"SooYang.. You know how love feels right?" someone talked to her in a sad voice, and before she could reply..
"It feels really hurt when you have to lose someone."
She then knitted her brows and looked towards the unseen person who talked with her weirdly, but can't help feeling better with the male's soft tone.
"I- I know."
"Then, why do you have to leave me?"
This time, SooYang was puzzled. Leave? Who would she leave?
Why should she leave?
"Wh- why'd I leave you?" she replied, and tried to look closely to the person. Since their first conversation began, she can't eye that person. But, when she looked over.. .
A bus came behind the person with two lurching lights, and as she began to pull the soft voice's owner..
It crashed into the person.. whom was Shega Hariga.
"Shega Hariga!"
( Raining )
SooYang woke up in a sudden shock. She got a dream, and that seemed like real. She sighed, hushed and huffed, couldn't help but feeling afraid.
"Hah.. The bus crash.. Ah- it- it seemed like I had been on it before.." she whispered over herself and then looked over the window. It was raining heavily.
It was later before she remembered someone inside her twisting mind. "Uh- ah! Wh- who's that..?"
Unseen Person (1): "Well, I know everyone looks over me like a bad guy, but I'm a good guy to you right?"
SooYang: "Yeah."
She agaped. Who the hell was that? She couldn't refresh more. Although she could remember her voice, her words and the talker verse..
She still couldn't remember who was that. Why'd they talked such a thing..
"Ah.. My head hurts.. Oh God," she quivered.
SooYang: "Uhh.. How hurtful my foot is.."
Unseen Person (2): "How do it tasted like, huh? Hurts really good right? Hahahaha!"
Unseen Person (1): "Natsumiya! What did you do to her, you sh*t?!"
SooYang: "Uh- Uh.."
{ S u d d e n l y }
* Kreak... *
Door opened, and permanently closed again by someone. It was Yenzou, SooYang's brother. He looked over her, and suprised to see her with a knitting face. "Soo? What happened?"
SooYang immediately notified her brother appearance. She instantly gave him a hug. It really shocked him a lot, because she never acted like this. She never once.
"Brother.. Huh- I once had an accident, right? Huh- Brother.. I remembered something.."
Yenzou then looked over his younger sister tenderly, trying to shushing her comfyly, "Take it down, Soo.. What happened? Calmly tell me."
"I- I had a dream. It was about an accident- I- I remembered-"
For the second time, the door opened again. This time, Ms Chin went inside. Seeing SooYang who hugged her brother tightly, she immediately hastened towards them.
"What happened, Yen? SooYang.. Are you okay, my dear?" Ms Chin, the most worried people to notice her daughter's attitude, asked Yenzou worriedly.
"She said she remembered her accident, mom." Yenzou replied, still trying to shush SooYang.
Ms Chin came near her and took her to her arms. "It's alright, dear.. Mom is here.."
SooYang then looked towards her mom and said she had dreamt about someone. But, she didn't say the name of the person.
Yenzou: "Soo.. Your amnesia is getting well soon.. Don't think about it too much, okay?"
SooYang nodded but then a question followed. "So.. All this time, I'm having a-amnesia?"
All persons inside, except SooYang herself, nodded.
SooYang agaped.
.. .. .. ..
JinHua who walked alone, while bringing some books, aghasted when someone came near her after slapping his backpack.
He found it was Natsumiya. "Hello," she greeted. Sweat fell down from her forehead.
He replied a short 'yeah'.
"You're SooYang's friend, right?" she questioned, after taking a seat beside him, not so close. Her short-green coloured hair swung in the air.
"Yes." He paid a little attention on her words. He was busy studying on his class, while sitting on his desk silently, but this girl - from the other class - disturbed him.
"Perfect. Could you please brought me to her?"
This time, JinHua was surprised. Based on his knowing from Yurie herself, Natsumiya who known as the 'queen of demoness', didn't like to look over anyone except herself. Moreover, Yurie once had said that..
Yurie: "You know Natsumiya, right? She's really such an evil. Same like that oaf (Shega Hariga), she is the first ranked to bully SooYang!"
Yurie: "I know she doesn't like Soo because Soo is cute, and may be able to catch Shega Hariga's attention, from what I hear is her fiance!"
"Ehem..! Hey, can you hear me?" Natsumiya baffled. She thought JinHua was going to ignore her, because he seemed silent for seconds.
JinHua, went to his consciousness. "Uh- O-okay."
He replied an okay, because he hated to say 'no', which would brought problem to himself. Furthermore, he thought, they'd never let Natsumiya alone with SooYang!
"Nice! After the second recess, may we go?"
Before JinHua could answer, Yurie who just came from the hospital after visiting SooYang, appeared in the class. She looked as impassive as ever, but when she saw them, she immediately mirrored 'what - is - happening - over - here' face.
"Alright." he replied directly, closing his lecture notes, and went away towards Yurie who put her backpack on the chair silently, as if trying to look invisible.
"I'll wait for you on the basketball court- don't be late!" Before that girl went away with a few other girls, she put a high tone over him to alert their visit soon. Then, she went away without saying goodbye.
Yurie: "(Suprised). What has happened?"
JinHua: "It's Natsumiya. (Sit beside her)."
Yurie: "(Insisting). I know.. I mean- what did you both talking about??"
JinHua: "She asked me to bring her to meet SooYang. I said yes, because I don't want to be disturbed. (Reading his geographic book)."
Yurie: "(Extremely suprised). What?!"
JinHua: "No worries. We'll keep an eye to her, okay? (Softly smiled over her)."
Yurie: "(Hesitated). O-okay."
JinHua: "Now, let's study. You promised you'll be a good junior right?"
Yurie: "(Smiled cheerishly). Of course!"
JinHua: "(Acting stern). Open your book now!"
Yurie: "(Giggled). Aye aye master!"
And both were having studies together.
Deep inside, Yurie felt null, because she could only hear a guy's laughter when studying. Not like long ago, which was SooYang's cheerish laughter which always teasing her.