A crying dilemma faced with responsibility

Frozen Milk could already see the end of his life, the demise that would drag him down before the presence even could. He didn't even need to squint his eyes to see the light at the end of the tunnel he was heading down.

Even spending one second with this sadist honey prince Bro would squeeze Frozen Milk's ghost, that should only appear after he died a horrible death and seek vengeance, out.

It was too horrible to imagine, so how should he get rid of the grip that was holding him and brought him step after step closer, served on a silver plate to the grim reaper?

No matter how many times Frozen Milk ran, escaped or hid, it was impossible to outwit the grim reaper because that damn bastard always showed up in new disguises and characters! Was there no end to it?

A sadist was too much to handle for him! Too much! He already dealt with an M, a tsundere, a puppy pervert and a holy wannabe wife! Adding this gallon of oil to a frying pan was set to explode! Frozen Milk's bottom would explode!

Inside Bro's head, this sadist didn't know either what overcame him. All he could feel was Frozen Milk's tender wrist, and all he could see before him wasn't the hallway but etched into his mind vibrantly the teary expression Frozen Milk had when he was caught in an embarrassing situation.

More, what Bro desired was more of those tears, so much he could literally fill a swimming pool. He was going to milk this pathetic yet cute excuse of a human of all his liquid. Any kind of liquid, be it perverted or brutal, as long as it satisfied his pleasure, Bro wanted it all!

He had first thought his brother's beauty was the highlight, the best thing he could steal but he didn't dare to think this weapon was hidden! His brother was too cunning. Way too superior when it came to this.

The hallway had many doors but Bro passed all of them until he finally got to the last one and dragged Frozen Milk inside. It was dark. The curtains were drawn but Frozen Milk could clearly see the large bed in the middle of this room that seemingly only housed this death sentence.

"Come," Bro pulled him until-

"Now cry for me," Bro sat on the bed and narrowed his eyes with a dark smile as he looked at the vulnerable form of Frozen Milk on the ground between his legs.

If he could tie Frozen Milk up with iron cuffs and have him wear a plain white shirt to reveal his tender body, then Bro would really be in ecstasy. Thinking about this, his handsome smile of evil intention grew wider.

What was this? Did Frozen Milk die again when he peed and transmigrated into one of those shitty novels where the female lead was abused by the scum male lead but still goes back to him, and the readers just throw all of their radish hate at the male lead and condemn the author for setting up such a toxic relationship?

If this really happened then Frozen Milk wanted out of here. He would rather take his chance with the presence than be a counterpart for toxicity!

"You don't want to cry?"

Dear magnanimous honey prince, if I could cry easily like this then I could fool even God, but I'm not this amazing so please go easy on me and find someone else to prey on!

I'm a delicate and tender flower that needs to be watered with love and not sadistic pleasure! Go and find your M brother! He would love to be your obedient pet!

"Is that so?" Bro's eyes narrowed even more and the lust in them couldn't be hidden.

"Fuck," Frozen Milk mumbled. He didn't realise that he actually said all those things out loud. He didn't even have control over his own mouth and mind anymore!

This was really his death sentence! His last few seconds are going to be spend crying! He wanted to die as a hero!

"I don't want to die," Frozen Milk begged in his head but didn't realise he said it out loud again.

"Don't worry, you're too interesting to be killed off. I want to have proper fun with you," Bro chuckled.

Frozen Milk took a deep breath before releasing the biggest F- word the world has ever seen. Seriously, where did he go wrong with his characters? Just where? WHERE?

"Then shall I make you cry?" Bro's hand extended and his fingers reached for Frozen Milk's face.

"Not bad," he whispered and stared at Frozen Milk intensively.

This was such a bad experience for Frozen Milk that if he hadn't peed before then he would've wetted himself. Bro might look like honey and bright as good can be but the overbearing and imposing aura that grabbed Frozen Milk told another story.

He was not even this frightened by Vil, but people who hide their motives behind a beautiful smile were definitely the worse of a kind. Frozen Milk experienced it first-hand.

If this honey prince said to cry, then Frozen Milk cried. His fingers softly trailed Frozen Milk's tears and Frozen Milk wanted to cry even more. Press them all out!

He was like a lost lamb in front of the big bad wolf!

"Good boy," Bro was more than pleased. He tasted Frozen Milk's tears and his excited face went from 1 to max level!

Frozen Milk didn't need to be coaxed like this, he cried and cried until his own tears tasted weird. There weren't salty but had an iron taste. He was stupefied.

Bro also noticed the different taste and his expression changed, "You-"

Yet Bro couldn't talk as Frozen Milk coughed blood. It splattered onto the ground and on Bro.

However, Frozen Milk didn't feel pain. He just felt uncomfortable but he could guess what happened. His body was at its limit, the pain killers only stopped the pain but not the threads cutting deeper into his organs.

Out of his mouth, his eyes and his nose, every hole, blood leaked from him and Bro was surprised at the sight. His senses were honed and his eyesight was far better than a normal person's so he could see that Frozen Milk was a blood bag cut open.

Frozen Milk collapsed and felt dizzy. The loss of blood was too much and him handling it was impossible.

Bro jumped up and towered over Frozen Milk. He indeed wanted to see liquid spill from Frozen Milk but it wasn't this sight.

He was helpless, "What-"

"Holbe, the woman you kidnapped, she-" Frozen Milk coughed more blood.

Bro instantly understood and was ready to dash out when he froze. His mind in turmoil. Frozen Milk was only a plaything for him and he was going to risk throwing his plan into the fire to save him?

He couldn't let the beauty wake up and let his brother have the upper hand. The hostage needed to stay a hostage but this-

Frozen Milk was too pitiful. If he didn't save him now, he wouldn't be able to see him cry anymore. Bro wondered what he should do.