Do You Want To Live?

Asking that seemingly surprising question, Allaine continued to stare at her dead eyes as if to search for any forms of life deep inside her heart...

Returning the stare he's giving, the girl noticed the fire of life within his eyes. The will and resolve to live is still inside him and It won't go away that easily.

Seeing that fire, she turns her head to the right, facing the other side of the foliage and green nature, and answered with a mild but hoarse voice:

"I don't... know..."

Her honesty made Allaine's heart falter much more, looking at her with pity and sadness. Not knowing what to do, he continued to sit in front of him, not doing anything...


"Thinking positively, now I know that these cages are double-sided and I have neighbors here! It's a good step!"

Cheering up himself, he clenched his fists as If ignoring the negativity around himself! The girl still hugging her knees, Allaine refused to utter a word or do something for her...

"If she doesn't have the will to live, she'll only hinder me... I regret this but I can't help you"

Thinking those things as if reassuring himself, he scouted the cage of the girl for any cavities absent from his cage.

"No good, there's only soil, a plastic cup, and some grass in here... It's the same as mine"

Arriving at that grueling conclusion, he crouched down... attempting to go back to his cage by crawling at the hole. Taking one last glance at the girl, he finally left her cage.

Once he set foot at his cage, he heard the already familiar voice that visited his eardrums a week ago...

"Oi, that explosion... Are ya da one who made that?"

For the third time after arriving at this situation, the voice that once gave him hope then shutting It down knocked at his eardrums! Initiating a surprise attack!

"Oi, I don't have much time left! Answer meh, ya little piece of shet!!!"

Raising his voice, Allaine's eardrums sent a message to his brain of the arrival of a loud sound, resulting in him being shocked and not move initially...

"And what If I am?"

Approaching the wall, he sits beside It and answered him honestly without any lies! This in itself is already a gamble! There's a chance that this guy is not a prisoner but instead a guard! The words

"Give up hope and die"

stuck to him as If a bubble gum refusing to leave the backseat he sticks from. The very reason he was engulfed in the unseen hands the very first day he came here!

The reason this guy said that is maybe because he's a guard and he doesn't want the people he abducts to put up resistance! But the fact that the guy who came here still delivered him food for prisoners cannot be denied! So Allaine is now engaged in a gamble!

"If I said that I'm planning to escape, what are you going to do?"

As If trying to provoke him further, he added his already alarming words with more alarming ones, clearly trying to gouge out his true colors.

He doesn't know his face nor his personality. He just knows that the guy at the left has an easy-to-remember accent but beyond that is already at the depths of the unknown!

"I need allies to succeed! Please help me!"

Voicing out his utmost desires, he pleads at the guy he doesn't even know to help and cooperate!

"I want to live! I really really want to live! My mother is sick right now and my father is probably out trying to get money! And...!!!"

Inhaling the already heavy air around him, he voices out his clear intentions! Loud! Loud!! LOUDER!!!

"I want to change their lives! If you still have any speck of desire to live and wants to get out of here... please help me!"

Allaine run out of things he wants to say! His throat is already parched and the air around him got heavier and heavier due to the silence of the other guy... But!

"Syure, Aye don't have long to live anyway... Mayt as well duke It out..."

Hearing those words as a reply, his eyes filled with hope once again and immediately thanked him repeatedly as If giving gratitude to a god!