Together we march, together we... HATE!

It was a bloody sight. Hansel and Gretel's bread crumb path could never match this disaster of having soldiers littered everywhere, bruised and hurt. The evil witch eating children could never match the evil kidnapper taking away the beauty. This was not a twisted cannibalistic story.

Maybe it was just as equally worse.

Frozen Milk didn't dare to turn around and just watched forward without having his legs moving. Prota carried him while skillfully evading the soldiers flying through the air.

Frozen Milk could understand Vil's anger but Oppoa... this crazy fighting maniac was just treating the soldiers as little toys he didn't want to have and threw a fit... with a way too excited smile.

Frozen Milk didn't know where he went wrong with creating this character. However, thinking about it, every character he created had a screw loose.

So loose, once it fell out everything would fall apart and become a clockwork to patch everyone's different parts together. Frozen Milk just for a second imagined the sight and protectively held his most precious place. If he was able to change his small wiener into a-

Prota abruptly stopped and Frozen Milk was thrown out of his daydream he could never return to. It was fine. Frozen Milk didn't have feelings anyway, everyone could just step on him as they please. Frozen Milk sulked but this wasn't the time!

Holbe was taken away but someone in the castle and the soldiers were acting hostile towards them. Frozen Milk needed to get back onto the track and figure out what was happening. Who could be it that had a grudge against Vil? Or Holbe?

Frozen Milk stared at Vil's back. Was it the old king? He figured Holbe's identity as the holy knight's captain out and wanted to enslave her like all the other water people?

Frozen Milk motioned Prota to get closer to Vil. Prota wasn't pleased about it but still obeyed. Once they caught up to Vil, Frozen Milk asked,

"Your father-"

"It's not him," Vil interrupted, knowing what Frozen Milk hinted on, "He's not in the castle."

"What?" Frozen Milk was stupefied.

The old king wasn't in his own house. That old geezer shouldn't even be able to walk and he still didn't rest at home.

"He's somewhere else," Vil didn't glance at Frozen Milk but his expression was complicated.

Frozen Milk was even more confused. He even had the system to help him remember the plot but he definitely would've never created anything overly complicated. Political power? Schemes? Intrigues?

As if Frozen Milk knew about it! His brain cells were non-existent and his abilities as a writer were cursed and loathed by everyone, so where the hell would there be deep and meaningful problems in this shitty story?

Frozen Milk was a simple writer. Even if he wanted, a plot with multiple layers and fully fleshed out wasn't his forte and would only end up as a laughing stock and wannabe attempt.

The plot resurfaced and Frozen Milk recounted what happened. The old king lived in the castle and because he didn't want Vil to figure out the secrets of holding water people hostage, he sent Vil to live in his own mansion. Thus Vil became strong and brutal as he thought his father deemed him as incapable and unworthy.

The other reason was because his useless father sent poor young Vil without any soldiers or help to live alone in the mansion. Of course, Vil would end up as an assassination target. So, in order to save his own life, Vil had to grow stronger and find loyal people willing to stay by his side.

Therefore, Vil developed an indifference towards the throne. His father didn't revoke his right to become the next king but also did nothing to help him. Vil thought since he was the sole blood child of his father that his old man had no other choice but to choose him.

Lips thin as a single strand of hair, Frozen Milk beat himself up into a pulp a thousand times in his mind. What poop-related word hasn't Frozen Milk used already? It didn't matter any bad word he could think of was thrown and attached to this story and plot.

As Frozen Milk was immersed in his own thoughts, the group finally arrived in front of the castle. Yet at the entrance, a group in black was waiting for them.

The moment they saw Vil, they knelt, "Your highness, please forgive us however his Highness does not allow your presence."

The soldiers in black trembled under Vil's cold gaze and imposing manner, "So, you're listening to the words of a lowly scum but not the crown prince."

Frozen Milk took a sharp breath 'lowly scum'? He felt ridiculously called out and it stabbed him in his heart that he identified himself with those words. However, he was clear that Vil knew who the person the soldier referred to as 'His Highness' was and it was not the king.

"Not saying anything?" Vil grew impatient by the minute and the suffocating pressure returned, the soldiers bowed their head even more.

"He took something that does not belong to him," Vil's deep voice raged across the area.

As if those words were a cue, one of the black soldiers brought out a few black handcuffs overlined with a silver circle pattern.

"Then please Your Highness wear this as well for your guests," the soldier pitiful approached Vil in fear his head would be chopped off the second he stepped closer than five meters.

"Please corporate," the soldier couldn't help but sweat until his whole uniform was drenched.

Frozen Milk pitied this character even more, as a lowly cannon fodder himself meeting his villain the first time, all Frozen Milk felt was a sense of dread that prompted him to use his legs he never before used to carry him to Valhalla.

The soldier finally stood in front of Vil and held the handcuff out wanting to put it on, but Vil made no attempts to comply. Frozen Milk eyed the handcuffs and an odd feeling rose.

"What are those handcuffs?" Frozen Milk never saw them before nor had he knowledge they existed.

"They seal our powers," Vil calmly explained but Frozen Milk was shocked!

Since when did something like that exist? More than that sealing power? The great powers of his characters? Wouldn't that just deem them useless then? Put them on the same level as cannon fodders? Frozen Milk couldn't let his characters submit to such a fate!

They'd all die if whoever was the cause of this was vicious enough to dare lay their hands on the main characters!

"That exists?" Glimpse Water traced his glance back to Frozen Milk and Frozen Milk pretended to be asleep.

"Father..." Glimpse Water felt disappointment for the first time.

Frozen Milk felt it, he sensed it and felt ashamed, he instantly called out, "I have also no clue about it! Don't judge me like this! Wasn't it another one of your stupid ideas?"

Glimpse Water widened his eyes and it seemed like his mind tried to uncover this mystery but then shook his head.

"What?" Prota looked between those two and a familiar sour feeling rose again.

"My Lord, do you want to save her peacefully?" the moment those words escaped Vil's face, all eyes turned to Frozen Milk.

The soldiers couldn't explain the confusion they experienced. My Lord? That person in the arms of another man? Their crown prince paying respect to someone else when he didn't even do it to His Majesty?

Was this person that important? Obviously, if he, who looked healthy, was carried by another handsome and strong male!

Of course, of course, of course!!

Frozen Milk knew what they thought and his disdain for everyone at this moment exceeded a number that all his novels' word count together couldn't produce.

Frozen Milk seriously thought about letting Vil run rampage and creating a bloodbath, but on the other side, he had no idea how strong the opponents were and if through that way Holbe would be hurt, then it was a no-go.

Frozen Milk hated these multiple-choice questions. How should he choose? He failed school, ok? It wasn't just a random A, B, C, D whatever, just choose any letter in some weird, random order, it'll all make sense later.

It wasn't this! This here was life and death! So, stop making it a multiple-choice question for me!

Frozen Milk despaired, why was everything dependant on him?