

After Jayne left the balcony, a tall figure behind a plant walked out. He had a pair of dazzling golden eyes and light blonde hair, which were not common in the Empire of Marsha. He was thinking deeply about the beautiful young lady who had just left.

"Your highness, what are you doing out here? I've been looking for you everywhere. You know you're supposed to be greeting the other delegates from the Xavier and Kingsley Empires. What are you looking at?" A servant boy called out to the man on the balcony, who was still looking at the spot that Jayne once stood.

The man turned and with slight grin on his face said,"Do you know the name of a certain young lady with blonde hair and blue eyes?"

The servant thought for a second and replied," Maybe you're referring to the young lady they call the white lily of society here in the Xavier Empire. Her name is Jayne Clarke...why do you ask though, your highness?"

"No reason, I just happened to witness something interesting. Let's go, Darren." The man and the servant left the balcony behind and headed to the ballroom.

Inside the hall, Jayne and her mother excused themselves and made their way towards the exit and boarded their carriage. In a stern voice, her mother turned to Jayne," Tell me what you've learned today Jayne." Jayne proceeded to recall to her mother everything that she had heard and learned in the hall.

"Hmm, that vain wench was able to create a business deal with those Marshian traders quite easily. If we can get in contact with them, we can certainly offer better things than that pig-headed idiot. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she realizes she lost her biggest trading partner." The Duchess saids with a smirk and looks Jayne up and down. "Since you did your tasks well enough today, I'll let you go see that maid of yours who's been locked up in the shed for the past month."

"Thank you mother."

When the carriage returned to the large Clarke estate, Jayne immediately went to her room and shut the door. She changes into simpler clothing and sneaks out of her room to the kitchen to grab some bread, cheese, and water. After getting an extra blanket, Jayne makes her way to the shed in the back of the estate where servants are punished.