I Will Make Sure Whoever You Offend See Reason

On the day of Lin Xiaomiao's wedding, Shen Chen had received many phone calls.

The calls were from several old classmates whom she had not met for years. They asked her what wedding present she was going to give to Lin Xiaomiao.

She gave them the same brief reply: just bring a steamed bun. They were all dumbfounded, made up some excuse and hurriedly hung up.

Shen Zhongming listened in to her telephone conversations and gave her a thumbs-up. 

She glanced at him summarily and headed out of the door without saying a word.


An expensive car stopped beside Shen Chen.

As the window slowly came down, a man nonchalantly looked out at her from inside the car.

"Get in the car."

The overbearing tone of voice was Shi Yu's typical way of talking. 

Shen Chen did not respond but only shot him a sideways glance after a long while. "Reason?"

Shu Yu narrowed his eyes with a fleeting sense of charm flashing in his eyes. "There is no particular reason. I just heard that you need a male partner. I think I fulfill all the criteria. Most important of all, I could make you feel proud."

His sculpture-like, nearly perfect face looked stunning in the sun. But to Shen Chen, it was glaring. 

"You are too flashy. I am afraid that I couldn't afford to offend others by going out with you."

Shi Yu's lips raised. He looked even more charming. "No worry. You can."

Without waiting for Shen Chen to respond, he continued. "I will make sure whoever you offend see reason."

Shen Chen was struck dumb.

Teaching the offended person a lesson? What logic was this?

Shi Yu chuckled seeing her reaction. "Or maybe I will keep my head low and not offend anyone."

Facing such a domineering, contentious, and arrogant yet apathetic man, Shen Chen for the first time could not find a word to respond with.

Shi Yu was very pleased with her reaction. "Why don't you get in the car now?"

Shen Chen shot him a sideways glance as she thought for a second. She then ducked and climbed into his car.

He sped off and she did not even ask where he was bringing her.

The car very quickly stopped outside a luxurious-looking clubhouse.

The moment they stepped in, several stylists came up to them, as if they had long been expecting them.

"You all have ten minutes."

The emperor-like tone of voice was more persuasive than a king's decree.

Before Shen Chen knew what was happening, a dozen people had brought her into a room.

The manager of the stylist clubhouse quickly came over, standing respectfully beside Shi Yu, ready to take any order from him.

This was the first time the young master, Shi Yu, had brought a woman here.

Shock was an understatement.

Shi Yu sat on the sofa, habitually lighting up a cigar, fingers slowly rubbing against the cigar. He took a drag and blew out a circle of smoke from his mouth.

Under his clear eyes seemed to hide a thought.

In less than ten minutes, Shen Chen came out, dressed to the nine with full makeup.

She was wearing a white tube top dress as it perfectly stressed her curvy figure.

A red rose was drawn on her shoulder blade, adding a sense of mystery to her appearance.

Shi Yu studied the woman in front of him and did not even care to change his posture with his long legs resting on the coffee table. He looked lazy yet charming.

He elegantly put out the cigar with his lips curling up in a smile. "Gorgeous."

He said in a casual and nonchalant manner.

Hidden under his eyes was a burning fire that started to spread in his body.

"Gorgeous my foot!" Shen Chen quietly cursed in her mind when she saw Shi Yu gawking at her.