It Has to Be This Way

Millie: Amelia! Talk to us! Please.

Amelia: Why would I talk to her?

Amelia pointed at Riley.

Millie: Talk to me. Y'know? Like old times?

Amelia: Old times are gone.

Millie: What we felt for each other wasn't fake! And you saved me from Empyrean's blast! You still care about people!

Amelia: I do. And when I do I kill people. I should stop caring.

Millie: We can stop caring together! I will help you! And we can all be together again.

Amelia: I don't believe you.

Millie: Then you'll never be happy again.

Amelia: I'll be happy when...when…

Millie: When what?

Amelia: When I destroy everything. I can't be hurt by anything If I destroy the timeline! Bring things back to a better time! I'd be doing the world a favor!

Riley: I told you. She's crazy.

Amelia: Starting with you.

Amelia tackled Riley. She vibrated her hand. And raised it up.

Millie: Amelia! I'll go with you!

Amelia: What?

Millie: I'll destroy everything with you. As long as we're together. You could share everything that hurts with me. We could reset the world together. Just come here. We don't need to shed Riley's blood. We just need her speed.

Amelia got off of Riley.

Amelia: You're not lying. Right?

Millie: Relationships are built on truth.

Amelia walked over to Millie.

Amelia: We could destroy everything...together?

Millie: Yeah.

Amelia came over to Millie and they kissed each other. Millie knew she would feel bad for this. She rested her hand open on Amelia's hip. She closed it quickly. One of Amelia's kidneys failed. She felt a sharp pain and fell backwards.

Amelia: Why would you lie?! You betrayed me. JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!

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Ivan started talking to Terra from the shadows.

Ivan: I killed Aphrodite, Hermes, and even almost Ares. All older gods. But I was stronger then. The me you see here isn't the real me in the astral realm. You would be torn to pieces.

Terra: I'm not even Artemis! I just wear her armor!

Ivan: I also swore to destroy their relics. And even past that. You are raw potential, dear. You haven't even begun to imagine how powerful that armor could make you. And I couldn't touch you in your destruction form now. You are far too powerful.

Terra dodged a blade that came from nowhere. Ivan jumped out and slashed down at Terra. She blocked his strike with her gauntlet.

Terra: I don't care what you swore! And you aren't killing me!

Ivan: I know. I probably can't But it's worth a shot. I can't just abandon my duty. I had to separate myself from the others.

Terra: Be more specific!

Terra threw Ivan's blade off course and kicked him in the ribs. Sending him flying into a wall.

Ivan: There are seven chakras. We are out to kill all the gods. I just dedicated myself to older gods.

Terra: Then why aren't your seven warriors fighting with you?!

Ivan: Like I said, I separated myself from them. I had a family and I couldn't be dragged down by them.

Terra: Then abandon your duty! You obviously didn't have trouble abandoning your warriors!

Ivan: My duty is a sworn duty. It's different. And plus it's fun. And costless. Well until you came along and let my daughter die.

Terra took both of her gauntlets off and grabbed one out of the air and threw it by the sharp end. Ivan blocked it off course. He ran forward and stabbed at Terra. She dodged to the side and grabbed his blade and broke it in half. She grabbed the half that was snapped off out of the air and threw it at Ivan and hit him in the chest. She kicked him into the wall and punched him in the face. She pinned his hands to the wall with her gauntlets. Ivan smiled at her.

Ivan: Kill me.

Terra punched Ivan in the stomach and uppercut him. But didn't kill him.

Ivan: Come on! I'm weak! I'm trapped! I didn't take this job without knowing the risk.

Terra took a deep breath. She took Ivan's sword.

Terra: I'm doing this to get past you. For the better of the world.

Ivan: Keep telling yourself tha-

Terra slashed Ivan's blade across his throat quickly. She watched the life drain from his eyes and called her gauntlets to herself. Leon got on top of him and ripped off Axel's mask. Leon punched Axel over and over. And pulled out his blade and raised it high above himself. He stabbed Axel in the face and the sword sucked his soul up.

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Krilla: I don't kill because I love it kid. I was bred into this. And I'm not going to give up on something I'm that good at.

Terra: I get it.

Krilla: But my son-Leon. He will never kill. I will not raise him like that.

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Terra felt a sword stab through her back. She turned on destruction quickly and turned around and saw Ivan. Standing up.

Ivan: You are going to pay for that.

Terra: Leon. You know that spell that sends people to the astral realm?

Leon: Uh...yeah.

Terra: Can it lock them there? With no way out?

Leon: I might be able to whip something up.

Terra pulled the blade out of her. And ran at Ivan. He didn't even get a chance to dodge. Terra grabbed him by the neck and pushed him to the ground. Landing on top of him.

Terra: If you can't be killed. Then we'll just make you leave.

Ivan: Try it. I will simply come back. Are you stupid?

A portal appeared in front of Terra. She grabbed Ivan and raised him above the portal.

Terra: You won't take anything else from me.

Terra threw Ivan into the portal. He smiled at her as he fell through.

Terra: Close it!

Leon closed the portal quickly. Terra fell to the ground. And looked at Amala's body. Leon went closer to her. And closed her eyes. He sat next to her. Amala opened her eyes.

Leon: A-Amala?!

Amala: ...Hey. Leon. Like I said. Don't kill out of hate...I wouldn't want you to go the route I took. I've lived a long life. And most of it was spent being a terrible person...I know I can't replace your mother. But you're like a son to me.

Leon was crying. His tears staining Amala's white shirt.

Amala brought her hand up weakly and held Leon's hand.

Amala: Terra. You aren't half bad. As Artemis I mean...Bring Integer down...and keep your wits about you. Be strong. Don't fall down after a big loss. Fucking stand there and take it...Also tell my mom I'm sorry...Anyway it's getting really painful. So end my suffering.

Leon: Can't we just...put your heart in? Can Terra heal you?!

Amala: No. Robots can't really be healed. Grab my heart. Crush it.

Terra: Crush it?

Terra was also starting to get teary eyed.

Terra: I can't kill you!

Amala: Actually, stab it with the soul blade. You'll have my power with you Leon. And you're going to need it. Another thing about killing. If someone is suffering a horrible death. Just make it quicker.

Terra picked up Amala's weakly beating heart. And grabbed Leon's soul blade.

Amala: It has to be this way.

Amala closed her eyes. Terra, with tears in her eyes stabbed the sword through Amala's heart. She fell to her knees and watched the life fade from Amala.

Terra: I'm so sorry.

Leon: Me too.

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Amelia ran up at Millie. Slower than usual and knocked her down. She did a back roll and got to her feet. She clapped her hands together. Amelia got hit by her blast and went flying backward. She ran up and spun around in the air. She hit Millie right in the stomach and sent her flying back. She ran around Millie and punched her down violently. She kicked her in the head and then the ribs.

Amelia: Die!

Amelia got on top of Millie and started punching her over and over.

Millie: Stop stop!

Amelia: What?

Millie: I like this position.

Amelia got flustered and Millie took out her switchblade and stabbed Amelia in the back. Amelia started vibrating rapidly and got up. Millie got to her feet quickly and threw her knife at Amelia. Amelia grabbed it out of the air and threw it back at Millie. Stabbing her. Lucky for her, she took the knife out just as Amelia was running up at her. And sent out a huge charged blast. Amelia went flying back through some debris. Amelia ran away from Millie. And then came back at speed. Millie couldn't even see Amelia. Amelia punched her in the face and sent her flying backwards. Incapacitating her. Amelia ran up and grabbed Millie's knife.

Terra: Amelia! Put the knife down!


Terra threw out one of her gauntlets and knocked Amelia's knife out of her hand. She grabbed Terra's gauntlet and threw it at her. Terra let the gauntlet land back on her wrist. Terra shot a red energy blast out of her hand. Amelia sidestepped it and ran up to Terra and punched her in the face. She kneed Terra in the stomach over and over and threw a head kick. Terra put her hand up and grabbed her foot.

Terra: I don't understand your pain. I know. But you never let anyone try to understand it with you.

Amelia: You don't know anything about me! NOTHING!

Amelia threw a spinning back kick at Terra and missed. Terra got in close and punched Amelia in the stomach and did a spinning backfist, Amelia's head collided with Terra's gauntlet. Terra took out her spear and slashed it at Amelia's stomach. Amelia started vibrating rapidly and threw a lightning bolt at Terra. Terra got hit and flew backwards. Amelia vibreated her hand through Terra's chest. But her chestplate would not allow any such thing. Amelia lurched back from a burning pain that came when she tried. Terra took the chance and grabbed Amelia's head and kneed her in the face. Amelia fell to the ground violently. And stopped vibrating.

Terra: I don't want any more blood on my hands.

Terra looked around. The battlefield had become a barren wasteland. She went over to Millie. Millie woke up. She looked at Amelia.

Millie: Amelia! Did you…?

Terra: No. She's alive.

Riley: I vote to kill her. She's too far gone.

Terra thought about what Amala said. " If someone is suffering a horrible death. Just make it quicker."

Terra: She's suffering.

Millie: But we can still help her!

Terra: She might be gone. But she's still there. At least half of her.

Millie: Thank you. I'm going to get her help.

Riley: Well it's two against one. So…

Terra: We still need to find Integer.

Millie: Right.

Millie tried to get up. But she was too wounded to do so.

Terra: Oh. I can heal you.

Millie: No. No. I think this fight between you and integer is personal. Plus I've had enough fighting for today.

Riley: What are you going to do to her?

Terra: I think...

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Jilaya was sitting in her camera room. She watched Ivan's throat be slit. And her camera go out. On another camera she saw Axel die. Tears boiled up inside her. And she cried. She went into her garage. She looked up at her gigantic robot. Zion. She flipped the power switch and watched a dial start raising in percentage. 1% 10%. She wasn't letting Terra leave. Jilaya came into Empyrean's room.

Jilaya: ...Dad. Ivan and Axel...Their…

Empyrean: Dead? I suspected so.

Jilaya: Hey!

Empyrean: They did it to themselves. I am preparing to destroy this world. I have a ship you can take if you please.

Jilaya: I would rather be dead than live with you. You don't care about me, or the rest of my family. I'm another pawn. And I call myself a genius. I didn't work all my life for this.

Empyrean: Right. You are very naive. Emotional. Unruly. Get out of my sight.

Jilaya: I'd rather be emotional then a cold hearted ghost like you.

Empyrean: I said get out of my sight.

Jilaya took a device out of her pocket. It looked like a gun with a huge muzzle.

Empyrean: What are you doing? Going to shoot me with a gun?

She held the trigger down. And Empyrean immediately fell to his hands and knees. The power was being sucked out of him.

Jilaya: I worked my entire life to this moment. So I'm going to rule the world. Own it. Appreciate the small things in life. Like this planet.

Empyrean could barely speak. He was pale and extremely skinny.

Empyrean: You really are my daughter…

Jilaya shot the trigger again. And a gigantic blast of Empyrean's power came out and completely disintegrated him. Jilaya took the gun and cocked it open. Splitting it in half.

Jilaya: Anymore of this and well…

Jilaya grabbed a needle and capsule out of the gun and stabbed herself with the needle. And let as much of Empyrean's power as she could take into her body.

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