended? I'll take point. Freeway team, provide overwatch. Suggest using thermal scopes"

"Copy that" Vivian responded as Wolf Pack and the Rangers cautiously enter the camp.

"Marta. Vivian. Do you see anything?"

"Nothing on thermal" Vivian responded

"All's clear" Marta answered

As the squad nears the barracks, Talon suddenly turns to their right.

"Watch out!" he shouts as he turns his left arm into a shield

Almost immediately, enemy soldiers appeared literally out of nowhere and opened fire on the surrounded soldiers from the right, left, and front.

Talon blocks oncoming fire from the right as the rest return fire on the enemies on the left and front.

Ellie recognizes the advanced armor and gas masks of the enemy.

"Vault-Tec!" she shouts as one Ranger is shot in the lower left part of his torso

"We got the left!" the Ranger leader said "You guys handle the ones on the right and front!"

"Talon!" Ellie commanded "Shield the front! Jonas! I need explosives!"

"Roger!" Jonas said prepping his China Lake as Talon shifts his shield.

The second the right flank was exposed, Marta and Owen laid down heavy suppressive fire onto the enemy soldiers while Ellie kept the enemies on the barracks roof at bay.

Jonas quickly launches grenades on the right flank, decimating the enemy ranks.

Just as Wolf Pack turns their attention on the front, 2 enemies armed with missile launchers, emerge on top of the barracks.

"Missiles!" Ellie shouted as Wolf Pack neutralizes one

They quickly turn to the other but another enemy soldier shields his comrade.

The enemy soldier was about to launch a missile but a .50 caliber round drills through his skull.

"Target down" Vivian said over the radio as Jonas launches more grenades in front, damaging the barracks but neutralizing the enemy soldiers there.

The remaining enemy soldiers were quickly neutralized and the camp was eventually overrun by the NCR, who begin placing the mortars.

An hour later:

"This confirms it" Owen said inspecting one of the bodies of the enemy soldiers "These really are Vault-Tec soldiers"

"That explains their tactics" Jonas remarked

"But why didn't they appear on thermal?" Vivian wondered

"That's a good question" Marta added "No stealthboy or stealth suits can hide from my eyes…"

"These don't look like Chinese Stealth Suits though" Owen responded "These are exactly the enemy uniform we saw back in Washington"

"How about optical camouflage?" Ellie suggested

"Camouflage?" Marta wondered

"I remember the US military tried to create something as an answer to China's stealth suits"

"Wasn't that the stealthboys?"

"No. There was another project"

"So you think Vault-Tec has access to top secret pre-war research?" Vivian asked

"I wouldn't be surprised if they did"

"Still" Marta interjected "What's the difference?"

"Optical camouflage is different. Instead of projecting a stealth field, optical camouflage blends the uniform with the environment"

"But that still shouldn't have kept me and Vivian from seeing them"

"That's true…"

"Remind me again why we can't just strip these guys and analyze their equipment?" Owen asked

"We tried. Me and Vivian checked the equipment. All we found out is that these suits are more advanced than power armor. Other than that, all of the suits are too damaged to analyze further"

"Well…" Talon interjected "… At least we know that Vault-Tec is here and quite possibly aiding the Legion"

"Something isn't right here" Marta said "Why would Vault-Tec want to get involved here? What will they gain by exposing themselves like this?"

Ellie rests her chin on top of right index finger and thumb. "Now that you mention it… It doesn't make sense why they'd expose themselves…"

Talon turns to the Enclave commander as a NCR Ranger approaches her.

"Commander Neumann" he said "The mortars are ready. General Parker has ordered all units to mobilize"

"Right. Wolf Pack battle stations! We commence with Phase 2!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Wolf Pack and NCR Army units all gather at the very edges of their sectors, barely coming into ranger of the border fortress' cannons.

The sound of mortars echo as shells fly past them.

Ellie stares at the fortress' massive walls as the mortars neared their targets.

"What the fuck?!" she uttered as a red glow envelopes the walls

The mortars hit their mark but the walls still stood strong, looking exactly the same as it did seconds ago.

"How is that possible?!" Marta shouted

Ellie did not respond. She simply stood there and stared at the now ominously glowing red fortress.



Ezekiel and Miguel sit on a barren meadow on top of the cave leading to their shelter.

Sitting on stools, the 2 initiates play a game of old maid with Ezekiel having 2 cards, a Queen of Hearts and a King of Diamonds, left while Miguel still has 3.

"How much longer before we're done with guard duty?" Miguel asked as he dons a poker face before raising his hand

"Another hour" Ezekiel replied as he carefully selects a card from Miguel's hand, who had this sly look on his face "And stop complaining. It's your fault we got punished with guard duty in the first place"

Hovering his hand over the leftmost card, Ezekiel notices Miguel's eyes twitch for a split second.

With a confident smile, Ezekiel grabs the card. "Damn it!"

It was a joker card.

Miguel chuckles as Ezekiel shuffles his hand.

"You got one hell of a poker face" Ezekiel remarked as Miguel carefully selects a card

Ezekiel dons his best poker face as Miguel hovers his hand over the initiate's cards.

Miguel smirks as his hand stops just on top of the joker card.

Ezekiel squints his eyes.

"Well it's an acquired skill" Miguel replied as he suddenly takes the King of Diamonds, which was next to the joker

He smirks as he puts down a pair of Kings, Diamond and Spade. "One more pair"

Ezekiel grunts and shuffles his hand as his opponent chuckles. "Sly little bastard"

"In games like this I have to, don't I?"

Miguel hovers his hand over the rightmost card, which was the remaining Queen.

Ezekiel smirks and squints his eyes as Miguel prepares to grab the card.

"This is a joker, isn't it?" Miguel taunted with a smirk

"Maybe" Ezekiel replied with squint eyes and a confident tone

After a few minutes of staring, Miguel moves his hand over the other card. "This is the Queen, right?"

"Could be"


Miguel hesitates.

"Come on" Ezekiel said with a smirk "You only need to pick the right card so get on with it"

"I'm not gonna fall for your taunts"

After another few minutes of staring, Miguel finally takes the leftmost card. "Shit!"

Ezekiel laughs. "I told you all you had to do was take the right card"

"How was I supposed to know you meant it literally?! Still… Well played but it's your turn now"

Miguel shuffles his 2 cards before Ezekiel reaches out his hand.

Once again, the two don their best poker faces.

Ezekiel hovers his hand over the leftmost card.

Miguel doesn't react.

"Joker?" Ezekiel asked

"You think?"

Ezekiel then moves his hand to the right. "Maybe this one?"

"Come check it then"

Ezekiel swallows his spit as he continues staring at his opponent, who maintained the same poker face throughout.

"50-50 odds, eh…" he muttered as he switches his gaze on the two cards "I wonder if he's using the same trick he used a few minutes ago…"

With an exhale, the initiate grabs the left card.

"And that's the game" he said with a smirk before putting down a pair of Queens

Miguel chuckles. "Damn it… You got lucky, you bastard!"

"Well luck did play a part in it but I figured-"

Ezekiel stops speaking as the familiar sound of vertibirds echo from a distance.

The two initiates grab their guns and stare at the oncoming vertibirds.

"Grandpa's back" Ezekiel said

"That was fast…" Miguel responded "They were only gone a couple of hours"

"I wonder what they did this time"

"Hold on… Why is one of the vertibirds firing flares?"

"I don't see any missiles… Something's wrong…"

Ezekiel quickly bends down to grab the radio on the ground.

As he does that, a bullet flies behind his head.

The initiate quickly aims his rifle at the source of the shot but finds only the familiar post-war scenery.

"Miguel!" he said "You saw that?"

"Saw what?"

"Someone tried to shoot me. Almost got a headshot"

"I didn't hear anything"

"Stay alert then. They may have stealth boys and silenced guns"


As Miguel raises his rifle, a bullet lands on his left shoulder.

The initiate falls to the ground, clutching his shoulder.


The enemy fires a burst, prompting Ezekiel to go prone. "Miguel! Are you ok?!"

"Other than my shoulder feeling like shit, I'm ok"

"Miguel. Use my radio. Call an alert"

Ezekiel throws his radio to Miguel before running behind a large rock as the enemy fires upon him.

He scans the horizon but still only finds the post-war scenery, not a single enemy soldier in sight. But he hides once again when the enemy fires bursts on his position.

Desperate, Ezekiel grabs a flash bang and a pulse grenade. He estimates where the shots came from before throwing his flash bang first, followed by the pulse grenade.

The flash bang stuns the enemy soldiers while the EMP grenade causes several white uniformed assailants to suddenly appear.

Standing out like sore thumbs, Ezekiel was able to neutralize 5 soldiers before the rest hid behind whatever cover they could find.

As he continues to exchange fire with the enemy, Ezekiel hears the hangar doors open and the vertibirds all land on it, except for one.

A lone vertibird hovers above him and opens fire on the enemy soldiers. The soldiers inside then drop a rope and drop down.

"Grandpa!" Ezekiel said, recognizing the armor of one of the soldiers

"Ezekiel!" Raven responded "Evacuate the base!"


"Get back to the base! We're evacuating!"


Ezekiel picks up Miguel and ran towards a hidden hatch. Miguel descends first as Ezekiel hesitates.

"Jane! Charles! Left side!" Raven commanded "Paul! They're using optic camo suits! Thermal is ineffective! Use pulse grenades!"

Ezekiel closes his eyes and finally gathers the courage to retreat. "Good luck, grandpa!"


San Ysidro Battlefront:

Wolf Pack and General Parker gather near a vertibird as its propellers start spinning.

"You sure about this plan?" Parker asked

"It's worth a shot" Ellie replied as Wolf Pack enters the vertibird "Just be ready to move once that red glow disappears"

The aircraft lifts off but flies away from the fortress.

Upon reaching a pre-war mall, the vertibird stops and slowly ascends into the cloudy sky.

"Vivian" Ellie said as Vivian checks her Pip-boy

"20 miles out" she responded "Coordinate correction. Turn 30 degrees to the left and head straight"

After a few minutes, the vertibird reaches the map marker.

"Mark" Vivian said as the pilots stop the vertibird

Ellie then opens the sidedoors. "Ok. You all know the plan"

Everyone nods before activating their stealthboys and jumping out of the vertibird.

They quickly deploy their parachutes, slowly descending towards the glowing red fortress below.

The searchlights moved past them but the enemy did not detect them.

As they neared the fortress' roof, Ellie and Marian cut their parachutes, landing on top of two legionnaires.

Ellie quickly plunges her hidden blade on one while Marian breaks the other's neck just as the others land behind them.

"Everyone accounted for?" Ellie asked as the stealthboys wear off

Everyone nods as Marian and Vivian break off and rappel down the wall to a balcony.

Inside the fortress, the two sneak their way through the surprisingly intact hallways eventually reaching a locker room with 2 female legionnaires chatting inside.

"Since when did women start serving in the Legion?" Marian thought as she signals Vivian to hide behind the lockers

Marian peeks at the corner, seeing that the 2 soldiers have their sides facing the lockers. Their peripheral vision would surely detect them if they tried to sneak behind the legionnaires.

She looks at Vivian, who signals her to lure the enemy soldiers to them.

"Are you sure?" Marian signals back

Vivian nods, prompting Marian to knock on the locker door. The noise attracts the attention of the 2 soldiers, who slowly walk towards the lockers. Both Wolf Pac members lean against the lockers' edges.

Marian stares at the floor, seeing the shadows slowly getting longer.

Upon spotting a foot, Marian grabs the legionnaire and pins her to the floor before placing her left arm over the enemy soldier's neck.

As the other soldier attempts to draw her pistol, Vivian lunges from behind and places her right arm over the legionnaire's neck while her left arm is positioned over her wrist, forming a cross, and begins to pull.

Both legionnaires try to resist with one placing her hands over Marian's face while the other tries to pull Vivian's arms away.

Once the two finally lose consciousness, Marian and Vivian strip them of their clothes before hiding their bodies inside a locker.

Now disguised as legionnaires, the two soldiers casually walk through the hallway, eventually reaching the door to the command room.

"2 guards" Marian whispered

"Neutralize?" Vivian replied


The two continue to slowly walk to the door as the guards take notice.

"Halt" one of them said "State your business"

"Just came to report on our latest reconnaissance" Marian answered

"Reconnaissance? You scouts were supposed to have that reported to your commander! Do you not remember the rules?"

"Oh… um… I forgot… Sorry…"

"You forgot? Who are you? What is your unit? Who is your commander?"

"Well… I tried"

Marian sucker punches the guard on the left before grabbing the right guard's face.

Vivian draws her knife and slashes the left guard's throat while Marian breaks the right guard's neck.

Just as quickly, Marian searches the bodies, looting a keycard from one of them.

"Ready?" Marian whispered drawing her silenced World War 2 model M1911

Vivian nods before drawing her silenced Glock 18.

Marian swipes the keycard on the reader.

The second the doors open, Marian fires her pistol at the nearest guard, getting a headshot.

Vivian follows up with her own headshot on the adjacent guard.

Luckily, the door is in a corner of the room enabling the two to drag the bodies outside into it before closing the door.

With a nod, the two soldiers casually walk into the command room, firing upon anyone inside.

"Clear?" Marian asked

"Clear" Vivian replied s she checks on one of the terminals

"Commander" Marian reported over the radio "We're in the command room"

"Excellent" Ellie replied "Disable the enemy guns and find out what's causing the walls to be invulnerable"

"Stand by. Vivian's on a terminal"

"Roger that. Casualties?"

"I estimate about 20 dead but we did incapacitate 2 female legionnaires"

"Female legionnaires? That's new"

"I know. Makes me wonder who's leading the Legion now"

"Enemy guns disabled" Vivian said "Commander. The terminal says that a device called an 'Iron Curtain' is causing the red glow and invulnerability"

"Iron Curtain? Sounds pre-war. What is it?"

"Terminal doesn't say much but says here it was an old Soviet project. Seems like pre-war America managed to steal either blueprints or the real thing. Anyway, according to these entries, it emits a red electromagnetic field that makes anything it touches indestructible"

"Indestructible… Can we blow that thing up?"

"Yes. The device can't make itself invulnerable"

"Good. Where is it?"

"It's underground. Southeast of your position. I suggest moving to the Southeastern wall and rappel to the ground. You should find a door there that leads to the device"

"Roger! Everyone let's go!"

Ellie leads her team through the roof, covertly eliminating any guards in their way.

Upon reaching the southeastern point, Talon and Owen rappel down the wall while Ellie and Jonas cover them.

As Jonas was about to rappel down, Ellie feels the barrel of a 10mm pistol behind her back.

"Commander!" Jonas said as Ellie signals him to rappel down

Jonas obliges.

"Well. Well. Well" A familiar male voice said "I haven't seen you in a while"

"I heard you escaped" Ellie replied, slowly turning around "Johannes"

In front of her is the former rebel commander, wearing a brown trench coat, black gloves, and a bowler hat.

"Nice to see you too, 'doctor'. Or is it 'commander' now?"

"Heh. I find it ironic that an esteemed Enclave officer such as yourself is working with Vault-Tec"

"Vault-Tec? What makes you say that?"

"Don't play dumb. Vault-Tec attacked your prison. You're the only one that escaped or, at least, successfully escaped. Earlier today, my team engaged Vault-Tec soldiers. And now you're here. Too many coincidences, don't you think?"

"Cat's out of the bag, huh?"

"So all that shit you spouted at me was complete bullshit then"

Johannes shakes his head. "No. I still stand firm to what I said. Everything I've done and will do is for America!"

"For America? You're still holding on to the Enclave's image of the old world? Don't make me laugh! Working with Vault-Tec totally negates that purpose!"

"Eh… Not like I care what you think"

Ellie squints her eyes before quickly swatting Johannes' right arm to the side. She flicks her right wrist and thrusts it towards Johannes' lower torso.

The Vault-Tec agent smirks before sidestepping to the right. He grabs Ellie's left arm and twists it on her back before aiming his silenced 10mm pistol at her head.

Ellie ducks just as Johannes pulls the trigger and steps on his foot, causing him to recoil a bit. She breaks free from his arm lock and attempts to stab him with both hidden blades.

Johannes skillfully redirects Ellie's left arm away from him while parrying the right blade with his pistol.

He then knees her before whipping the back of her head with his pistol, causing her fall to the ground.

"Come on" Johannes taunted taking a few steps back "I no longer have the FEV in my system. Don't tell me you need to go berserk again just to even have a chance"

"Don't get cocky, bitch" Ellie replied picking herself up

"You should try a different tactic. I'm all too familiar with the Assassins' fighting style"

"Heh. You only know based on the ones you fought. You might be surprised to see that there's more to this fighting style than you think!"

"Hohoho. So you met the Assassins then? Khorosho"


Johannes suddenly fires his pistol, hitting Ellie in the right shoulder but her wound quickly regenerates.

She then charges forward and notices, for a split second, Johannes flicking his left wrist causing a hidden blade to appear and pivot to the left.

He grabs the blade, brandishing it like a dagger, before parrying Ellie's attack.

"A hidden blade?!" Ellie said

"You think I wouldn't fight Assassins and not keep any of their old toys for me to practice and use?"

"Grr. You bastard!"

Ellie then charges forward once again. The two exchange blows but both easily parry each other's attacks. The two eventually end up in a deadlock, both managing to grab each other's arms.

As they struggle to gain the upper hand on the other, the ground suddenly shakes causing Johannes to lose his balance a bit.

Ellie takes the opportunity by kneeing Johannes before finishing it with a headbutt. Her adversary is blown back as the fortress' red glow disappears.

Almost immediately, NCR mortars begin hammering the fortress.

"I guess your friends are a bit more competent than I thought" Johannes said standing up

"It's over, Johannes"

"Over? The more things change, the more they stay the same it seems"

"What do you mean?!"

"You're still as naïve as ever. Mark my words! Tread carefully. You wouldn't want to end up as another person's pawn like last time!"

"Like hell I'm letting you get away!" Ellie shouted as she charges towards him

"You still have a lot to learn!"

Johannes then brings out a small metallic ball and throw it to the ground, creating a smokescreen.

Ellie is disoriented for a bit, allowing Johannes to escape.

As the smoke clears, Ellie stands there, bewildered, as the sound of gunfire and vertibirds echoes around her.


Wyoming Shelter; Near Vertibird Hangar

1 hour later:

"Here comes another wave!" an Assassin shouted as he and the other defenders open fire on the assaulting Vault-Tec soldiers

Behind the defensive lines, Ezekiel and Miguel drag wounded comrades to Helen and the other medics, who are providing first aid before carrying the wounded to the evacuating vertibirds.

As Ezekiel lays a wounded man to a stretcher, he overhears his grandfather speaking on the radio. "Charles. Report!"

"We're pinned down on all sides! We can't reach Vaile!" Charles replied

"Damn! Can you fall back?"

"Negative! We're cut off and surrounded! Captain it looks-"


"Grandpa!" Ezekiel said as he, Miguel, and Helen approach Raven "I think we can help"

"Help? How?"

"The vents. We can go through the vents to bypass the enemy and reach the others"

Raven normalizes his breathing. "Good idea… Where can I enter?"

The 3 initiates guided Raven to a vent in the corner of the hangar.

"Ok" Raven said "You kids stay back. I'll take it from here"

"But grandpa!" Ezekiel replied "We want to help too!"

"Out of the question. Vault-Tec are a whole different kind of enemy! I can't risk having you 3 fight!"


"Sir" Helen interjected "If I may, the vents are like a labyrinth. Traversing them alone may take up valuable time and Zeke & Miguel have travelled through them before"

"You two went into the vents in the past?"

"Um…" Ezekiel said with a hint of awkwardness "…Yes"

Raven sighs. "I guess your rule breaking activities have its perks. Fine… Lead the way"


As the 4 were about to enter the vents, someone shouts "Ezekiel!"

"Mom?" Ezekiel responded turning around

"Ezekiel! Where are you going?"

"It's alright honey" Raven interjected "I'm with him. We don't have time so just have faith"

Ezekiel's mother ponders for a moment. "… Alright. I'll leave him in your care, dad"

Raven nods as the 4 continue into the vents.

A few minutes later, the 4 stop near a grate, below it is a hallway.

"We should be south of our allies' position" Miguel said

"Ok" Raven replied as he slowly opens the grate "Let me take point"

The commando drops down and cautiously looks both ways. "Clear"

The other drop down and follow Raven as he goes against the wall on the corner of the hallway.

Peeking through the corner, Raven spots an entire squad firing upon Charles' position.

"Charles. Do not open fire on your south. We'll take care of the enemy there" Raven said over the radio "Looks like we're in for a fight. You kids ready?"

"Sir" Helen replied "Allow me to do something"

"What is it?"

Helen then turns a knob in her left gauntlet and peeks at the corner.

She looks at every soldier carefully, most were armored save for one that appears to be wearing an officer's uniform.

Helen then breaks cover and aims her gauntlet at the enemy soldier before firing a dart that lands on his neck. She then hides behind the wall.

"What did you do?" Raven asked

The enemy soldier places his right palm at the back of his neck as he begins to breathe heavily.

Seconds later, he aims his rifle at another Vault-Tec soldier and fires. The enemy soldier is hit in the head.

Chaos erupts within the squad as the officer opens fires on his own men and despite being shot several times, was undeterred in his killing spree.

After the last enemy soldier is killed, Helen breaks cover and is spotted by the enemy officer.

He tries to shoot her but he had run out of ammo, prompting him to pick up his knife and charge towards the initiate.

Standing her ground, Helen flicks both wrists as her hidden blades pivot to the left, enabling her to wield them like daggers.

She parries the berserk man's attack with her right blade and slashes his left leg with her left.

Still undeterred, the man continues his assault.

Helen dodges several attacks before managing to stab his right arm and slashing his throat with her left blade.

The man chokes for a few seconds before finally falling to the ground, dead.

"That was amazing" Ezekiel said "Though I still don't understand why you love the pivot blade so much"

"Heh" Helen replied "We all have our style, Zeke"

"Enough chitchat" Raven said as they made their way to Charles

Upon reaching Charles' position, the 4 reinforced their position and engaged the Vault-Tec soldiers, eventually managing to repel the attackers for the time being.

"Thanks for the save" Charles said as he orders the other initiates to retreat

"Where's Vaile?" Raven asked

"In the meeting room"

"All of you retreat now. I'll go get Vaile"

"But Raven!"

"No buts! That's an order!"

"Alright… Come on! Let's go!"

Raven presses forward while the others retreat back to the hangar though Ezekiel looks back towards the direction his grandfather came…

He ponders for a moment and runs towards his grandfather, the others failed to notice him.

As he runs towards his grandfather, he encounters two Vault-Tec soldiers, who open fire on him.

The initiate instinctively hides behind a pillar and returns fire with his MP5k.

"I don't have time for this!" he shouted as he throws a smoke bomb at the enemy

The initiate then breaks cover and shoots both enemy soldiers in the head before proceeding with his objective.

He eventually reaches his grandfather, who is taking cover behind 2 overturned desks and is pinned down by enemies on both sides. He throws another smoke bomb and neutralizes the enemies behind Raven before running to his grandfather's side.

"Ezekiel?!" Raven said "What the fuck are you doing here!"

"I came to help, grandpa!"

"Goddamn it! Fine! Stay close!"

Raven then throws a flashbang before breaking cover and neutralizing the stunned enemies.

After another few minutes, they finally reach the meeting room. Inside, Bercisc Vaile is sitting on a chair situated at the center of the long table sipping wine. He was relaxed and looked as if he's reminiscing a memory though his right hand is closed into a fist while resting on the armrest.

"Vaile!" Raven called "We gotta go!"

"No" Vaile answered "This is it for me"


"I've contributed all that I could. I have nothing more to offer"

"What are you talking about?"

"I've provided everything that I can provide. Now, I'm just dead weight"

"I'm not understanding your logic here! We don't have time! We gotta go!"

"Go without me. You already have everything I gave you. Facilities, supplies, intel… I can't provide any more. I don't want to be a burden any longer"

"Burden? But…!"

"Let an old man die on his own terms. I'm content knowing that I'm leaving this world in capable hands. I'll activate the shelter's self-destruct before they kill me so get out as fast as you can"

"Vaile… Are you sure about this?"

"… Yes"

"Over here!" a Vault-Tec soldier shouted from the hallway

"Godspeed, Vaile…" Raven said

"Grandpa!" Ezekiel said pointing to a nearby vent "We can escape through there!"

The two enter the vent as the Vault-Tec soldiers surround and aim their guns at the former CEO.

Raven stops for a moment and watches from the vents, Ezekiel does the same.

"So…" Vaile said "Is Oppenheim gonna talk to me or are you just going to kill me outright?"

Without a word, one of the soldiers hacks into a nearby terminal. He then connects the large screen inside the room to a communication link. Oppenheim appears on screen.

"Bercisc" Oppenheim said "It has been a long time… old friend"

"Alec… Came to watch me die?"

"You know me. I love to watch the executions of those who betrayed me. Still, I am quite curious. Why did you betray me? You had everything. Power, money…"

"The sins we've done and the destruction we've brought is unforgivable. All I did was make amends to those sins"

"Hahahaha! Ever the religious moron… It's blind beliefs like that which made the old world what it was"

"And you think you're not promoting the same kind blind belief?"

"I am different. I don't ask these people to believe in something abstract like an ideology or a fictional being. I simply ask them to believe in someone who has proven to give results"

"Hahaha… Your hypocrisy knows no bounds"

"Say what you will. Your words and that idiotic conviction you have will be grounded to dust just like what I did with Karl"

Alec chuckles as he opens his right hand, revealing a detonator. "Heh… You can't control everything, Alec"


Vaile presses the button and the shelter begins to shake as alarms blares all throughout the base.

"Time to go!" Raven said as he and Ezekiel quickly made their way back to the hangar.

Shortly after, the surviving defenders board the last vertibirds and fly away as the shelter self-destructs.


Hidden Vault-Tec Facility, Zion Canyon

Inside what looks like a server room, Laura grabs a Vault-Tec scientist by the neck and pins him to the wall with enough force to cause him to cough.

Alarms are blaring throughout the facility as the Rufus and Alexander barricade the door.

"Now" Laura said pointing her Maria at the scientist's face "You are going to tell me what you did to the people of this area"

The scientist groans as Laura tightens her grip. "Not going to talk?"

"W-We were conducting experiments o-on white noise and hallucinogens!"

Laura tightens her grip even further. "Why?"

"I-It was ordered b-by Mr. Oppenheim"

"So Vault-Tec thinks they can use people as guinea pigs again"

"P-Please…! I-I told you everything I know!"

Laura then let's go of the man, who collapses to the floor coughing.

"Open the terminal" Laura commanded as she aims her gun at the scientist

He obliges. "Th-There! Please let me go"

"Thank you for your cooperation"

Laura then shoots the scientist point blank in the head.

"That's a little brutal, don't you think?" Rufus remarked as Laura checks the terminal

"Can't risk letting him live" Laura replied checking the files on the terminal

"Yeesh… You're pretty brutal… I thought New Vegas was supposed to have had it better than the other parts of the country"

"If you lived through the things I've experienced, you'd understand"

"Oh don't underestimate my ability to empathize with you"

"Wait. You might want to see this"


Laura leans back as Rufus checks the terminal.

"Son of a bitch…" he said upon reading the file.

Re: Battlefield report

Confirmed Legion retreat to Mexican Border. NCR forces have surrounded one side and have besieged the fortress. Only a matter of time before it falls.

Once it falls, NCR troops will most likely push into Mexico. Initiate cleansing operations upon their entry through the border. The Legion must not fall. Orders are to decimate both NCR and Legion ranks and make it appear to be a devastating battle between the two. Leave no survivors.