Story of Nina Li


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Steven didn't listen to his bodyguard. He keeps attacking Leng, who only dodges his kicks and blows. Later, Leng was forced to counter Steven's attacks, and he got him well in the stomach. He falls to the ground to let the pain disappear, and then he can chase Steven. 

Meanwhile, three bodyguards follow Steven, but he also defeats them, and she runs toward the lake in this park. He kept running until he found the exit, and he emerged on the other side of the forest. 

The place was a busy street of food stalls and restaurants. Steven blends into the crowd and keeps low. He could see two of his bodyguards would catch up with him. 

He quickened his pace and changed the route. But not long, someone tapped his shoulder, and another bumped into him. 

"What!?" he yelled at the man. 

"Relax, young master Shang. You need not be rude to us." 

"Who are you? Let me go!"