Story of Nikki Lindsey

CHAPTER 140: SAVING NIKKI (Thirteen) and the Past 


(This chapter contains an act of violence.)

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Highland Garden is an exclusive graveyard for rich people in that district. 

The moment she got off the bus, she fetches a taxi and bought a flower along the way to offer in Jonathan's grave. 

She realized the Hale family owns a private mausoleum in that garden. She entered inside and read the name one by one until she found Jonathan's urn in the corner. Nikki places the flower and prepares to recite her goodbye when someone grabs her by the shoulder.

"Who are you!?" asked the man. His eyes widened when he recognized her. 

And as for Nikki, she also recognizes him. He is Jonathan's older brother, Brandon. 

"How dare you show up in my brother's grave after you kill him!" Brandon pushes her against the wall.