The Farce at the Wedding

Xia An'an nearly burst out of anger, but she had to respect Lin Xiaomiao.

Unwilling to take it lying down, she shot Shen Chen a glare as she hissed. But then, she had to suppress her anger.

Seeing that Xia An'an was not speaking, Shen Chen's lips raised in a smile as she shifted her attention away from her.

Quickly, her eyes landed on Liu Piaopiao.

"Tell me, why would I be embarrassed?"

Apparently, she was not going to let the matter drop.

She had long wanted to show them her true colors, giving her best shot, especially to these backstabbers. 

Liu Piaopiao became nervous at seeing the piercing eyes. "I—"

"I'm all ears." Shen Chen looked at her with the smile on her face becoming more brilliant.

Her imposing manner was freaking out Liu Piaopiao. "I was just kidding…"


Fair enough.

Shen Chen squinted. "Do me a favor: send my regard to your whole family (an indirect way of cursing a person's entire family in the Chinese culture.) I am just kidding."

The color on Liu Piaopiao's face changed from green to red, yet she kept her head low, not having the courage to hit back.

"Stop bullying her, Shen Chen. Go somewhere else if you want to cause trouble, don't embarrass Xiaomiao here!" Xia An'an could no longer hold back, stretching out her hand to pull Liu Piaopiao back behind her.

The smile on Shen Chen's face was fading. "I can't help it. Bullying is my biggest hobby."

Hearing that, Xiao An'an sneered as she studied Shen Chen. "Talking like a big shot, eh? Stop pretending to look expensive when you are not. You know what I mean?"

"That stuff which costs seven figures a piece, is a limited edition of an international brand, something so rare that no amount of money could not guarantee to buy. Yet you have the nerve to wear a cheap knockoff and come to this place!"

"Be careful when you buy a knockoff next time. Don't make a fool of yourself. Go get changed quickly and stop making an exhibition of yourself."

"Wearing a cheap knockoff is way better than you. No amount of expensive perfume could conceal a scumbag like you."

"I dare you to say that again, Shen Chen!"

"I could have you kicked out of here with just a phone call! I will surely ask someone to rip your mouth apart if you still want to create trouble here!"

"You shameless bitch!"

Things escalated when they were yelling at each other non-stop.

Other guests heard the commotion and came to check out what was happening.

"That's enough!"

Before her wedding ceremony began, the bridesmaids had gotten into a fight. Lin Xiaomiao could not have felt more embarrassed.

Her good mood was gone. She became so upset that she nearly cried.

Seeing the commotion, the bridegroom, Pan Yang, quickly stopped what he was doing and came up to pull Lin Xiaomiao aside. "What is going on?"

Lin Xiaomiao's eyes welled up. "Honey, they are quarreling with one other! I couldn't stop them! It is all my fault. Had I not insisted on keeping up appearances, things would not have come to such a pass." 

"Look, everyone is laughing at me!" She could no longer hold back her tears. "I am worried about what your dad and mom would think of me." 

Pan Yang let out a sigh and a frown. "It's all right. Stop crying. I will handle this."


A loud and crisp slapping sound came. Under the watchful eyes of everyone at the scene, Xia An'an had gotten slapped on her face.

Shen Chen glared at her. "Who are you trying to embarrass?"

Xia An'an covered her tingling face with her hand, looking at Shen Chen in disbelief. Apparently, she had never expected that Shen Chen would hit her.

It was not until a long while had passed that she came out of her shock and roared at Shen Chen. "How dare you hit me, bitch!"