

"What the-!" Leonard jumped up in shock from his chair about to scream at Haley before realising that there was now a Luna Card on his desk, with a greedy expression he picked it up and waved it behind his neck.

"How the!" The fat pig said in shock as he saw the amount of Luna on the card, 'Where did this stupid kid get 1,000 Luna from so fast? What does he want?' Leonard eyed him cautiously, him placing the card in his pocket didn't go unnoticed by Haley, however.

Haley sneered in his heart at the action, but this was the best opportunity for him to strike, "Payment for this month and last month's rent and some extra on top – all I want is out." He said slowly, the first half of his sentence caused Leonard to see a walking bag of cash as he stared at Haley but the next quickly dragged him back from his delusions.

"You want to leave?" He said slowly and muttered it several times, "Do you think it's that simple?" Leonard looked up with a vicious grin before pulling out the card and throwing it back at him, 'Do you think you can escape my clutches that easily? How naïve.'

Haley was visibly shocked by this; he'd never seen the pudgy bastard give up a chance to make some extra cash but looking down at the card now back in his possession he couldn't help but revaluate Leonard.

"If I want to leave do you think you can stop me? As long as I pay you, there's nothing you can do if I don't return." He said confidently, he'd laboured in the bottom of the old man's basement for hours for this moment and he wasn't just about to let go of his freedom simply because he was told to.

Leonard snorted and pressed a button on his desk, "Do you know what I do to people who don't cooperate?" He said with a malicious grin, "Money is anything in this world but sometimes… some things are more valuable than all the Luna on the goddamn planet."

Haley just looked at him in confusion, he couldn't remember a single time that he'd ever offended the man, he'd always tried to be as polite as possible because he was the only one that would allow a man with as much debt as him to stay in the apartment building even at such an inflated rate.

'It has to be something to do with that damn professor, this has long gone past a minor grudge… What did I do to offend them to this extent?' Haley thought nervously as he waited for building security to arrive, he knew that there was no way to escape and running would just prolong the inevitable, Leonards office was only accessible by a private elevator and the only set of stairs was DNA Locked; 'If I had enough time I could hack through the door but there's no way I can beat this guy…' He eyed the massive ball of fat with a brain and estimated he had a less than 10% chance of escaping if he tried anything against him.

Leonard seemed to realise what he was doing and sneered at him while opening a bottle of whisky on his desk and pouring himself a glass, "It's not too late to take back your words ya'know? I can be a very merciful man; all you must do is continue being a tenant and pay me 1,000 Luna a month from now on. Simple right?" He said casually as if Haley had any other option other than yes. Seeing his hesitation, he put forth the glass, "Want some?" He didn't even give him a chance to reply before he downed the glass with a gulp, "Wasting good liquor on a dead man would be pointless…"

'A dead man? What the hell is he trying to kill me?' Haley's mind grew flustered as he quickly asked, "Dead man? Are you gonna have them kill me?" He asked quickly and as calmly as he could although he could feel his hand trembling slightly despite his best efforts.

Leonard gave a hearty laugh before looking him in the eyes, "I told security to take their time the next time I pressed that button just for this moment, just to see the look of despair on your face! Yet nothing! You truly are a heartless bastard, yes, I'm going to kill you! Cry, beg, do something!" He roared but seeing that Haley simply looked at him without the slightest change in emotion he calmed himself and relaxed back into his chair.

"Do you wanna know why?" He asked, Haley nodded slowly, "You probably don't remember this, you would've been what? Ten? I don't know how you did it but you gained access to a private chatroom, one where I was making a business transaction that would've made me and my family rich! We could've escaped this fucking rock! We took so many precautions, we even spoke in code to reduce the risk of it being traced back to us and what?! A stupid kid joins and starts to mock us! The client left the chatroom without hesitation and informed us that he would never do business with my family because we couldn't be trusted!" Leonard who had calmed down gradually began to shout louder and louder, he jumped out of his chair and spit sprayed Haley as he roared in anger.

"TooGenius4You huh? How does it feel? How does it feel being tracked down and having your life made a misery! It was me that convinced those loan sharks that you were an easy target, it was me that paid your professor, that gold-digging bitch, to make sure you never passed! It'll be me that ruins your life!"

Haley who had tried to look calm throughout this period couldn't help but show a look of shock as he looked at Leonard. Shock, anger, pain and regret. All of these ran through his head as he looked at the man, "Why... why now?" He couldn't help but ask, if he wanted his revenge, he could've done so years ago but why only now did he act?

"You want to ask why? It's because you tried to escape! I wanted you to feel despair, I wanted you to beg me to stay even when you couldn't pay for your apartment but no! You came and asked me to leave, I couldn't wait any longer…" Leonard said calmly, he'd managed to reign in his emotions, but Haley could still see the hatred in his eyes as he stared at him.

Haley took a deep breath, 'So this is karma?' He asked himself bitterly, 'If I'm gonna die anyway then why do I need to make it easy for him?'

Haley took a step forward, "What I want to know…" He began, taking another step closer to Leonard's desk, "What I really want to know…." He said taking another small step, putting the distance between him and the desk at barely ten inches.

"What are you trying to pull brat!" Leonard roared as he stood up, slamming his hands on the desk as he stood. He was fast but Haley was faster, he grabbed one of the pens on the desk and stabbed with all his strength through Leonard's hand and into the desk.

"Arghhhhh! You fucking brat! You think you'll have a peaceful death now; I dare you to try escape!" Leonard screamed as blood began to stain the desk as he tried to pull his hand from the desk.

Haley just looked at him coldly, "I don't need to escape, all I need to do is kill you!"

Author Note;

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