Behind the red curtains, sounds appear- Bonus chapter 1

Warning: This has explicit smut scenes, if you don't like that, please don't continue to read.


It was one of the many nights where Frozen Milk took up his profession as a newbie dominatrix. One of the nights that lingered in the past and came in the future.

On the red carpet covering the ground, messy clothes laid astray giving off a hasty and intimate atmosphere. Several rather dubious objects that could be viewed as either toys or weapons laid around.

Growls, grunt noises and moans mingled with the occasional wet sounds leading to the lewd pictures on the bed. Beautiful red satin curtains hung around the large king-sized bed.

It sealed off the private area of lust and pleasure, giving a small bay to hold onto in the wide ocean of seduction able to drive one's mind wild with foreboding ecstasy that was so forbidden yet so desired.

Only the silhouettes could be seen through the curtains in the dim light that illuminated the bed while the outside was shrouded in black. The red shine graced the rest of the darkness. A sultry look. A devastating longing kept away.

"My Lord…" a deep and hoarse voice shivering in pleasure burning with desire echoed in the room and made the bed, the ground, the whole room tremble with force.

"N…o- no more…" another lighter, sweet and huffing voice glided like fresh dew on a morning around one's body, like peach blossoms flying in the air. It was pleasing.

"My Lord, you have to properly put in work."

"Aahhh….no…." lewd wet sounds filled the ears of innocence that had long been defiled with corrupted sexual arousal. Moans made the slender and tender man tremble. His pale body was like a milky glaze on top of a doughnut.

It was drizzled all over the savoury dessert to make it sweet, delicious and tempting as possible. This tender youth, his collarbones so enticing, his neck so fair and tempting, his quivering lips biting back the accumulation of ecstasy piled up in one spot.

His long and slender fingers were white from holding on, his toes curled up and his tears glistened in his eyes until a big hand wiped them gently away before it trailed down the slender body, across his neck, down his back then it firmly grabbed the soft buttocks of the male.

The other hand joined, kneading the wonderful butt through the detestable fabric of underwear under their greedy fingers, pressing the youth closer on top of a pulsating organ, grinding both lengths against each other rocking back and forth.

The wetness could no longer be held back. It spread and mingled. The more they rubbed against each other, the more the wetness was used as lube. Smoothly gliding over each other. Again and again.

"My Lord, punish me and I'll let you properly ride me."

"Hngh, ahh….I…can't…"

It was too much pleasure, too much humiliation and too much pent up desire that wanted to be ventured out.

Frozen Milk trembled, his whole body was covered in a layer of sweat and tremendous anticipation. Vil's dirty words made Frozen Milk subconsciously grind his own dick harder against Vil's as he sat on top of Vil.

Frozen Milk could feel Vil's hand pressing his butt together, moving up to his waist rocking him back and forth. While both Frozen Milk and Vil felt pleasure, Vil wanted something more. Hid M side wasn't satisfied but Frozen Milk was almost at his limit.

Yet every time he was about to come, Vil stopped and Frozen Milk could feel their dicks pulsating with each other wanting to release a thick white liquid.

Then, Frozen Milk through his misty eyes, saw the damned handsome smirk of Vil's before Vil thrust once up. His dick against Frozen Milks' butthole. Both groaned and moaned in pleasure.

"Want that, my Lord?"

Frozen Milk almost went wild, crazy from his own lewd thoughts of having that massive organ stretch him out inside.

"My Lord, you liked that?" and every time Vil would ask this afterwards.

It was sweet torture for both Frozen Milk and Vil. Frozen Milk should've just done as Vil said and tied Vil up, so his naughty hands couldn't give him another sensation of layering orgasm.

"My Lord, did you like that?" and every time Frozen Milk was too hazy to answer, Vil would once again thrust against Frozen Milk before Frozen Milk could tremble, "Mhm…. I….like…."

Frozen Milk was embarrassed, ashamed but he couldn't deny what Vil was doing to his body. This damned virgin was too experienced!

"Then my Lord," Vil pulled Frozen Milk's head close to Vil's face, "If you liked that, then punish me. My Lord will experience even more unimaginable things."

Tears spilt out of Frozen Milk's eyes. Vil was bullying him. He was crushing Frozen Milk, endlessly, tearing him, swallowing him alive until both of their flesh and blood were one.

Frozen Milk couldn't help it, he sat back up as Vil grinded himself against Frozen Milk again. Trembling, panting and moaning, Frozen Milk held up the whip and hit Vil across the chest.

The moment the vicious whip made cold contact with Vil's skin, Vil shook a bit, causing his dick underneath his underwear to grow even more and slightly vibrate against Frozen Milk's dick.

Having tasted this sensation, Frozen Milk became slowly accustomed to it. One hit after another Frozen Milk filled with numbing desire felt his insides explode.

How he wished he could tear apart their underwear and take Vil in but Frozen Milk knew his tiny hole could never endure the angry, ferocious member of Vil. Frozen Milk's legs went numb and clapped tightly around Vil's. Frozen Milk couldn't take it anymore.

"Vil… please.just let me come," Frozen Milk threw the whip away, his fingers desperately fumbling around Vil's chest to find a place to hold onto. Vil's hands grabbed Frozen Milk's thin waist and growled.

"My Lord, I'll make you feel better soon," Vil's hoarse voice was choked with desire that he could barely hold back.

"Vil." Frozen Milk's brain turned into mush as Vil sped up his speed.

"Baby," Vil whispered into Frozen Milk's ear.

His low and deep voice tore a torrent in Frozen Milk's chest. So sexy. So lewd.

Vil bit Frozen Milk's earlobe, kissed his neck, then licked the rosy buds on his chest.

"Baby, "Vil repeated, "I love it when you moan my name."

Frozen Milk quivered as the wetness almost made their underwear non-existent. Frozen Milk felt the hot and trembling member painfully clearly against his own.

"My Lord," Vil also was at his limits, he sat up and pulled Frozen Milk close to him as tightly as he could before he started to thrust his hips against Frozen Milk's.

"Do you feel good? Is the grinding stimulating?" Vil pressed Frozen Milk's butt against his lower abdomen, so their members were even more closely intertwined. Vil's voice was hot from the heat they both produced and in an instant Vil clashed his lips onto Frozen Milk, gnawing, biting and sucking.

More and more, he wanted more. Vil's eyes darkened as he finally turned Frozen Milk over and pressed him under him on the bed. The night would still be long.