[Old Man]

- Start of Lunuva Planet Arc -

Haley arrived at one of the city import gates which to his surprise was the Rural Zone, 'I guess it's fate.' He thought quietly, he didn't have anywhere else to go after all. He could only silently hope that the old man didn't question his ragged appearance.

'Those drones could be quite useful in the future as well.' Haley schemed as he thought of the potential uses for them in the future: Scouts, Workers and even Guards – there were so many possibilities depending on how he changed the code, all he had to do was some 'minor' tinkering.

Haley laughed at the thought of having his own army to rely on, 'That pig bastard will get what's coming to him, I just have to be patient.' The thought of repairing all those damaged drones quickly dampened his mood, it would take him at least a few months to repair their bodies let alone change the code on any of them.

With a sigh he found the gate control panel which was, unsurprisingly, locked because they weren't expecting any imports. Fortunately, just because it was locked didn't mean he was locked out per say; 'Just need to pry this off.' He thought as he forcefully pulled off the front panel to access the back, the mess of cables was akin to an already solved maze for him, with trained precision he found a port only to realise that he had nothing on him but the clothes on his back.

"Fuck." He muttered, 'Do I really have to wait? The imports only come in every few months, I'll starve before then.'

With his back turned to the panel while he was on thought he didn't notice a slim cable seemingly reach out from the back of his head, it skilfully weaved its way through the air and attached itself to the port. A short three seconds later it retracted itself and Haley heard the "Ding!" of the gate being unlocked which caused him to jump slightly.

"The hell?" He said puzzled as he turned back around to see the gate panel now had a green light replacing the red indicating the gate was now unlocked, in confusion he scratched his head and did a once over of the wires and the port but couldn't find anything wrong.

Seeing that nothing was out of place he replaced the door lock panel to make sure no one realised it'd been tampered with and clicked the button causing the gate to silently lift revealing the fields of the Rural Zone on the other side.

Without slight hesitation he walked through the gate, upon seeing no one was on the other side he calmed down and closed the panel behind him to make sure no one realised he had passed through and started to walk along the dirt road that was leading towards the city.

Like before he didn't notice, or hear, the door panel turn from green to red as if nothing had happened.

The city had long since entered night mode, there was an artificial image of the moon hovering across the sky, supposedly to remind humanity of where it came from and that they always had a place to return to.

The walk along the dirt road was long but gave Haley plenty of time alone to think, he passed several farmhouses, but he was still quite far from the old mans home. It gave him time to think rationally about how he was going to get his revenge, 'Luckily they think I'm dead, ghosts can work without fear.'

Haley wanted to completely wipe him and his family out, he wanted to destroy them completely for almost killing him. But to do that he had to improve himself first, fighting alone was basically suicide for a second time.

It was early morning by the time he made it to the old mans home, the Rural Zone was truly too large for him to navigate in a single night – it was only by sheer luck that he went along the right dirt roads that led him here, albeit getting lost a couple of times along the way but that was besides the point.

The walk up to the farmhouse was quicker than the rest of the night had been, in only a few short minutes he was walking for the front door much to the surprise of the old man who struggled to jump out of his chair only to realise it was him and just as quickly sit back down as if nothing had happened.

"Well the hell you been boy?" He questioned nonchalantly as if he hadn't just panicked that someone was invading his home, Haley simply smiled and walked towards the basement leaving the old man to silently fume at him for ignoring him.

Haley heard the old man call from behind him, "Breakfasts in an hour! You better have your ass back up here or else the only thing you're eating is the pig-slop rations they have us store!"

Haley shook his head with a wily smile and descended into the darkness, the piles of drones were a mountain of potential for him right now.

"Time to get to work." He muttered then with dramatic gusto he picked up the first drone, which was harder than it looked because despite their small design, surprisingly they were heavier than they appeared.

He was done with the first one in a minute flat, this one only required a replacement blade and nothing more but despite that it wouldn't turn on even after he made the repairs, 'A problem with the software? That's new, I didn't think I'd ever get the chance to get a good luck at how the government drones were programmed before I graduated.'

He subconsciously went to boot the computer only to remember this wasn't his home, the computer the old man was working with was a relic of a far distant past; 'Can these even interface with the drones?' He groaned, he did a quick test only to discover that the tech was completely incompatible with one another, he would need something similar to his own desktop to work on it but it was impossible for him to return to his old apartment and collect it, it had probably already been gifted to one of the pigs subordinates for 'good work.'

'Luckily I make a habit of logging out every time I go on the web otherwise someone would have full access to my accounts…'

Bitterly Haley decided that he needed to put off reprogramming them for the time being, he didn't have enough money to replace his current tech so it would be best for him to work with what he had unless…

"Dammit! These things can't even connect to the damn network, what the hell am I meant to do?" He had tried to access the Mod Market and see if any of his modifications had sold but it was impossible with what he was working with.

[Connect to the 'Internet'?]

Haley was stunned to see the black text of 001 appear in front of him silently as he was trying to deal with his current dilemma.


[001 Status Update: Users race has changed from native 'human' to 'human-cyborg' in the database. 001 will continue to monitor and record data of current civilization before initiating the Apocalypse Program in approximately 201 Days, 12 Hours and 32.42 Seconds. End of Report]