Story of Nikki Lindsey: MYSTERIOUS GIRL


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Nikki is helping the staff to set up the photo set area.

"Oh, thank god, Miss Nikki! You're a lifesaver! Director Cho would scold us further if we can do the set properly."

"Ah, no problem. I'm glad I could be of help."

She pulled a purple curtain and walked around a Tulip tree. They have to wrap the trunk with a purple cloth. Nikki sat on the grass while she placed more of the fabric on the ground around the tree. She let the wind blow the material to slowly lay it on the ground on its own. 

The crew began placing white and purple flowers and plants around. So she assumes the theme must be white and purple.

"Grace, for what exactly is this concept for?" she asked one of the crew. 

"What I know, is the primary theme is VIOLET."

"VIOLET? A name of the brand or a woman's name?" she's curious.

"The boss doesn't know everything too."