So What If I Play Coy? Bite Me!

Shen Chen met his gaze, and her anger rose. "Is it that fun sticking around someone you don't even know?"

"Don't even know?" A bloodthirsty sneer spread from his lips to his entire face. "Trying to play coy after slapping me twice. You think it's that easy?"

"So what if I play coy?" Shen Chen glared at him provocatively. "Bite me!"

It was obvious that he was the one being weird, yet he was telling her not to play coy with a straight face.

After he heard what she said, his eyes turned even more menacing. Without another word, he pulled her over like a brute.

It took little movement for Shen Chen to be locked in his arms.

His unique scent quickly flooded her nostrils.

Inside the dim car, he ogled her with fiery eyes before he lowered his head and barbarically planted his lips on hers.

The tingling sensation in Shen Chen's lips made her cry out in pain, and she hammered her fist against his chest, trying to break free from his embrace.

He raised his head to look at her, and a mere second later, he kissed her again.

Shen Chen panicked and almost reflexively bit his thin lips.

As a result, Shi Yu finally froze.

The pain in his lips made him raise his eyebrow as he tightened the grip of his large hand on her waist. His eyes were hostile as he tried to pull her further into him.

Shen Chen, who was forced to sit on his lap, felt warmth in her lower body as liquid oozed out again.

It was at that moment Shi Yu's actions and gaze grew even colder.

Clearly, he had also felt the warm liquid that was coming from her.

Taking advantage of his stupor, Shen Chen escaped his embrace and sat in the seat beside him, keeping her distance.

Then, the lights in the car were turned on.

Both of their faces, including their expressions and even the strange glint in their eyes, were visible.

As Shi Yu looked at Shen Chen and then elsewhere, his deep black eyes looked like they were about to burst into flames that instant!

"Damn it!"

Cursing away, he irritably pulled out a few wet tissues from the tissue drawer in the corner and quickly wiped off the foreign substance on his pants as fast as he could.

It was the first time Shi Yu had come into contact with a woman's menstrual blood in the 26 years of his life!

Shen Chen, who had just been forcibly kissed earlier, was instead ridiculously calm now.

As she saw how his absurdly handsome face distorted, she felt all of her anger dissipate away.

She curled up her lips and laughed out loud. "Hahahaha!!"

It served him right!

Her laughter was clearly a bare-faced provocation!

So, what should a domineering, blackhearted man with status and power do in the face of such a situation?

The answer, open the door and kick the woman out of the car.

Thus, Shen Chen was free...

As she watched the luxury car drive off, Shen Chen clenched her fists.

She secretly swore that she would do him in when they met again!

Little did she expect that after the incident, Shi Yu became even more interested in the little wild cat.

Not only did he send someone to investigate her identity, but he even investigated her entire lineage.