The angry scold about character setting

"You, you, you, you and YOU!" Frozen Milk pointed at each of the characters and lastly at the monster.

It was coming, the load that Frozen Milk had to hold in for too long, would it actually disappoint or top all expectations? It was Frozen Milk, of course, it would disappoint!

"I just fucking woke up! Almost sacrificed my life here and you bloody morons just dare to put me in a twisted spot like this? Do you even really care for me or do you just care for your own pleasure? Do I look like a toy for you to grab by the limps and rip apart? Do I? Come here and look at me!"

Frozen Milk grabbed Holbe's face and stared at her. Holbe turned red. Screw you!

"No! Right? So, why do you keep exhausting me like this? Just give me a break, ok? Give me a break!" Frozen Milk went to Glimpse Water and dragged him to Holbe.

Glimpse Water was happy at the touch. Screw you too!

"Did you guys even worry about me at all??? This monster, you could easily deal with yourself! Yet you play around and want to become the damsel in distress for me the weakest fucking person to save you all? Is that normal, is it?"

Frozen Milk dragged Prota to the other two. Prota rubbed himself against Frozen Milk's legs. Screw you thrice!

"You could easily kill this monster! What if the monster didn't decide to go along with you guys for whatever reason? What if? Imagine, just imagine! Would I still be here? I would have been ripped to shreds, wouldn't I?"

Lastly, Frozen Milk dragged Vil to the troublemakers. Vil was exhilarated. Screw you a hundred times!

"Would there still be a Frozen Milk for you to call and play around with me? You young lot, don't play with this old man here like this! My heart can't take it, I have lived two lives now, almost, so I'm not young anymore to deal with your childish behaviour!"

"And you!" Frozen Milk went to the monster and kicked it. The monster wailed in pain. The system, for its own amusement, gave Frozen Milk briefly a power-up without him knowing.

Frozen Milk was in his element and felt way too superior, confident and angry to think about how he was currently dragging the monster he was afraid of by the ears to his characters and started scolding them all.

"You hybrid! Where the hell did you come from? I don't remember ever creating you! Aren't you at the wrong spot? In the wrong story? In the wrong world? What the hell are you doing here? Go play fetch and return to your old world! I swear if I was strong enough, I would throw the stick so far into the universe it would become another star!"

"Host, this monster was kept by the old king and just recently managed to escape. It was an experiment and the only one of its kind."

"YOU!" Frozen Milk pinched Vil's cheeks and Vil moaned, "Stop getting off here, I'm sincerely angry at you and your old man! I am the old man of your old man, so how dare he piss me off so much and do things without my permission huh? Keeping and experimenting to make a monster, who the fuck gave him permission to do that? WHO?"

"Was it you? Was it another one of your damn ideas you blindly wrote without my knowledge again?" Frozen Milk pinched Glimpse Water's nose.

"I! I! I!" Frozen Milk had to breathe again, he used up too much oxygen before he started to scold them again.

"We're really sorry, Frozen Milk! We were really worried about you. I admit it was childish of us," Prota hung his head low and was sad.

Frozen Milk didn't give in and slapped the soft spot away in his body.

"Yes, it was not our intention..." Holbe also reflected.

Glimpse Water and Vil just nodded because they were too happy Frozen Milk showed them more affection.

This really turned into a twisted and perverted story. Frozen Milk wished his character would return to being normal.

The monster wailed and wagged its tail towards Frozen Milk and said through his barks, I now recognise you as my master and creator, not enemy! I was wrong, please forgive me!

Frozen Milk just looked at it with dead eyes, he had no idea what that monster wanted from him.

The monster immediately wailed again and was aggrieved its creator was so mean to it.

"Whatever," Frozen Milk waved the monster away, "You go and have your fun, just don't harm any humans."

The monster sprang to its feet and barked enthusiastically. Roger that, Master!

With that, the monster left.

"You are not a dog, so why are you barking! Character setting! I swear there's something wrong with all of your character settings!"

"Frozen Milk," Prota cautiously hugged Frozen Milk.

Frozen Milk just let him be and closed his eyes. He was tired and exhausted. He truly used up too much of his strength but then-

Frozen Milk felt like there was something wrong. Why was the monster given more screen time than the actual climax of the story, the bad antagonist the presence was?

Wasn't this too weird?

"Host, maybe the real climax is something else?"

"What could it be?"

"The story changed since host has transmigrated and it is true that the presence resurfaced thanks to you but since you are now the main character, is it not more logical to say that the real climax is who gets to be with host?"

Frozen Milk wasn't able to process. What the fuck did he just hear? The real climax was the battle for his love? So, his character would battle it out to see who would be worthy of him? Was that it? Was his amazing, great (subpar) story changed into a chick flick?

No, you can change the plot but don't change the damn genre!

Frozen Milk couldn't accept this he just couldn't! He looked at all his characters that circled him and wanted to faint over and over again until he would never ever wake up again.

So his precious and life-threatening climax just changed like this! What the hell did he almost die for? Was that just for fun? Entertainment again?

Frozen Milk had to breathe, his thought occupied too much of his mind he even forgot how to properly function anymore.