Story of Nikki Lindsey


Arriving at the penthouse she's staying in, Min Xi picks up the flower vase and throws it on the wall. The broken vase shattered on the floor.

Kylee quietly gets a broomstick and dustpan to clean it quickly before Min Xi steps on them later. 

"Min Xi, eat some dinner," said Rubin and put down the food pack on the table. 

"I don't need it!" Min Xi screams. She strode toward the table and was about to pick up the food pack. But Kyle stops her. 

"Min Xi! Rather than throw them, I better have it! I'm hungry," Kyle said. He took the food pack from Min Xi's hand. 

She threw a tantrum because she had no full power to go against the Shang, especially Jeremy, the eldest son.

Min Xi sat on the sofa. She was furious. Kyle cannot do anything to comfort her but watch her being like this.