Never beg

Gio Tocca was stunned for a few seconds before throwing away the paper. She wasn't in the mood to entertain weird people, not yet anyway. She needed her peace of mind, especially now that her best friend Ronda Williams was going to study abroad, and she was due to leave in three days.

Gio called a cab to go to Ronda's place, she needed to go see her and spend as much time with her before she leaves. She sighed and got into the cab. Her ringtone disturbed her thoughts, she looked at her phone and saw the name "Rendell" she sighed. Rendell Book, 20, and in his final year of his college degree was handsome, rich and at the moment Gio's boyfriend of a year.

Things have been a bit awkward between them lately and Gio just couldn't put her finger on it. She shrugged her shoulders and answered the call. "Hey" she answered cooly. "Why are you so cool and cold? No "baby" like always" Rendell immediately called her off on it. Her mood was taking a nosedive hearing his complaining voice and immediately snapped "What do you want, Rendell? I'm sure you didn't call me to talk about what endearment I call you with huh?"

Rendell was a bit taken back at her "Why are you so rude? You think you grown and so can grow b*lls on me?" he snapped back at her. "You wanna talk?" she asked curtly, and the driver looked at her on her rear-view mirror. She had always been feisty and hardly cared about what anyone thinks about her.

Gio's patience was wearing thin as Rendell just kept rambling about her lack of respect and how she has grown b*lls, as if she has b*lls to grow. She cut his rambling short and asked "You wanna talk or what?" Rendell took it down and notch and put on his sexy voice. One of the nicks that she fell inlove with when he was asking her out. It immediately melted her heart when he used that voice to ask "Come see me this afternoon"

Gio was about to instinctively agree when she remembered that he has been pressuring her to sleep with him lately and she just wasn't ready to loose her purity yet. She took a deep breathe and bit back "You asking or commanding?"

"Please" Rendell's voice could ready make anyone wanna give themselves to him. She sighed slightly and agreed. And he rambled on again about how she shouldn't be late and she just hung up the phone on him.

"You've been looking at me, have something to say?" she asked the driver curtly, devoid of any emotion. The driver was scared sh*tless and immediately turned away. She sounded like a Queen of the underworld who wouldn't take nonsense. She humphed when he looked away and looked outside the window to watch the scenery outside.

The William's gate was huge with a William's crest on it. They were multimillionaires and everything about their place reeked money. The guard at the door welcomed her, she didn't even need introducing as she was always here like a second child to the Williams. She got onto the cart that took her to the main house's entrance. She thanked the burglar and made her way in the house.

The house was spacious and spotless. One could see themselves on the floor. She made her way into the big kitchen and warmed left overs, sat down the kitchen counter and started eating. Mrs Brenda Williams came in the kitchen to pour herself water when she found Gio sitting on the kitchen counter eating like a lost person. Mrs Williams just shook her head and went to the water dispenser "You always hungry" she smiled at Gio.

The Williams were already used to Gio's crude behavior and they actually found it cute and endearing. They would just let her be because they didn't want to change her either, they enjoyed her wild behavior.

When she was done she jumped off the counter and patted her belly "thanks for the food, Mrs Williams." she winked at her and left. Mrs Williams just laughed it off and sighed.

Gio found Ronda Williams in her bedroom sorting out her clothes. "What took you so long?" Ronda asked her half-kneeling, half-standing. Packing for this move was really taking its toll on her and she was about to bow out.

"Was eating lunch in the kitchen" Gio replied swiftly. Ronda got shocked and asked immediately "You didn't eat what was in the lunch boxes, right?"

Sensing Ronda's panic Gio asked carefully "Why?"

"Because that was Mr William's food" the reply came from the door. It was Ronda's grandmother, Moma. "Oops!" Gio held her mouth in shock. After a few seconds they all burst out laughing.

After the whole afternoon of packing and sorting out, Gio had taken half of Ronda's clothes. Ronda just sighed, she was already used to her friend's behavior. She knew that her friend thought that her house was a clothing mall.

They finished packing and Gio took her bags as they made their way downstairs to Ronda's car. "Let's go to a club tonight" Ronda said "Wanna go wild with you for the last time before I leave this place"

"Sure, and I wanna get laid tonight" Gio would never say no to a night of fun. Ronda laughed and teased her "Virgins get laid too?" she made a funny face. Gio pouted and got into the car as they drove off to her place teasing each other and joking.

The Tocca residence was not as grand as the Williams. But it was comfortable for just the mother and daughter. They had no burglar, or maid or nothing. It was just Gio and her mother. It was just after 7 when Gio finished preparing to go the club with Ronda.

"So, how are things between you and Rendell?" Ronda asked rolling on her side on the bed to look at Gio who was putting on earring by the mirror. "Oh they're good, I guess..." Gio answered absent-mindedly, then a thought snapped in her mind and she froze "Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!" she freaked out.

"Oh let me guess, you are late for a date with him" Ronda mocked her shaking her head "Or you missed a date altogether?"

Gio ran out like a mad person shouting "I forgot I was supposed to see him this afternoon!" she hailed a cab as soon as she got outside and made her way to Rendell's place. She met him outside the gate about to go out. It wasn't the first time that she was late for a set date with him or missed it altogether, however, Rendell just couldn't get used to it. It still p/ssed him off to the high heavens.

"Let me guess, you were held up by Ronda,"before she could say anything he asked in a sarcastic tone, calmer than usual though "or your mum wanted help in her shop, or maybe you were taking a nap that lasted too long?"

Gio was embarrassed for a moment when she saw he was angry but when she heard his sarcastic voice she snapped "Are you gonna give me a chance to explain or no...?" Before she could finish he cut her off "Just leave, I have somewhere to be"

It took her by surprise, she couldn't believe that the guy who always begged to be with her would just tell her to leave just like that. But she wasn't about to show him that she was taken aback so she just turned and left, fortunately the cab was still there so she just left.

She was angry at him for telling her to leave, angry that he was rude, she was just angry at him. She would never admit she was wrong, no not ever.