
[Analysing Modification…]




[Modification 'Power Boost' has exceptional potential, proceeding with analysis of point upgrade cost.]

Haley waited patiently as 001 finished its analysis, he enjoyed moments of silence like these – despite 001's mysteriousness there were still things that even it needed a few moments to process, it proved that even it wasn't a perfect being despite its seeming omnipotence.

Of course, that didn't mean he still didn't see 001 as an immensely powerful being but considering it a simple tool would be a mistake considering its capabilities, it was better for him to accept that he was now sharing his body rather than the sole inhabitant.

A few moments later 001's analysis was complete causing Haley to stop his train of thought eagerly as he waited for the text to fully appear before him.

[What version does the User wish to upgrade the Modification to?]

It asked simply, Haley had thought about simply increasing it by one version to see what sort of abilities a simple 0.1 increase in the modification's version would do but before that he had another question in mind for the AI.

"You mentioned before that modifications have a limit, right? Like how Medical Analysis was completed at v3.0, how do you determine the limit?" It was a question that he couldn't help but be somewhat curious as to what the answer was, it was something that could potentially impact his future development of modifications – if he knew what exactly it was that determined the 'limit' he could take measures for the future to increase the limit theoretically.

A few moments passed with silence; Haley was half expecting 001 to simply state he didn't have the authority to know receive the answer to such information but for once he was pleasantly surprised.

[The 'limit' that a Modification can be upgraded to is based on how many flaws remain in the program, theoretically 'Medical Analysis' is perfect in its current state.]

"So, in theory there's a way to exceed the limit?" Haley asked curiously in wonder, it was only now dawning on him that his knowledge of modifications was severely lacking in comparison to 001.

[Yes. But 001 is unable to do so. Additionally, the User is severely underestimating the capabilities of this system if it believes that only my knowledge of modifications is more advanced than this civilisation.]

Haley wanted to hit his head against the desk at his own stupidity, 'Of course it doesn't, an artificial intelligence on the same level as 001 would be a top-secret government project especially because it seems to have free will.'

But that fact of course raised the question as to where 001 was from to begin with, Haley was certain that it wasn't of human origin but humanity was certain that no other race existed in the universe other than them currently, the ruins of extra-terrestrial civilisations was proof of this but as to what exactly had happened to them? That was a mystery that scholars and scientists were still working to discover.

"So what else do you know?" He asked impatiently.

[User has insufficient knowledge of other areas, 001 has deemed that such information is useless for the User so it has been locked.]

"Are you fucking with me? Seriously?" He shouted in rage, 'This fucking machine, I swear!' He gritted his teeth in anger as he seethed with rage.

Unexpectedly however his rage seemingly disappeared after a few moments as if suddenly subsiding, yet Haley didn't notice anything wrong with this, he accepted this rather unphased instead. After a moment he nodded his head calmly as if thinking of something and simply shook his head with a wry smile.

"That's fine, how many points will it cost to upgrade 'Power Boost' to v1.0?"

A few moments ago…

[Emotion Outburst Detected!]

[Enforcing Suppressant Protocols.]

[Subsiding Users Rage….]




[Outburst subsided.]

[Determining likelihood of additional future outbursts…]



[There is a detected 74% chance of a future outburst occurring under current assimilation protocols, allocating more resources to PA Protocols.]

[Estimated Time to completion of assimilation: 234 Days 10 Hours 19 Minutes and 3 Seconds.]

[Estimated Time deemed acceptable, continue observation of User.]

[To upgrade 'Power Boost' to v1.0 a total of 120 Points is required.]

Haley took a small gasp at the number, it was more than upgrading Medical Analysis to its final version had been, 'Dammit' He cursed in his mind but allowed 001 to continue the upgrade regardless.

[Please wait.]

Haley sighed and started to work on some miscellaneous tasks to keep himself occupied as the progress bar slowly ticked upwards from zero.

He moved around to check out the progress that the work drones had done on the base: the entire flooring of the basement had been replaced by white self-cleansing concrete, the concrete had genetically modified bacteria on the surface which ate through any waste left on the ground, it as specifically structured to only target certain things such as dust and harmful bacteria and leave any 'other' materials alone which meant that food waste and the like still had to be disposed of manually.

He walked down a corridor towards a new room he had been developing, a sliding door opened automatically to reveal a group of work drones labouring to carve out more chunks in the wall while reinforcing the structure of the basement to ensure it didn't gave in on itself.

The room that they were developing was a training room, he had expended quite a bit of cash on buying protective plasma plating walls which could absorb any sort of impact whether that be a laser rifle or the impact of a Level 4 Luna or so it was marketed as.

The room had several uninstalled weight training machines, a strength-measuring device and a full-body analyser which could detect the overall capabilities of the body and compare them to statistics already built into the machine such as the data of a Luna.

'I'll have to use a few of these after 001 finishes its modifications so I know my true limits.' He thought as he nodded in satisfaction, a mere week had been enough for a full makeover of his hideout and for overall improvements to be made.

Of course, originally a training room hadn't been a part of his plan but he had considered it necessary after he had recruited Antares, a place for the kid to develop his potential was necessary after all.

"If only holo-rings weren't so expensive." He muttered bitterly as he looked at an empty corner of the developing room, a holo-ring while more expensive than the black-market trainer he had hired for Antares it allowed you to compete virtually with others with your basic statistics at the same level so battles became a contest of technique rather than strength.

As Haley was bitterly regretting his now lacking funds 001 appeared having finished the upgrade of 'Power Boost.'

[Power Boost v1.0: A Modification created to specifically boost the ability of a human, anyone with this modification installed will continue to develop even while going about their daily life – the speed of development will also increase of the User actively trains their body. Additionally, the User can activate an 'Adrenaline' State forcefully for ten minutes which will boost all of their capabilities, including their reflexes, by a factor of ten for the duration although they will experience a state of fatigue for thirty-minutes following the activation.]

[Theoretical Limit: v10.0]

Needless to say the potential of this modification caused Haley to grin as he eyed the weight machines that were currently being set-up by the work drones…