It's over

"Who are you, Quince Munroe?!" Gio Tocca snarled, tears in her eyes. Quince's heart got squeezed by that look and his fears became his reality. This was a moment he had been dreading for so long.

Yes he was a well known gangster and have been at it since age 16. When he was 18 years just after he completed his college diploma he got arrested and was disowned by his father because he just couldn't take it well.

When he was 16years he had partnered with a guy named Spider, they became best friends and joined the under world for one reason only - our families. Yes, their families were struggling then, so they had to do something about it. And the underground world promised quick cash.

By that time Spider and Quince were just rookies, so they got recruited by some well known gangster called Jamaica, the leader of a well known group called Masters. He told them that one of them would inherit his businesses when he saw how good they were. They were fast learners and never got caught.

They worked for him for two years, until he found out that someone was stealing from him. Quince then to realized it was his best friend, Spider.

Spider was greedy, thus killed their boss, Jamaica when he realized he was onto him and he did before Jamaica announced his inheritor so he thought he can take over the business, only to find out that Jamaica told everybody that Quince was the big boss and that he would inherit everything after he died. You would swear he knew he was about to die.

He had signed every illegal operation to Quince. That made Spider angry that he framed Quince for Jamaica's death and that's when he got arrested.

Spider had underestimated the influence that Jamaica had, thus Quince only stayed a week in prison before Jamaica's men, who were now under Quince, came and took care of everything. From then on, he was known as Master Brainz, the brains of the Masters.

Gio's tears fell and Quince experienced fear he never thought possible "babe... I..." he stuttured.

"Who are you?" Gio asked again in a softer hoarse voice this time.

"I am sorry" this was all Quince could come up with but his fuse blew with Gio's next sentence

"I can't live like this, Quince..." she shook her head "Master Brainz, this... it's not me"

Quince got crippled with fear. It was like a needle pricked his heart hearing the name Master Brainz coming from his mouth. Quince didn't know what to do with himself. This can't be happening, he can't be loosing his woman when he has just gotten her. Hell would freeze before he lost his queen.

"I won't be with someone who sleeps with one eye open. Your "friend" paid me a visit, which means he came to me just to get to you. I can't do this, I am sorry Quince." Gio continued.

"What are you saying?" Quince was more afraid of the answer than anything he could ever be afraid of.

"I'm sorry, this is not what I signed up for" she shook her head.

Quince eyes glistened with tears of fear or hurt, Gio couldn't tell "No.. No... No...pleased don't this..".

Gio shook her head and took a step back to create distance between them and said "It's over, Q"