The true start of the story that was just the prologue the whole time!

Frozen Milk could feel the doom looming over him as it was now Glimpse Water's turn to speak. What kind of nonsense would come flowing out of his mouth?

"I can still remember the first time father and I locked eyes. Father tried to protect me from this brute protagonist as he excused me of harassing a girl."

Sure enough, it was the rainbow-coloured vomit gracing Frozen Milk's mind.

...Did you forget? You actually harassed the waitress!

"And then the words of fatherly love just flowed from his mouth and it was the first time he admitted his true identity! The sight of me made him burn with passion, he couldn't help but view his son, me, as his silver lining."

What the actual fuck? That doesn't even make sense! Stop this bullshit!

"However, I was an ignorant and bratty son, so I disdained my father's love for me and even was disgusted as he lovingly and caringly stalked me for months! Only then could I see his persistence and had to beg for his forgiveness that I was an unfilial son."

I didn't stalk you! I was just making sure you weren't doing bad things and had to prevent you in case anything happened! Stop, twisting my goodwill as a father's incestuous, lecherous way, you maniac! And you three idiots stop biting on stuff to show your frustrations! I repeat, there's nothing to be jealous of!

"As I came to know father's true identity-"

"Enough!" Vil stepped forward, "I shall tell you the story of my Lord's and me brilliant life story."

No, no, no-

"Host, it seems you have a great time. Host being loved it great. I must say I'm jealous myself."

Fuck! Don't come jumping out like this and since when was your fucking monotone voice so emotional and I can hear you trying not to laugh your ass off!

"I was the very first one to meet my Lord just when he transmigrated, yet I failed to notice my Lord's intentions. I can still feel his long, slender fingers trailing up and down my biceps and abs, the desire in his eyes to start a forbidden relationship between a lustful Lord and his lowly subject."

You shut the fuck up! That is absolutely not fucking true! Don't make me out to be a fucking perverted Lord that lusts after his servants! All of you, I'm straight! And wipe that damn aroused disgusting look off your fucking face, you masochist!

"However, I lost my Lord and had to endure the blazing feelings he set into my heart for two years before I could meet him again."

You meant your fucking killing intent, no?

"Finally, when I was able to see my Lord again, I had to embrace him with my strong, warm arms."

You meant you were trying to crush me to death, no?

"And gently wrap my hands behind his head."

You meant you wanted to strangle me, no?

Fuck, stop this! Don't turn your attempts to kill me into some weird sexual shit!

"My husband would never fall for your lies," Holbe couldn't endure anymore. Hearing all those stories her heart grew teeth and wanted to bite all of their heads off.

Frozen Milk was every time from anew mesmerised by his holy beauty. She was indeed the most beautiful person this universe could produce and he created her. Everyone who laid eyes on her would instantly evaporate into tiny air balls to buzz around her so they could be in one way or another close to her.

"You all tremble and behold of our dream and other-worldly romantic love which even puts Romeo and Juliet to shame."

How in the world do you know who Romeo and Juliet are? I've never written this into the story!

"Our wedding was more than magical."

We never got married!

"I still remember the day when my husband stole my heart. As a beautiful bride, I stood on the altar fated and forced to marry a brute when suddenly my saviour crashed into my arms to steal me away."

Fucking hell, don't make me seem like a trash male who steals other's brides! And that was the mayor's daughter's wedding, wasn't it? She was the one who was supposed to marry and you were just a guest and when I crashed into your arms you threw me into a mob of angry guests with disgust! There was nothing romantic about it!

"And after that, after this from God blessed and holy encounter, we'd always-"

"STOP!" Frozen Milk couldn't take it anymore. He was way out of breath trying to justify himself in his mind. The only one who was able to hear his thoughts was the system anyway!

And that android shit laughed and laughed until it echoed in his ears and vibrated in his whole brain. He could literally feel how his brain smacked to all sides of his head.

"Frozen Milk!"

"My Lord!"



Frozen Milk was on the verge of bursting. Not just his patience, his brain, his veins and his eyes but his whole being was threatened.

"If you blimey twats don't let me down this instant, I'll make you all into cannon fodders and raise the normal ones into main characters I love!"

The gasps were so loud, so dramatic and so hurt, Frozen Milk thought he was in a soap opera.

They instantly freed him.

"Guys can we just settle this peacefully?" Frozen Milk rubbed his sore spots but was instantly touched in all those places by his suitors.

Frozen Milk's face blanked to the point it was now his natural expression. It moulded perfectly into the rest of his body.

"Ok, I have Frozen Milk on Mondays for myself!"

And so the fight for Frozen Milk's precious days started. In the end, it was settled peacefully if Frozen Milk disregarded the constant attacks at his ego.

The schedule looked like this:

Monday: Prota

Tuesday: Vil

Wednesday: Glimpse Water

Thursday: Holbe

Friday: Prota/Vil

Saturday: Glimpse Water/ Holbe

Sunday: Frozen Milk

Sunday was the only day Frozen Milk could catch a breath and rest.

Yes, he was like God. And on Sunday he laid rest.

Only difference was that Frozen Milk wished he could lay rest forever.

The adventure momentarily came to a halt. The world was already unified and the only broken and scattered thing was Frozen Milk who was divided into fours for his characters to enjoy themselves with. Frozen Milk wanted to cry.

His adventure was over but his misfortune only grew and grew. This was only the true beginning.