The Chicken Affair

Shen Chen pointed at her mangled electric bike not far away and waved the money in her hand. "That bike's original price was one thousand nine hundred dollars. I have used it for three months. One thousand three hundred is enough."

Ye Mei was dumbstruck. She wanted to say something, but Shen Chen did not give her the chance. Rooted on the spot, she watched as Shen Chen left, slowly disappearing from her sight. She then glanced over at the mangled electric bike with a sigh, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

She then called a tow truck to remove the bike.

There were fraudsters with integrity, dignity and principles and very few people knew that. 

Shen Chen, a professional con artist, had done nothing heinous. When she was on the job, she would try to con as much money as possible from her target victim. But on any other day, she was just a normal person.

She was not greedy, lazy, or waiting for a handout. She paddled her own canoe. Just like the accident just now; she could have rooked more money out of it, but she declined the extra compensation without giving it a second thought. She just took whatever she thought she deserved and refused the rest.

At Shibei Corporation.

When Shi Yu finished signing the important documents, he received a call.

"Young Master, Miss Shen met with an accident half an hour ago. The driver was Miss Ye. At first, Miss Ye wanted to compensate her, but Miss Shen refused. At last, she just took the amount she deserved."

Shi Yu acknowledged with a grunt before hanging up, squinting his eyes into a narrow dark trench and the corner of his lips curled up in a mysterious smile. 

Shen Chen? She was interesting, like father like daughter.

Her father was a habitual gambler with principles, too. When he knew his daughter had gotten into a real accident and declined compensation, he decided to treat her to a feast. 

He bought a live chicken, with which he was going to make Shen Chen chicken soup. Somehow, the chicken ran loose, and he had to chase after it around the courtyard. 

Shen Chen stood by the window, burying her face in her hands as she watched her dad seemingly fight a losing battle trying to catch the runaway chicken in the courtyard. It usually took slightly over an hour from slaughtering to cooking the chicken soup. But Sheng Zhongming broke the record, spending an hour just to catch the bird. When he finally caught it, he slaughtered the bird by stabbing it in its stomach. 

Shen Chen looked speechless and realizing for the first time how stupid her habitual gambler father was.

A stab in the stomach did not kill the chicken. Instead, there was even more struggle. Shen Zhongming cursed quietly, then stabbed it one more time, thinking this would do the job. "You aren't dying, are you?" He spoke to the chicken as if it understood what he was saying. But the bird had no signs of dying anytime soon. It was still kicking its legs as it squawked.

Shen Chen stood on the spot, showing an apathetic look. It surprised her on how he could be so dumb.

The hoo-ha had attracted the neighbors' attention. People were coming over to rubberneck at the funny scene of Shen Zhongming holding a kitchen knife in one hand and the half-dead chicken in the other, trying to figure out what to do next.

Shen Chen, running out of patience, stepped forward as neighbors stood by, watching. Without saying a word, she grabbed the kitchen knife from Shen Zhongming's hand. Before he could utter a word, Shen Chen had finished off the bird in one fell swoop.