
"SooYang... Can you eat a little slow? Ravenous kitten." Shega Hariga chuckled like 'someone' who stood beside him is a clown. SooYang looked confused. Well, she didn't realised the way she eat ravenously. Shega Hariga did something shocking on her after that..

"Huh..." she blushed when Shega Hariga ... wiped her cheeks that was full with ice-cream leftovers. The move was so gentle, really gentle like a cotton wiping her cheeks. Smooth.

He smiled. SooYang looked like a little a puppy in a circle. She was shocked, yeah. She was confused,yeah too. She loved it.. Yep!

Messy feelings finally get better, after SooYang saw Yurie and JinHua stood not so far from them, waving. SooYang could see.. Yurie's hand tied tightly with JinHua. She smiled, eventually it come from her face.

She doesn't know why ... something make her happy about this, something make her glad and.. that was.. huff..

She got a brainstorm.. Ah! She just saw something going on her mind, like a cassette video.. A girl with a guy holding hands together while laughing..

Towards her?

"Guy.. who is that guy..?" shw mumbled alone, and Shega Hariga was shocked when he saw her stroked alone, still stood still a little far behind him.

Her brows furrowed and knitted together in a mouthful of sigh. She looked messed up, and a little bit sad. Her eyes.. pleaded.

"SooYang.. Are u okay, Soo? Soo?" Shega Hariga went towards her, she looked sad when he went by her, she looked him with a pleading eye. Like tearing up.

"Shega? Do you..Why.. You laugh .. -at me?" She looked messed, super messed. Yurie and JinHua immediately went towards them, to see what's going on. "Soo? What happ-"

"No.. What are you talking about? What laugh? Dear one, that must be a little daydreaming of yours, okay? Okay?" Shega Hariga tightened his grip on his fist, he tried his best not to look confused or afraid. That will bring him to a line that will make everything messy.

"What is she talking about, Shega?" Yurie wiped the tears that rolled like a waterfall. So fast it's dropped. The pearls were soft, sparkling and pure.

Like the owner who had a pure, beautiful heart.

"He laughed at me, make fun of me.. Yurie? Why? What-??" before she could say anymore words, Shega Hariga embraced her, he embraced her so strong. He fought for her now.'Oh God, please.. No, not now god..'

"No, that's not! You must be daydreaming, Soo! Shega Hariga was only schooling with us for a month, and then we had summer! You didn't even see him so- err.. You met him not so often!" Yurie's mind totally blocked. Bit, whatever that popped into her mind, she says it. Well, sometimes, saying something that pop into your mind will save yourself. And, that's what Yurie believed.