Its All About George

The cliff overlooking the river and vastness of the sea. Its windy all over and the sun has hibernated. So they sat on a rocky surface where there was just a short guava tree above them that looks like umbrella. Then they exchanged glances and smiled as they sat side by side.

" Why you liked it here? of all the places and what are those old blank papers and pencil?" He smirked while tying his hanky on her wary hair.

" I'm going to interview you and will write a biography. Hmm...if you accidentally lost out of sight, I know where to find you and when people will ask your identity I can easily trace your whereabouts. Also, I will verify the facts to my brothers whether you are telling the truth or not. But I'm not saying you're a liar, no, not." Then she smiled.

"Haha! really? Wow! I loved it! So, I'm ready!" He pressed his head then winked at her.

" You will only answer the truth." Magee said.

" Of course, I will." He counter reacted.

" Tell me about your parents, as a child and the place where you grew up."

"My mother died of a terminal cancer since when I was little. But my biological Dad (because your Dad is my Dad too) and he always deny that my mother has died. He kept telling me I can see my Mom, one day. My Dad, is a naval officer, a Vice Admiral (VADM) and been sailing on ships in his lifetime. Busy as a bee, they had several seaborne transportation of supplies and sent those to drop zones and sea ports where U.S. military base were. They carry equipment, fuels and war weapons. He seldom visits me and when he did, he left me to your Dad's house and we all hang-out with your brothers together. I have a sister named Madelleine, we're not really that close, she's as young as you but had a difficult character. Since 12 she already had 30 boyfriends, Albrecht is the 31st. Huh! You are her complete opposite. She's Dad's daughter from the other woman he found elsewhere. But still, I loved my sister.

As a child, I learned about bald eagles. My family always went on a summer vacation each year to the northern part of our state. We stayed at a place called Greenwood place in St. Germain. It is a six hour drive straight north from our home. It is in the "north woods" an area of Wisconsin that is a great forest and with many lakes. We stayed in a cabin right on the water's edge.

My father taught me the difference between bald eagles and ospreys. He said it was important to know if you were going to be a serious bird watcher. They are similar in size, live in the same area and have similar colors ( although the osprey is a little more grey in color). When they are soaring high overhead, they look almost identical because you cannot see the white head of an eagle unless you had a pair of binoculars. The way that you can tell them apart is the shape of their wings when they fly. An osprey's wing is jointed in the middle which gives it a little bit of a "V" shape to the wing. An eagle's wing has no joint, it is straight across. When either bird is flying very high in the sky, it is the only real way to tell them apart. Both of them are beautiful, wonderful birds of prey.

I used to go out on our pier early in the morning and lie flat on my back and watch the bald eagles soaring overhead. They would always come out early in the morning when the lakes were quiet and calm. Bald eagles are great fisherman, they will soar and circle over the water for a very long time, never flapping their wings, just floating on the air currents. When they spy a fish close to the surface of the water, they swoop down and scoop the fish up in their talons. There are very large fish that they catch because eagles are very large birds. I was so happy for the eagle when they were very successful with their fishing trips. They often had youngsters, aren't they called eaglets Mag? haha! then back in their nests that needed to be fed, so fishing was a daily routine for them. Their nests were enormous too. They were always in the very tops of trees and always in a dead tree, so they were very easy to see.

The main reason that I enjoyed watching the eagles on their fishing trips was because more times than not, it took numerous catches before they were able to take a fish home to feed their young. The reason for this is because when an eagle would carry a fish on his talons, other birds would try to steal it from him. They would do this by flying directly at the eagle, as if they were attacking it. Whenever an eagle would catch a fish, there were usually three or four similar birds that would almost immediately start an aerial assault against him. When these other birds flew at the eagle, the eagle would through up his talons to try to defend himself and in the process he would drop the fish back down into the water. These smaller birds would then get a free meal from the fish that the eagle had let go. It was an amazing scene, one of those things that happen in nature that we can do nothing about, all we can do is watch and enjoy. I always rooted for the eagle because I felt sorry for him that these other birds were stealing his meal. It often took him several tries, but eventually he would get a fish back to his nest to enjoy. Its how I enjoyed life to get rid out of stress by also hiking through the woods in coniferous and deciduous forests teeming with small animal life like rabbits, squirrels, deer, chipmunks, possum, raccoon, skunks and all sorts of birds like woodpeckers, hawks, falcons, owls and the ocassional eagle. It was in those early years of my life that I developed my curiosity with animals. I would hike deep into the woods, find a comfortable spot and would spend hours observing nature right in front of my eyes. Not only was it a great reliever of my own stress, it was special to learn how animals coped with theirs as well." George sighed and looked at her.

" Wow! there's so much fun in your pastime and place., you write your home complete address, you also include a landmark, your height, approximate weight, blood type, just write everything necessary for a background investigation." She awkwardly smiled.

" Ah, haha! this is such a long examination that I haven't studied on. But this is exactly exciting." He slightly touched her brow and smiled.

"What have you done on my brow?"

"I just arranged it." He kept on smiling.

Its almost dusk when he was done writing.

"Wow! the shore looks great, look at it, George."

"Hey, haha you brought the binoculars of Albrecht. So here, I'm done, hope this will lead you to find my place while I'm here."

She turned her head on him and spoke.

" Will you not be returning there?"

" If you won't go with me, I won't leave this place, my wife's here."

She was silent and went back to using the binoculars again, citing Gabok area.

" Hmm, how many girlfriends you've been way back there?"

" You simply asked me that question because your eyes are not on me ha, but I've got six girlfriends since 15 - 20 years old." He smirked and suddenly choked.

"'ve got long-term relationships with them.

Each of them or in random months. How did your relationships went by, you may tell me some." She smiled while focusing on a direction where the Gabok bridge was located and had a stable eyesight on the area.

" Ah, haha! Yeah, its in random years. I slept with them. I've got a problem with the last woman, she bribed me but then, we're done. Ah, this seems awkward."

" Did you kiss them all?"

" Yes, because I slept with them." He almost fainted and worried where the interview may go.

" Hmm, I see. Ah, How do you find me as someone you loved?"

" Wow! daring. I felt I owned the universe because my backups are my two Dads and the brothers. She is respectable, tough like Spartan , smart and the most beautiful. She is very sweet and charming. Haha! I felt like an anchor man and a teenager for having this solo interview while overlooking the world. But seriously....I love her very much." He bowed his head.

" George, look that part beside the Gabok wooden bridge." She whispered and moved very close to him but still holding the pair of binoculars. Then suddenly handed it to him.

When he was citing the Gabok bridge, he immediately knelt to gain balance and found out that the bridge was nowhere to find. It was already disconnected.

" Where are Guida, Edmund and the rest?" He was puzzled while looking at her staring at him.

" Why?"

" Nothing." She smiled while looking back to the sea.

" Why?" He asked twice.

She was silent while pulling the sleeping grasses from the surface.

"What are you thinking? tell me."

" our marriage contract, the town governadircillo had no signature nor the barrio captain. It was the priest alone, is it considered legal."

" Ah, haha...this tickles me really. Don't worry I'll find the Governadorcillo and the Captain of the next barrio and would ask them to sign on our contract. Your Ina Lolita had really taught you very well, my salute to her for giving you such wisdom. Albrecht and I will go find those authorities."