The secret of the universe leaked

Right after Frozen Milk successfully got rid of his major life-threatening problem himself, he acted like he was the Lord of the world, which in his mind he actually was.

His surprised characters finally froze out of the dazzling spell Frozen Milk bound them with this ridiculous easy defeat and immediately all went to crush Frozen Milk in a hug that ended up on the ground.

If anyone was to see this, they would probably think a fivesome was happening on the pure shore and Vil's army would come to get rid of them and dethrone Vil as the future king.

Especially Prota clung onto Frozen Milk, "I'm so glad nothing had happened to you. When you were taken away my heart almost stopped!"

"Yet all you did was pathetically wanting to jump into the water to swim after father and die," Glimpse Water rolled his eyes as he pulled Frozen Milk closer to him.

Frozen Milk was at his wit's end, he just survived the worst catastrophe that could've happened so why did this feel even worse?

"Shut up," Frozen Milk immediately felt his system wanted to hit him with a snarky comment and stopped it before it could say anything.

The system felt wronged, it spent too much time with Frozen Milk, that this pathetic host was actually able to decode when it'd hit him with comedic remarks.

"Host, I just helped you, you could at least be a bit nicer to your amazing system."

Frozen Milk sighed and felt that his system was indeed right, "Alright, you've done a good job. Thank you."

"Hehehehe," the system actually laughed like an admirer who couldn't hide their crush praising them, "Level 2."

"Go and die! Are we still doing this? Isn't it a bit too late for me to level up now? How long has it been? People already forgot this function even existed! Don't try to put it in again after remembering yourself that this has disappeared for a long while! Don't try to rip open old wounds! Where was this eye-stinging level 2 when I needed it? Where? Stuck in your ass like congested food needing to be sucked out?"

His system was offended and felt even more wronged, it just wanted to give Frozen Milk a nice present after he actually thanked the system for the first time, but now it realised again what a scum its host was and didn't bother with him. It rather went and complained to the other inferior system of Glimpse Water.

"Hubby? Are you alright? You are spacing out! Of course, it must have been too much for you, here let me heal you. Put your head in my soft lap," Holbe grabbed Frozen Milk's head and the latter almost was able to taste ecstasy when he was pulled up and found himself thrown over Vil's shoulder.

What was he? A sack? Even rubbish was treated better than this! He just saved the world so what was this treatment? Was this how you treat your holy saviour and creator? Just you wait youngster, you will experience the wrath of this God here and-

"My Lord, please punish me for this later."

Frozen Milk couldn't see it but he could definitely hear it, that perverted and lewd look on his villain.

Damn! Frozen Milk just wanted to be praised and rest for his hard work but all his stupid characters did was to act according to their own pleasure.

Vil carried him away while the other three cried injustice and followed along. Frozen Milk just let himself be treated like a potato sack and if he was honest, he had to admit this wasn't too uncomfortable.

While they went through the jungle back to Vil's palace, Frozen Milk had enough time to think about what had just happened.

"System, what will happen to the presence?"

His system debated if it should answer Frozen Milk or just pretend it didn't hear him and continue to chat with the other inferior system, after all, Frozen Milk treated it worse than a sack of potato.

But then the system figured it was the bigger person and couldn't act so petty like Frozen Milk.

"He will be transmigrated like host wished."

"Transmigrated where? No, don't tell me to another one of my stories."

Frozen Milk really hoped not because if the presence really was sent to one of his other stories, it would become even more twisted and hateful because who wouldn't? Who wouldn't with that shitty writing ability of Frozen Milk's?

"Host shouldn't worry, the council of system won't let this happen. Even if it is to punish the presence for threatening the order of the universe they couldn't let him suffer like this."

Ok but making me suffer like this was ok? Why did he get more pity than me? HEY! So, being transmigrated into my stories is the worst punishment in the whole universe? Was that it? Was it? Was I then so much of a bad person that I deserve this punishment?

However, as Frozen Milk thought about it, his story now wasn't too bad, apart from the fact that all his characters were attracted to his fucking soul!

"Wait," Frozen Milk cut off his own thought of line, "Council of systems?"

"Oh," the system realised it revealed one of the major secrets in the universe and pretended not to hear Frozen Milk anymore.

"Hey! Don't ignore me, I can feel you sweating, ha! Do you think you can fool me? Now, it's my turn to-"

"System is currently-"

"Again??? Aren't you already past this phase?"

Frozen Milk futilely wanted to continue poking because what was that about a council of system? Frozen Milk knew that there were other systems but a council, didn't that sound like they were exerting their dominance of this universe? Like... no way, they were the rulers of the universe, of the worlds?

"No way," Frozen Milk whispered over and over again.

Were the worlds actually controlled and ruled by systems? By fucking petty AIs? Was that it? Was that the secret of the universe humans have been craving to know since their existence?

Frozen Milk rubbed his temple as he felt a violent shock in his body and passed out, only then did his system stop sweating and could calm down.

If the council of systems knew it had just revealed a major secret like that and that its host was easily able to uncover the truth, it didn't even want to know what would happen to it.

After all, it was one of the best top systems! S-Rank! That was why it was stuck taking care of Frozen Milk as he was condemned to the worst punishment. The system sighed and extracted this memory out of its host's mind.

This was too dangerous. Way too dangerous. The system should continue to exert caution.

As Frozen Milk had his inner monologue with his system, his suitors were bickering with each other.

"Hey Vil, it's not fair, you carry father until here now, it's my turn," Glimpse Water cursed the fact he wasn't as tall or strong as the two main characters.

"No, Frozen Milk would be happier to be with me," Prota's eyes sparkled as he gently looked at Frozen Milk.

"I still haven't gotten to heal him! Hubby even passed out, you brute!" Holbe hit Vil on the arm.

Yet Vil smiled and sneered at them, "He seems really comfortable with me to the extent he fell asleep. Oh, My Lord wishes me to exploit him while he's asleep. I can't wait to get back home as quickly as possible."

"You damn pervert!" all three of them screamed as they saw that crazy infatuated look on Vil's face and swore to immediately rescue Frozen Milk as they heard loud growls.

Vil stopped as the others bumped into him and looked at the scene before them.


Was all of their reaction. This was a normal world, as normal as it could be so where the hell did those monsters come from?


What was going on?
