Story of Nikki Lindsey

CHAPTER 130: SAVING NIKKI (Three) and the Past

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Meanwhile, Nikki is getting hungry. She had no appetite earlier. But now, Nikki was too hungry. She sat up from the sofa and stood close to the door. Using both hands, she slams the door. She started feeling sick. They were in the middle of the ocean. From a very far is only a tiny light from the land.

How could she escape from this ship?

She felt helpless. But the person she was thinking of now is Theo. Somehow, she still wishes that he would care enough for the child and will search for them. She's praying that Daichi and the neighbors notice her mother has gone home, and they will look for her.

This guy Brandon Hale. He promised to bring her mother, but he said that only he would come if she wants her mother to be free.

Said they only free her mother tomorrow after they left the country.

What does that mean? She doesn't want to leave! She cannot leave her mother.