Car Accident

The heat in the summer night was scorching hot, and it annoyed Shen Chen to the extreme. 

To relax, she went to the city to buy some items for scamming purposes. 

On the way back, Shen Chen came across a scene. 

A fifty-plus-year-old granny had almost been run over by a car, and it frightened her so much that her face had turned green. 

Contrary to everyone's expectation, the car owner not only refused to get down to check on the old lady, but he also wound down his window and started to curse, "You old coot, if you want to die, don't come to me! What bloody misfortune! "

As he spat out such unpleasant words, he did not forget to spit at the old lady. 

Shen Chen narrowed her eyes and got a clear look of the car owner's appearance. 

A paunchy face with pockmarks and big ears—from just a glance, one would know that he was not an upstanding character. 

Gauging the car that he was driving, Shen Chen estimated it probably cost about three hundred thousand...

After the man cursed her, the old lady only sighed and murmured, "Why are young people these days lacking in parental education..."

When the fat man heard that, his temper flared even more, and he began to curse again. "Old lady, instead of running your mouth here, why don't you get lost to the side. Otherwise, don't you dare blame me if I brush against you later!"

As he spoke, the engine rumbled, and the car sped off. 

Fortunately, the old lady was standing by the curb, or else she would have been killed or crippled. 

Just as the car approached Shen Chen, there was a flicker in her eyes. 

Before she knew it the car was already about fifty-five meters away from her, and Shen Chen abruptly jumped forward. 


The harsh sound cut through the night as the man hit the brakes, and Shen Chen screamed as she fell onto the ground. 

There was no way for the fat man, who had been cursing madly earlier, to be that calm now. 

He stared on, dumbstruck, as cold sweat dripped down his face. He gripped the steering wheel tightly while he trembled uncontrollably. 

Seeing that no one was getting up from the ground, he could only exit his car nervously...

It would have been better if he had not gotten down. He was shocked the moment he got out because the scene before him was too terrifying...

A beautiful girl was lying in a pool of blood, and blood was still flowing from the corner of her mouth. 

"You... You.... okay?"

His voice trembled along with his portly body; he was shaking so hard that he could barely hear himself. 

Shen Chen, who was soaked in blood, opened her eyes wide as she struggled to raise her hand. 

"Help… me..."

While she spoke, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and her raised hand suddenly dropped. 

Anyone who witnessed the scene would have definitely thought that the victim would die, much less the fat man who was the guilty party! 

He quivered a little before he looked away and pulled out his phone to call the police. 

However, since his hand was trembling so hard, the phone fell from his grip and into the pool of blood on the ground. 

He stood there, stunned as he looked on helplessly at his broken phone.

Shen Chen lay motionlessly on the ground and continued to spit out blood. He could not stay there any longer. 

He ran to his car in a panic as he tossed his ID, driver's license, money, and every other valuable item before her. 

"You... You... I'll drive to the hospital to get an ambulance! Wait... Wait... I'll be back...."

As he stumbled over his words, he quickly got into his car, turned around, and drove toward the city center. 

Once the car disappeared into the horizon, Shen Chen, who was lying in the pool of blood, finally could not help but roll her eyes.