The badass and OP villain's actually a... WHAT?

Good? Not best? All three of them were stupefied, especially Holbe was shocked. Oppoa was only good? She couldn't breathe and scratched at Vil's hand.

On the other side, Glimpse Water blanked. He truly spoke like a villain. That was the OP and badass, the real badass character.

Prota only had eyes for Frozen Milk but couldn't deny that Holbe's life was also in danger.

Choose one of them? Who could make that decision?

"You can't," Holbe choked out, "If I die, Frozen Milk won't be able to survive. I'm the only one who can heal him!"

Was that a selfish statement of Holbe? But if Frozen Milk died anyways and she lived, she couldn't save him in the first place.

However, if Holbe died then no one would be able to save Frozen Milk and they couldn't let a person die. Even if they weren't close to her as Frozen Milk was, she was still their... friend, no?

Glimpse Water and Prota were frozen on the spot.

Holbe glanced at them, were they able to get her intention? To draw out time?

It wasn't the best way to give them more time but Holbe couldn't die. She really was the only one who could save Frozen Milk.

She wouldn't be able to rest in peace if Frozen Milk didn't make it either. What could they do? What was possible? If only... if only Holbe could transfer her powers.

"Choose now," the grip on Holbe intensified, she could barely stay conscious.

The silence in the room was overwhelming to the point it suffocated each of them until it stifled their sense of morality and justice.

One thought coursed through their minds: If Frozen Milk was conscious, he'd know what to do.

But he laid there, needing them to save him.

With the last bit of energy Holbe had left, she kicked the villain as a decoy and put all of her force on removing his hand as his grip weakened trying to deflect her leg.

Holbe was free and crawled towards Frozen Milk. Glimpse Water and Prota moved in sync as they both grasped the opportunity and attacked the villain.

Holbe spent the tiniest bit of her power on subduing at least the black threads before the villain grabbed her by the neck again and flung her away.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw how Glimpse Water and Prota were defeated, laying on the ground. There was no chance they could win.

The villain was too strong. Holbe desperately fought to stay conscious to witness how the villain approached Frozen Milk.

"No..." her soft whisper faded into the air to become nothing.

"Is he really that important to you? So important that you weaklings are willing to risk your lives?" Vil wrapped his hand around Frozen Milk's neck.

"Since you can't choose, I'll choose for you."

Even though the three of them were far away from Frozen Milk, they could still see the colour fading even more from his face.

Move, move, move-

Each of them commanded their bodies but they wouldn't listen.






Inside Glimpse Water's head, his system rang.

"You want to make a deal?"

"What deal? No, it ain't matter as long it saves father."

"Fine, I can give you a power-up for a minute however it'll cost you."

"How strong?"

"Enough to render the villain immobile."



The moment the system disappeared. Glimpse Water felt a surge of energy and power elevating his body. In this room where there were only a sofa and two chairs, Glimpse Water grabbed the chair and smashed it on the villain's head.

Unfazed by it, Vil still turned around and reached for Glimpse Water.

Glimpse Water dodged and took Vil's arm to fling him to the other side of the room. Not only Vil but everyone present, including himself, were surprised.

"Holbe now!" Glimpse Water called her awake from her gaze and he dashed to Vil to smash him further against the wall.

40 seconds left.

Yet Holbe couldn't move but she was suddenly lifted up and Prota carried her to Frozen Milk before he collapsed.

Holbe pushed herself further over the limit to heal Frozen Milk.

Stop the spread of the threads. First, remove the ones around his heart and his organs and then heal them.

Holbe knew she had to speed up as she heard the loud fighting sounds Glimpse Water and Vil made. She had no idea what Glimpse Water did but she figured he couldn't hold on for long.

Holbe started to heal Frozen Milk's heart.

3 seconds left.

Glimpse Water was smashed to the ground.

2 seconds left.

Vil raced to Holbe.

1 second left.

Holbe needed more time, only half of Frozen Milk's heart was-


Holbe was again flung away and laid on the ground. This time she fell unconscious.

Holbe, Glimpse Water and Prota were at the end of their powers. They lost and didn't witness anything anymore after they fell into a dark pit that enveloped them and forced them out of reality into a dangerous slumber as their wounds relentlessly poured out their blood.

"I'm the strongest. There is no way anyone could ever defeat me," Vil spit out blood and stretched his body.

He had to admit Glimpse Water was able to subdue him, but it wasn't enough. He was an amateur and didn't know what to do with the fighting power he suddenly got.

"Now," Vil stared at Frozen Milk, "It's your turn."

Vil's hand hovered over Frozen Milk's neck.

40 seconds was all Frozen Milk's body needed to catapult him briefly back conscious. His system also played a hand in this, but it was unknown how much or how.

Frozen Milk awoke and locked eyes with the villain's gorgeous ones. It took him a second to process as his system flooded information into his mind.

"Fuck," was the infamous word Frozen Milk said the first thing he woke up and for some reason, Frozen Milk couldn't stand the intense eyes of the villain and used his precious middle and index finger to stab them into his pupils. Hard as he could at least.

Vil staggered back and fell to his knees, "You! What kind of hidden power is that?"

"What? Stabbing your eyes with my fingers? It's a common thin-" Frozen Milk's vision fell on his characters.

He felt anger welling up again as Vil cowered on the ground holding his teary eyes. Frozen Milk wanted to vent his rage but his body was too weak to comply. Frozen Milk tripped from the sofa and fell onto the villain and laid on top of him now.

"Fuck," Frozen Milk cursed again as his hands sought to get a hold on something and instead fumbled around on something hard and pointed.

Once again, Frozen Milk and Vil locked eyes. Vil knew this feeling he could recall it again; it was the all-familiar feeling he felt that day as he wandered in a jungle and met a guy who sexually harassed him.

Vil could clearly feel it as Frozen Milk's hands fumbled his chest and even grasped his nipples. Vil trembled underneath Frozen Milk's touch.

Frozen Milk widened his eyes. WTF? He was so flabbergasted he actually pinched Vil's nipples quite viciously.

"Ah~" Vil couldn't' suppress his moan and there was something else that Vil couldn't suppress- it was the hard bulge that violated Frozen Milk's private part on top of it.

Yes, it was this feeling he felt. On that day after being harassed by this male who touched him everywhere and after chasing him to murder him brutally, he realised that he didn't hate this strange feeling.

In fact, he craved for it along with the pain Frozen Milk gave him just now, it was a new sensation Vil desperately yearned for.

Frozen Milk could guess what went on in his villain's head as he saw the intoxicated expression on his face.

"Fuck!" Frozen Milk slapped the villain on the chest, "Stop getting aroused!" but was met with another moan.

His villain! His brutal villain that slaughtered and murdered, that wanted him and the others dead...

His villain, his OP and badass villain... was actually a fucking M!