You can have his life, it doesn't matter

As if an electric shock went through the soldiers and private force, they all instantly stopped the fighting and told their opponents that the prince was waiting for them in the throne hall.

Frozen Milk and Holbe would also be present.

Prota, Vil, Glimpse Water and Oppoa hurried to the entrance of the throne hall. When Vil saw Oppoa he narrowed his eyes and grabbed him by the neck, "Where were you?"

Vil's low magnetic voice caused Oppoa to grin nervously.

"Your Highness! You're picking on me unfairly, I was fighting with my brother here!" Oppoa pointed at Glimpse Water.

Don't call me brother! Glimpse Water wanted to scream but just nodded his head. Vil was appeased and let poor Oppoa go. Oppoa hugged Glimpse Water.

"Go away, only father can do it!" Glimpse Water had a hard time peeling Oppoa off him and wondered if Frozen Milk felt the same way every time they clung onto him.

The door opened and inside the hall, they instantly saw Frozen Milk's unconscious form on the ground with Holbe holding his hand. On the throne, Bro sat with an arrogant smirk.

"You came? How obedient. I apologise," Bro's words shook everyone, "I mistook her as your lover when in fact it's him."

So many protests from Glimpse Water and Prota were thrown at Bro. This honey prince was almost deaf. He really didn't know who Frozen Milk offended to suffer such a fate. All these men after his hole, who could endure this?

"Ok, settle down," Bro had to be cautious with his words, every wrong move set off an explosive trap for him, "Either way, he's important to all of you."

"If you want the throne you can have it, give my Lord back," Vil deliberately called Frozen Milk 'my Lord' just because he could.

"You always had the habit to exert your dominance over things you really wanted, dear brother," Bro shifted on the throne and his gaze fell on Frozen Milk.

"I not only want the throne but also your life but-" Bro continued, "I am willing to spare you and your friends' life if you give me him."

"You can have their lives, I don't care but my Lord is mine," Vil didn't even need a second to say this. He just threw everyone else's lives away like flinging bogey from his nose.

"I have a better option, you can have Vil's life but give Frozen Milk back," Prota stepped forward and his power leaked.

Bro acknowledged him.

"I got a better idea, you can have both Prota's and Vil's life but father belongs to me," Glimpse Water also stepped forward.

The word 'father' was too strong for Bro, he also acknowledged Glimpse Water.

Frozen Milk was too terrifying, he actually was able to tame those people? Forget who he offended! Who did he lick up to?

However, all of this made Bro want his little toy even more.

"I saved his life-" Bro started but drowned in the storm of curses and attacks.

"Saved him my ass! You were the damn reason why father got hurt in the first place!"

"You have the face to say this? Frozen Milk is too good for the likes of you."

"Bro I should've exterminated you when you turned crooked as a five-year-old."

Exterminate? Was he a damn reptile or what?

Holbe quietly sat there and bathed in the bliss of holding Frozen Milk, but she was also slowly focusing all her energy and power back into her body. In case a fight broke out, she had to be in her best condition.

But the fingers in her hands twitched. Frozen Milk's eyes stared into hers and she was mesmerised.

"Hubby," she softly whispered with so much affection that Frozen Milk thought he woke up in the wrong world. Was this the game 'heaven's beautiful angels all to your service?'

Frozen Milk bathed in the illusion until a cold laugh cut his dream into pieces and Frozen Milk watched with a bitter heart how the pieces floated onto the ground, never to be glued together again.

Bro's sharp laugh sent everyone into a state of delusion.

"Dear brother, have you forgotten why father abandoned me? It was because I was too strong for my own good. You think you can exterminate me?"

Confusion spread around Frozen Milk's head and Holbe caught it and stuffed it back into him.

"Don't worry," she whispered and brushed his hair out of his face.

"I'm sorry," Frozen Milk weakly replied, "It was my fault you got caught up and now you healed me again-"

"It is ok," Holbe smiled with tears in her eyes.

Frozen Milk was petrified. What did he do to make her cry all of a sudden? He was a scum!

"It is nothing," Holbe wiped her tears away, "I am just happy you care for me."

Ah... Frozen Milk felt bad, just a little affection of him towards his characters and they were happy for the rest of their lives. This was sweet yet also sad.

They had to go through a lot, experienced a lot for them to act this way if kindness is shown or a hand reached out to them. Frozen Milk understood because he was the same.

Frozen Milk took her hands and wiped her tears away himself and kissed her on the forehead. This action stunned everyone, "Thank you."

With that, he stood up and faced Bro.

Frozen Milk held his hand up because he knew his characters would go crazy over what he did, so he wanted to shut them up.

With a complicated look, Frozen Milk stared at Bro. This was his character. A character he created off himself.

This was how it was supposed to go but of course, like every other character in his story, in this world, they were all real human beings. They had their own lives and experiences from what Frozen Milk wrote for them, things he never knew and could never be a part of anymore.

They were all living and breathing and weren't just puppets that danced after his pen's trail. They had feelings, thoughts and expectations of their own. Frozen Milk acknowledged that.

This was why it was even harder for him to feel malice towards Bro. Everyone was struggling to live, struggling with issues, problems no one else knew of. They all sought to get rid of things that made them unhappy, find a solution, find a way to cope with life.

So, what right did he have to determine what they should do? Just because he was their creator? Just because he thought he had the authority as an author?

He had no right to judge them and decide that their pain was nothing in comparison to someone else's but what he could do was to apologise for what he did.

"I'm sorry," Frozen Milk told Bro, "I really am."