
Gio Tocca felt a bit dizzy from all the spinning, the speed and most of all the excitement. Quince Munroe hugged her a little and waited a few minutes for her to calm down then he opened the door and got out. He hugged her by the waist as he waved to the people who were screaming loudly watching the grounds. The noise was deafening.

"You own this place?" Gio asked looking around as they walked off the grounds to the sitting area. "Yes" Q's answer was brief.

"What don't you own?" Gio mused

Quince thought for a moment and answered "The world" he chuckled. Gio laughed comically and said "Ha-ha very funny"

Quince kissed her neck and said "You will know in time"

Cy and Twigs sat drinking at the highest best spot of the place and had reserved seats for Quince and Gio. Cy was eating hotdogs and dunked hotwings. Quince shook his head as they sat down and remarked "Dude, are you sure you are not pregnant?"

"F*ck you, man" Cy immediately rebutted. Twigs laughed discreetly cause he knew no one could come in between Cy and Brainz. If you ever try to stand with one you might end up dying alone while they turn against you. So if they fought, you leave them alone, if they were happy, you still leave them alone. Their relationship with each other was unpredictable and unstable for anyone to interfere.

"Baby, where are the restrooms?" Gio asked. Quince held her hand as he walked her to the ladies restrooms

As he waited by the door his phone rang. He walked to a quieter place to take the call and when he came back to the entrance he heard his woman's voice shouting at some drunkard who was trying to grob her a*se.

You've got to be kidding me, in my territory?

"Are you lost?" Quince made big strides to them, ready to blow a fuse.

"Ey, Master Brainz, check this chikita won't just agree and go with me peacefully" the drunkard said "busy playing hard to get, b*tch"

"Man, you shouldn't have said that." Cy's voice came from the side sounding calm yet pissed. He walked slowly to them while eating peanuts. "Now you're just dead meat"

"My love..." Quince wanted to say something to Gio but she cut him off and said "You will find me in my sit" then she left, looking really irritated.

"What's your story?" Quince asked the drunkard, he could tell that there was something off about him so now he couldn't just kill him without finding out what was happening.

"I got no story" the man said.

"Lie again and I'll melt you in acid" Cy said non chalantly.

The man got scared and sobered up immediately, he blurted out "It's Spider"

Quince took out his gun and pointed it at the man's head and said "Speak"

"He says: nice Queen, not safe and she is our type." The man said and then took out a gun, his hand shaking and pointed it at his own head. Then he said "Check!" then pulled the trigger.

After that unthinkable shot, they head gunshots everywhere. Then fear gribbed Quince's heart as it clicked in his head: Queen, not safe and she is our type. Sh*t Spider is after the queen.