Going To School

Allaine rises from his slumber!!! Waking up himself and then waving around his body to get on a shape. Even a kid like him knows what he needs to do so his body can get in shape, that is, to warm up!

After spending time to warm-up, he takes his bag and takes off again to scavenge some trash. But just as we were about to go... his neighbor, Aling Sunset, stopped him...

"Hey! Allaine!!! It's Monday, right!? So go to school already! I will look for your siblings, so here..."

He approached Allaine and asked him to stretch his hand, after that... he gave him a 10 Peso Coin!

"Sorry, this is the only thing I have... this your allowance..."

Allaine immediately closed his fists and said to his aunt with a smile:

"No! This is more than enough!!! Thanks!!!"

"Now, go on! Bring your things, and go to a nearby carwash so you can wash!"

Allaine did just like that, he immediately runs to get a plastic bag and he puts all of his things inside!!! Bundles Of paper, a pencil that is too short to even handle and one notebook. This is the only school supplies he has, but because of the school's and his classmate's consideration, he was able to pull through!!! Even in his school, or even in this mountain of trash, Bayanihan never fades!!! It continues!!!

After putting all of his things at the plastic bag, he shouted:

"I'll be back later!!!"

Then run full speed ahead downhill in the mountain!!! Like a rock rolling downhill at a crazy fast pace, Allaine does the same!!! Not even having any thought that he can be injured!!! After a few minutes of running, Allaine finally reaches it!!!

He's now outside!!! Outside of the mountain and piles of trash! He's already been outside so many times before!!! But for some reason, he felt that this day was special!!! Why!? He doesn't know why this is special, but he just knows... that... continuing to do this will be something he will never regret!!!


Allaine ran towards the nearest carwash that he always goes to and shouted:

"Hey, sir! May I take a bath here again?"

"Oh? The boy in that mountain again, Allaine It is? Sure, why not? Going to school?"


With a smile on his face, he goes on towards the hose and took it!!! The owner opened the faucet and the water comes out in a raging manner!!! The water's flow was strong!!! The strong water comes out in the hose and touches Allaine's delicate skin!!! Like a dog that was licking his master, It tickles him!!!

Using the strong water that Is somehow tickles him, he washes every part of his body!!! After he washes, he just raised his hand and the soap was thrown to him!!! He reflexively caught it, then washed with It!!! After that, he washes again with water and finished!!!

After that short bath, Allaine feels It again!!! The feeling that he's already clean, fragrant and someone presentable!!! He feels it!!! Feeling this kind of emotion makes him more fired up to go to school!!! He's fired up!!! Like a campfire who just got added another firewood!!!

"I'm ready!!! Thank you, mister!"

"Anytime, kid! Anytime..."

After he took the bath, he dries himself with a towel and puts on his uniform that he just stores in the locker room of the carwash, since he's going to come here everyday!!! After tidying himself up, he's already complete!!! His uniform is just your normal typical white uniform for a 3rd Year High School!!!(About Grade 9 or Third Year Middle School Student In The Current Philippine Curriculum)

After that, he took his plastic bag again and walked... he doesn't like his uniform and himself to get dirty so unlike earlier where he's a rolling rock, right now, he's a koala who moves very slowly and carefully!!! He walks towards the school that will build his future!!!

After walking for a half an hour or so, he finally reaches it!!! The sign that says:

"Santo Niño High School"

He puts a smile on his face and enters his school. As if a bright sun, he looks at his own schoolmates with a smile on his face. Some smiles at him back, others ignore him. But his brightness still remains... but his brightness suddenly got dimmer when he already reached the school gates... and the guard asked him...

"Hey, where's your ID?"