"I'm the Lieutenant's Wife"

At dawn, everyone were settled around the wooden table at the kitchen and started to interrogate Guida.

" You were very eager to see my wife, here she is." With his gentle eyes looking at Magee seemingly awaken her heart for the upbeats .

" She's beautiful. I thought she's a Filipina." Guida have finally realized how Edmund described her though she looked at Magee annoyingly.

" Yes, I am. Just don't look at me according to what you thought I am but on where I was born and raised makes me one - jus sanguines. Singod da sini kanato piga rason, kanami ini, pig singod nilan kami sini, pero awon isab kanato responsibilidad ngani ( this is usually our reason, this is ours, and they did it to us, but we also have our responsibility here ) then she gently put the folded Philippine flag on a white cloth in the center of the table). She is the reason if why we're fighting against the real enemies. We need to protect this motherland - protect her. Its how a woman nourishes every family of her own.

Yes, I am a Filipino. My mother was a native here and my father's a foreigner but I don't see any difference. Still, we both belong here."

" Now, that you've met her I guess there's no point of comparison now. Though I have a proposal to you. Once I could do it, will you stop the agony for your parents and anything else behind. I loved this family and ever since I belong to them." Then George gave a sort of half-smile.

" What is that, Sir." She bowed her head pinching her finger.

" I will try to take back your parents. If that's the only way you'll not betray us anymore."

She'd avoid eye contact to George but still gone straightforward.

" Its just that I liked him, not maybe exactly that point but seeing him watering and taking care of those flowers for his wife made me ran out of words. And when I learned that its you, Hakanori's pride, the woman who tormented my parents instantly turned me out sideswept. He disgust me too much because of you." She looked at her angrily.

" I won't challenge you anything childish, he's already an adult and even knew you're coming for him, but sadly you've got my married brother. Stop flirting to married people and let's just team up to retrieve your parents. We don't even tell Edmund about what you did to my brother, nevertheless petty. My man is mine but if he'll loose me to catch you, my life would still be the same and will never be wasted. Think of that so if I were you, don't tempt him anymore and stop pressing his back, it isn't working. I won't either be jealous. I'm not proud as a woman but I believe to only touch what's mine. Stop getting envy of me, hmm...my foster grandpa, mother, brothers were murdered. My biological father is about to sacrifice his life for this war, my biological mother died for giving birth of me, I became wanted for escaping from the setup wedding, Filipinos want to slay me for thinking that I was the reason why their loved ones were badly imprisoned. These have nothing to get envy with. Our lives are diff'rent, you run your time and I'm driving mine. You're good on something while I'm worst at it but there are things I can do where you cannot. Its all about facing the reality now and doing our thing. You've got loved ones, I've got mine though we can still reach out to one another as a big family. Hopefully, katingon da kita, ining mga usog doon sa harapan ta wa da ga iglain kanato. Kanak mga lumon Filipino isab yaan silan. (let's stop, these men in front of us didn't anymore treat us - as strangers. Even my brothers are also Filipinos. So, I ask you to join hands with us in preserving lives, Guida - you are special to us and we need you.

She'd finally woken up from the dungeon of her insecurities and cried. Quite the moment turned out placid with the spring's rhapsody and she somehow ended up covering her face from shame.

George was looking at Magee, so deep and contagious. He wanted to say something on her but everyone's listening at her talking.

"She's really grown-up and there's no reason anymore to delay our marriage. There's none." George thought.

"So what's up Guida. You may tell us." Albrecht said.

" I'm sorry for everything. I'm going to seriously lay down my part for the country and avoid personal issues. I'll tell my brothers to do the same. Guida was teary eyed again.

"Its alright Guida, I'm just reminding you that I'm the Lieutenant's wife and that I exist." Magee heavily said.

George looked at Magee with his sober eyes and immediately adjourned the meeting. On the same moment, Baldur accompanied Guida in going out. Despite shame she apologized to Baldur who was then too silent and didn't mention anything even a single word but just smiled at her.

After a short while, Magee quickly stood up and returned to her room without her knowing George had followed. He even was the one who closed the door.

"Hey, hey, why you're here." George, don't look at me that way, it sinks me. He began moving towards on the edge of her bed. However, George isn't blurting anything so she spoke again.

" Alright! Stop. Talk to me, what do you wanted to say." Magee smiled like fainting.

" I'm dying to marry you, I love you very much." He whispered.

She was looking up at him and deeply breathe as he arranged her hair out of the forehead, then carefully arranging them while waiting for her answer.

" George, you're caressing my forehead, its not anymore my hair."

" Gosh!" He backed off and seated then suddenly shook his head while facing the ground floor. Then there was that deafening silence.

" Yes, I'll marry you."

" He seemed had risen from the dead and could not believe her saying it and stood up. His smile almost reached to his ears.

"But, you, you....have to listen to me first. The dating continues, let me fully experience the dating stage, I'm just 20." Then she was teary eyed.

He moved closer and stood stoically in front of her.

"Yes, yes...I understand. I know, I know what you're afraid of. Shh...let's just marry and put it in the journal. The more I'll take care of the angel fruit and the daisies. But we'll enjoy the dating stage...you'll have it all, I'll wait...I really understand. I know you trusted me so well, it would be alright."

"This is something I could preciously look back 40 to 50 years from now. But I can't exactly tell you what's in my mind, its really awkward."

"Of course I got it. You don't know to say it anymore, its given with those daisies and angel fruits. Hmm, maybe you only want a proper wedding to preliminarily keep me in."

" Heavens! that's too harsh to hear but true." She shyly smiled and avoided his teasingly gazes.

He smirked and looked up while putting his hands on waist.

" You'll be officially the lieutenant's wife before this day becomes tomorrow." He turned around to excitingly inform Fr. Matias but she moved closer before he could open the door, blocked his way out and put her hands on the door while facing at him and spoke.

" Am I doing right? Will you not be hurt in the process? Will you be patient for waiting? Can this be..." She stopped talking as he had stolen a speed of the light soft kiss on her cheek, prolonged with wasted seconds that froze her to death - like a statue it silenced her before he rushed to get out bearing the guilt of his first stupid act on her.