Story of Nina Li


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"As you can see, Mama… Harry has a girlfriend now. It hurts me because I thought he felt the same way as me. But when something happens and I needed someone, Steven was there for me..." Nina narrated to her mother about what happened at the Charity Ball.

"He loved me, Mama. But I'm scared. His love is overbearing. It was exhausting to handle. And now, Steven and Harry's relationship is not in pleasant condition because of me. I don't want them to fight because of me." 

"The twin loves you both," Dona commented, which made Nina crease her forehead.

"How can you say that, Mama? Harry ignored my confession," she murmured. A trace of sadness is present in her voice. 

"Really? Did you confess to him?" a bit surprised, Dona's tone was like teasing her daughter. Nina's cheeks flushed instantly. "Why didn't Harry respond to you?"