Damn You, Gambling Addict! You’re Totally Unreliable!

"Shen Zhongming, you damn gambling addict! You're totally unreliable!"

The moment she got home, Shen Chen roared away.

 Her gambling addict of a father was squatting down and wiping his various gambling implements with a strip of cloth. Faced with his furious daughter, he only smiled as he raised his head. "What's wrong, girl?"

"What's wrong?" Shen Chen angrily threw one of the books in the corner at him. "You told me that those brain dead fools were easier to cheat than an idiot, hmm? Can't you be a bit more reliable?" 

"Why? Didn't you get it?" Shen Zhongming put down the items in his hand. He was much more curious about the results.

"Got it..." Shen Chen said with a half-smile. "Like hell I did!"

"Even you have your moments of failure, huh?" Shen Zhongming burst out in laughter as if he had heard a good joke.

Shen Chen glared at him. "Sigh... Say, can't you actually do something beneficial for a change? You've been doing nothing aside from gambling all day long!"

"If your father didn't gamble, how could he have raised such a shrewd cheater like you?" As he said that, Shen Zhongming seemed to be rather proud of himself.

Shen Chen rolled her eyes at him before she turned to her bedroom and slammed the door shut, locking it.

As she looked in the mirror and rolled up her sleeves, she noticed the bruises all over her arm, which had been caused by that man.

She lay in bed in annoyance and snuggled under the sheets.

The target that her gambling dad chose had been totally unreliable!

Not only did she not manage to cheat any money out of him, she almost paid for the jig herself.

'Damn it!'

Once she locked herself in her room, no matter what Shen Zhongming did, be it coaxing or scolding, she refused to open the door.

Without any recourse, Shen Zhongming thought of another way.

He went to the kitchen and personally cooked up a hodgepodge of a meal.

As he placed a jug of good wine on the table, he began his plan of persuasion and said to himself, "Yeah, today's wine sure smells good..."

Just as he said those words, Shen Chen slammed the door open and walked out.

She stepped forth with a chilly expression, as though there was a layer of frost on her face.

She then grabbed the bottle and took a big chug.

"Cough, cough..."

Shen Chen coughed violently right after the drink.

Witnessing that scene, Shen Zhongming could not help but laugh. "Girl, you're ten years too early if you want to fight with me!"

Shen Chen's tiny face was flushed, and she shouted irritably, "Shen Zhongmong, can't you be reliable for once?"

"Since when has your father been unreliable?"

Shen Chen was so pissed that she spat back, "This wine costs five yuan a catty, and you have the cheek to call it good wine..."

Shen Zhongming cackled. "If I hadn't used such a trick, you wouldn't..."

Before he could even finish his sentence, Shen Chen returned to her room and banged the door shut again.

She seriously doubted if she was his biological child.

It was ten at night.

Shen Chen tossed and turned as she lay in bed, unable to sleep.

Suddenly, she felt hot. A woman's intuition was always very sharp! She turned over and jumped out of bed, rushing into the bathroom to have a look.

Sure enough, Aunt Flo had come knocking!

After she changed into a new pair of clothes, Shen Chen fell into despair because there was not a single sanitary pad in the entire room.

Looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table, she immediately lost hope.

'It's 10:11pm!'

The convenience store outside would already be closed at this time.

Frustrated, anxious, and desperate, she still left the house in a hurry in the end.

The summer night was rather hot.

Sporting simple hot pants with spaghetti top and wearing her waist-length hair up in a casual ponytail, she looked extremely sexy.

It was precisely due to her simple getup that she attracted the attention of a few lechers.

Along the sidewalk, a group of drunk middle-aged men whistled and hooted at her as they laughed.