Shega Hariga turned really indifferent, when he saw the gaze, a gaze that fixed on him coming from SooYang.
"F-fakeness? Wh-what do you mean?" Yurie furrowed her brows. JinHua also sighed. Haa.. He wanted to spend the whole day with Yurie.. But get this!
Turned like drama.
"Hahaha, it's nothing. Mind if we join you guys?" Natsumiya laughed barefacedly, while she offered a smile that got no response on Shega Hariga, who tried to consume everything that they meant.
Will this become a dangerous zone? He clearly knows their ill-intention on their 'on going' good relationship between him and SooYang.
"C'mon, it's okay!" SooYang welcomed them open heartedly, and then she offered Natsumiya the seat beside her. Harley went towards the seat next to JinHua, that placed between Shega Hariga and JinHua.
"Thanks, now what should we eat, senior?" Natsumiya acted really friendly, and then SooYang welcomed them again, passing the menu. "Have a choice!"
Yurie mumbled a deep 'ergh' while Shega Hariga keep himself shut up in anger. He must take his action! Or else, he would lose everything that brought him to happiness!
"Is he your senior eh?" Yurie took her chance to have a talk, really, he didn't meant it as a way to make friends with them, no. That's only a way to dig something.
She could feel something bad from the way the both suddenly appear, suddenly so friendly, suddenly joining..
And, she had heard a conversation, from Yenzou and his and SooYang's mom. About a guy named Harley.
She barely knew him, but she knows something wrong will happen.
Officially, she talked to herself, 'I will ask Shega, this stupid guy about this.'
Then, there they go, eating like friends, even some of them having ill-intention on each other.