Story of Nikki Lindsey


I'm home and was glad mama did not ask why I took so long before returning.

Later in the evening, I received a message from Miss Erika to come down to a street not that far from my apartment.

She handed me a box, and I wondered what it was.

"After you did the test, let the master know the result," she said.

Test? Then this box is? Pregnancy test kits?

Instantly, my chest beat wildly. Anticipation overwhelms me. Tighter, I hold the box closer to my chest. I could finally see if I was pregnant now. It's been three weeks since we first made love. I bowed to Miss Erika before I closed the car door. 

I guess I have a light foot walking back into the apartment. It filled my mind with what result I would get. 

Glad Mama was already in bed, and Jessica read a book in the living room. I head to the bathroom and lock it. I open the box and take out one of the three test kits I found inside. I read the instructions repeatedly before taking steps to get the result.

I was waiting for a few minutes was like forever. I held my breath and calmed my fingers. It has been trembling non-stop.

Finally, the result is shown. I took a photo and sent an MMS to him.


It means I have to sleep with him once again. Quickly, I put the test kit back in the box. I hid the test kits in my bedroom. Tomorrow, I need to throw it away somewhere.

I heaved a long sigh. It worried me, true. How could I go out tomorrow night so that mama won't have any suspicions?

I can't just tell mama I will go out with some friends and then come home the next day. It was rare for me to stay overnight at a friend's house in the past. These sudden changes would create suspicion between her and our neighbors.

I want to be careful. Mama is still in her recovery state, and she hasn't completed her treatment yet.

My phone screen lighted while sitting in my bedroom, pondering what excuses I would tell mama tomorrow.

It was him.

"Erika will pick you up tomorrow at 1 p.m."

Hmm, he had a pleasurable time, huh? It surprised me. He must think of my situation. I did not anticipate he would be this thoughtful. He perceives it was hard for me to meet him tonight and stay overnight. He considered my situation, and he earned more of my trust with this.

I told mama that I had to meet some friends after lunch. I will return to work soon, after then, I won't go out anymore. Mama did not doubt it and allowed me right away. 

* * *

Wearing the dress he bought for me last time, it feels different to come to his place during the day. Are there any differences coming here during the night?

I guess it was way more romantic to meet him at night. Anyway, the blinds of his high floor-ceiling window are down. But a soft light lit on the corner. One under the stairs, and there is also a blue light lit under the mini garden on the left corner and—

Once I get pregnant and give birth to his child, I wonder what arrangement we will have by then. He has this time—different wines displayed on the shelves. He was living nearby. So it was like we fell in love because we are neighbors? But that love didn't last, so the end of our story.

I dropped my body to the sofas. I was thinking of crazy plots once again, but it looks acceptable. That's right. It was easy to tell other people we met in the neighborhood, and it was easy for me to sneak and be with him anytime. And those nights are the time we made love and are now blessed with a life growing inside me.

I was waiting for his instructions, and I think I have been sitting here for fifteen minutes. I looked at my phone the whole time, and another five minutes passed. 

I began worrying. Is he coming? I don't want to ask him, but I will wait patiently.

Thirty minutes since I arrived, then finally he remembered to text me.

"I'll be late. I have to attend to important matters. You can have some drinks while waiting. If you like, you can try some wine or champagne."

Hmm, he's busy. Then, okay. I will make myself like home. So what's good to drink? I am not a night-outer who will be in bars and clubs, but my course prefers me to know different liquor. A few of them are familiar to me, but some are already not in their original bottle.

I wonder what wine he drank the first time we made love. That wine is sweet, which made me drunk through his kisses. Since he allowed me, I will raid his shelves of liquors. How about tasting them? Right!

I went behind the counter, and I picked a left half bottle. It smelled hard, but I still tried it. He must always drink this.

"UMM…" It's hard for me. I will try another one.

I saw a blue crystal bottle. I sniff, and the smell is not that strong. I pour it into my glass and add more ice cubes.

Damn. I can't judge its scent. It was stronger than the first one. My tongue got stung. I need something to ease the bitterness.

I run toward his huge fridge and look for something. I found lemons. I made a lot of thin slices. Carefully, I place the plate on the countertop. I eat two pieces. I then feel better. This bottle has to hide somewhere. It looks alluring in the eyes, but it's super strong. I hide it behind his other drinks. 

Hmm, I couldn't find that wine until now. There are a lot of bottles here, so which one of them? 

Vodka! I had lemons here, then I need salt, and everything will be perfect. I saw a vodka glass inside a drawer below the wine shelves. I excitedly pour the liquor. I added ice and picked up one lemon. Held by one hand, I inhaled.

"1, 2, 3…." I cupped the vodka straight. "Hmm." Quickly, I put the lemon in my mouth. "Hah!" That's something.

I poured another glass, but I stopped on the third one. I could feel the ceiling beginning to go whirling above me, but I wanted that wine. Should I ask him?

Nah. He's busy. Maybe I will take a guess. There is a lot here. I scanned the whole section, and something caught my eye.

"Bingo! I finally found you!" I was happy, of course, because I had to try five different liquors before I found it. 

I made a gradual step toward the living room. It looks like I am feeling the effects of those drinks. I was dizzying, but I made it to the sofa. 

"Oopsie!" I stagger my feet. Carefully, I place the bottle and glass in my other hand. I sit on the floor.

Excitedly, I made a dramatic pour into the wine glass and slowly sipped on it. Hmm, strong, but tastes the best!

Later, I can see the ceiling circling on top of me. My head... I cannot remember what happens next.