What's going on?

In the office, the somberness reigned as Quince Munroe played with a bullet in his hand. "We need someone in Spider's circle" he said.

"A spy of our own?" Collin McColl asked, Quince nodded his look pensive. Everything looked like it was crumbling down and it was all because of a whore he considered a sister. After everything he went through he thought he was careful enough and he just realised he had been relaxing a bit too much. Even his guard was down to the point where he was now being undermined.

"Uh Brainz, I spoke to Gorah" Cy said as he lit a cigar. Something he did whenever he was feeling tense. "He wants Spider in ashes" he blew out smoke and had a drink from his glass. Cy was always eating or drinking. It was like his mouth couldn't stay idle and just had to have something always.

"That's not gonna solve our problems" Quince shook his head. The problem was the whole organisation and not just one man. They had been in a fight all their lives and now the head was just a puppet fighting old wars.

Twigs silently cursed under his breathe while his fingers stop clicking and just stared at the screen.

"Get to the point" Q said, "Christine Josephs, the Queen's friend" Twigs said turning the screen to face Quince.

"Son of a b*tch!" Cy exclaimed, "they've been dating six months already?"

What the h*ll is going on here?

Quince poured a glass of cognac for himself as he now realised that this has been happening in a while. The roots that they planted in his organastion are probably deep now. How could he let this happen? Why was he ever so careless.

"You know what, it's time I made an official come back to let the underworld know I am back in action" he gulped the drink in one go and slammed the glass on the table "Twigs, make an announcement that the racing grounds are reopening in two weeks time"

They want war? They got war. The grounds were supposed to be opened in five month's time but Quince brought it forward to rattle the world. This unexpected move will shake them which will make them careless enough to reveal his goons in the organisation.

"But boss..." Twigs wanted to say something but got cut off by the chill that shrouded the room.

"I don't pay you to ask questions" Quince said curtly.

"Yeah, no, boss sorry" Twigs started working again on his laptop.

"Don't you think killing Sandra Phil would send a loud enough message to them?" Cy sucked a puff at his cigerate "And if you dare give me that attitude you just gave Twigs I'll cut your b*lls out man."

Spider was building up war against them without letting them know. So now Quince was now responding him with all he got. He didn't respond to Cy and just kept his pensive look.

"Alright, so what about Chrissie?" Cy gave up the previous question and asked another one.

"Don't worry about her. She's just a kid and needs a candy. And we'll give her that." Quince sat at his table and put his gun in the drawer.

"What about the Queen?" Cy innocently asked. "What about her?" Quince quickly asked back. Cy felt that he was treading on thin ice and so backed away "Uh, ohk I'll just get the guys to check for hidden cameras in all our buildings" Cy quickly said.

Let's go to war" Quince said fixing his collar as he led Cy out.

Back in the VIP lounge Gio has been sitting with the crazy girls except the two whi had been evil-eyeing her. Penny and Poppy. They had once been s*x buddies with Quince. They knew they were only for s*x purposes, but they always hoped for more. However they knew they couldn't do more or else their heads would roll.

"So how long have you been sleeping with Brainz?" Penny finally cracked and nastily asked.

"Oh you mean like you did?" Gio curtly asked.

"That's rude!" Poppy defended Penny immediately.

"My name is not nice" Gio said with a raised eyebrow "neither is my forehead written nice, now is it?"

"He must be giving it to you good huh?" Penny said her voice dripping with jealousy.

"Mmh" Gio moaned a little "Yeah like he was giving it to you right? Until he told you to f*ck off, yeah? And now you act like a bitter baby mama who saw how the main chick looks, right? 101% better than your skinny *ss with a flat chest, who bleaches for white skin and a horse hair on her head with her rotten p*ssy hood rat sl*t as a bodyguard."

The lounge was filled with laughter and popped eyes. Gio heard a man laughing, she turned around and found Collin standing at the door laughing and Quince just looking at her.