In the Finale

Jilaya had a line of soldiers set up.

Jilaya: Everyone. This is a big day. There are people coming who may be a match for you. I have faith in your commander, one.

One looked almost identical to Ivan. With white hair and red eyes. He had a skintight black shirt and leggings under some sorts. He was holding a yellow sword.

One: I won't let you down.

Jilaya: Two, Three and Four will help you. If you need backup we have Six and Seven.

Two had a black cloak on that doubled as a hoodie. She had short blonde hair, contrasting her black cloak. One of her arms was covered while another wasn't. Along with her red eyes. Three looked younger. She had a long sweatshirt with the hoodie up and black thigh-highs under this shirt. With long black leggings and boots. Her hair was shoulder length and her eyes not red for some reason. Four looked the same as before. But this time with huge mechanical wings on her back. She was floating in the air a little bit.

Four: We're ready.

Ivan was sitting next to Jilaya. He stood up.

Jilaya: Remember. We can't kill them. This is to make a statement.

Ivan: Of course. This is just going to be fun.

Jilaya: But if things get tight. If she's stronger than she seems. Kill her.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Terra: We need to end this.

Amala: As long as it's not the end of us.

Leon: Is that the place?

There was a big mansion with an equally big garage. Which was more like a warehouse. Terra took a deep breath. This was a stupid idea.

Terra: I'm not really ready. Am I?

Amala: Alright look. If you're going to bitch I'll tell you a secret.

Terra: Now? Seriously?

Amala: Mhm. You have another power I didn't tell you about.

Terra: Another power? Why didn't you tell me?

Amala: Well as far as I know the power is extremely dangerous and if you use it you might have to pay a price.

Terra: And you don't know what the price is. Do you?

Amala: No.

Terra: What's the power?

Amala: You can transmit diseases to people.

Terra: Transmit diseases?

Amala: Yeah. Think about it. You pick the right virus to use and you could kill people easily. But there's that price.

Terra: If I can find out how to use it. Maybe I'll get a leg up in battle.

Millie: Let's hope.

Axel was standing down the street. Looking at the RV.

Amala: Leon. Teleport Terra past the fence. We'll take care of Axel.

Leon did just that. Terra landed in the back of the house, Next to the pool.

Leon: This is your fight, Terra. Uh, don't die I guess.

Terra: Thanks.

Leon teleported away.

Terra: Ivan! Come out! I know your here!

Ivan jumped down in front of Terra gracefully.

Ivan: I'll humor you today, Terra. We'll have an official fight. A fight for the ages.

Terra: This is a game to you…

Ivan: And it isn't to you? What do you think will happen if you beat us? You'll be regarded as a hero because you think our slave camps are wrong? Of course not! You didn't think it through. Because you know nothing about the real world.

Terra: ...We'll find something out. I know it!

Ivan: Again. DUMB. You are a terrorist in the public's eyes. So try and fight me. Terrorist.

Terra felt a surge of anger run through her.

Terra: I don't know the reason I'm standing here. But the only thing I know for real.

Terra & Ivan: There will be bloodshed.

Terra lashed out and stabbed her spear forward. Ivan blocked it and sent it off to the side. Terra landed a couple kicks on Ivan. He fell back and slashed under Terra. She jumped up in the air and punched Ivan in the face and jumped back. She threw her spear at him. Which he dodged. As she ran up she fired on destruction and threw a punch at his face. He dodged. Terra dodged a sword slice at her shoulder and ducked down and punched him right in the stomach. She moved to the side and punched him in the head and then threw a kick at his stomach. Ivan fell back. He rolled backward and shot himself into the air with a blast of water. He shot a bolt of lightning straight at Terra. She got hit right in the stomach and fell back. She laid on the ground trying to buy time.

Ivan: One lightning bolt? That's all it took? I was appointed by a powerful man to kill all the older gods. And you're the weakest I've ever met.

Terra tried lifting one of her gauntlets in her destruction form.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Axel: So. you all made it this far. This far just to lose. You don't even have a solid plan. Do you?

Amala: Honestly no. But we're here anyway.

Axel: You are all so stupid. If you're going to fight me, think of a plan first. Here, I'll even give you some time.

Millie: Hey! What did you do to Amelia?!

Axel: I have no idea. Why would I know?

Axel backed up and One, Two, Three and Four came past him.

Millie: What the fuck?

One: Everyone. Attack.

Three: Let's go! I'm pumped!

Four: Don't be overzealous. Just kill them.

Two: The order wasn't to kill them.

Four: They don't need to know that!

One: Shut up. Just attack.

Amala: Alright. Two and Three are the weakest out of the four. I'll take them. Leon, you take Four, Millie you get One. Obviously.

Amala took out her blade and slashed at both Two and Three. Two jumped on Amala's sword like a tightrope and kicked her in the face. Amala flicked her sword into the air and two jumped off the sword. Three shot a blast of fire at Amala. She ducked out of the way and slashed her sword at Three. Who moved out of the way. Two came back down and threw a punch down at the ground. Amala moved out of the way and kicked Two away. Three shot a stream of magma at Amala. She tried blocking it with her sword and still felt the blistering heat hitting her. She kicked Two in the stomach. Knocking the wind out of her and leaving her laying on the floor.

Leon jumped up and shot a fireball at Four. Four blocked it with her wing and hit Leon in the face. She grabbed him and shoved him against the ground and dragged him. He teleported her in the air and took out his sword and slashed at one of her wings. She threw him to the ground and fired two beams. One of ice and one of fire. Leon got hit, but only for a second because he made a shield around himself. He jumped out and slashed one of her wings. He turned and shot a big fireball at her. But she dissipated it with a blast of ice. And then hit Leon as well. He fell on the ground. He didn't stand that great of a chance. But an idea popped into his head.

Two ran back in and threw a bunch of ninja stars. When they hit Amala they exploded. Sending her flying back. She plunged her sword into the ground and stopped herself, She took her sword out of the ground but was hit with a flying kick from Two. She didn't flinch much though, Amala grabbed Two by the leg and went to throw her but was caught off guard by a magma blast from Three. Two punched Amala in the stomach a bunch of times and then in the chin. Three ran up and shot a magma blast up at Amala. Amala went up in the air and then fell to the ground. She got up. Half of her face was literally burnt off. Showing a robotic face.

Amala: Nice one.

Leon said a short spell that enchanted his sword. Four shot her beams at Leon again. He jumped out of the way.

Leon: Come here! Come on! You can do it!

Four: What is that supposed to mean?

Leon: That you suck. Maybe if you really tried to land a hit on me it would be more fun.

Four: Do you think I'm stupid?

Four came to Ivan and clashed her wing with his sword. She spun around and threw Leon away. Four flew at Leon quickly. He took out a mirror and threw his sword down. Four ran into Leon and the mirror. She was sucked right into the mirror.

Leon: Ha!

Millie: Holy shit! What was that?

Leon: I also got this hypnotizing trick. It's pretty coo-

Amala: Leon! Help!

Millie dodged a sword slash from One. She threw a spinning hook kick at him. But he dodged under and slashed Millie's leg. She stumbled back and clapped her hands together. Blowing One backward. He slashed his sword and shot a couple energy blasts at Millie. She simply tanked the hits and fired them back at One. Who blocked them all with his sword. He ran forward and sunk his sword into the ground and flung himself off of it and threw out some kicks. Millie stumbled back after being hit by this. One took his sword out of the ground and slashed Millie at the legs. Making her fall to the ground. Millie bursted up and threw an uppercut. One moved out of the way and kicked Millie back.

Millie: Why do you look so much like him? So much like Ivan?

One: I'm a replica of him. A clone.

Millie: Wow. That easy to get information out of you?

One: Well, not if the information is classified. It won't matter what you learn anyway.

Millie shot a blast at One. Who ducked out of the way. She followed up with a bunch of punches. He dodged every single one and slashed his sword at her. She held out her robotic arm and clashed with him. She went to kick him in the knee but he moved his leg and did a flying knee into Millie.

Axel: Okay, okay! That's enough!

One, Two, and Three backed off.

Amala: We couldn't even take four of them. I'm pretty sure Integer has at least fourteen of these guys.

Leon: What? You think all her soldiers are numbered?

Amala: Have to be. Beck is number fourteen. I wonder if there's more after him.

Axel: Great observation. Now it's time to end this.