Fighting Fire with Fire

Lobo, Millie, Amelia, and Themis ran up some stairs. They made it to the roof. Where Terra was sitting next to Tempest's side.

Millie: Terra! You okay?

Terra: I'm fine. But Tempest needs medical attention. His eyes…

Lobo stood over him.

Lobo: God….Tempest you idiot.

Terra: You guys take him back to the base. I'm going to finish Delta.

Themis: You can't finish her by yourself. We talked about this. Plans. Who knows what she'll do next. You need us.

Terra: But what about Tempest?

Lobo: I'll radio Simon. He'll come in with a unit from B.L.A.D.E to help Temp.

A huge bang was heard far away.

Amelia: What was that?

Terra: Where did Delta go? I thought that would slow her down….

Lobo heard Simon over the coms.

Simon: Hey! That maniac is going for the Brooklyn bridge!

Lobo: It's the Brooklyn bridge!

Simon: Engage immediately.

Millie: I guess we don't have much of a choice.

Terra: Let's go.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Amelia ran everyone to the bridge.

Terra: Where is she? The bridge looks...fine.

Delta flew from under the bridge. She blew a huge hole in the bridge. She flew in the air with the help of her armor. And cars started to fall into the depths below.

Millie: Amelia.

Amelia: What?!

Millie: You're the only one who could save the people on the bridge. Those are a bunch of innocents. You said you wanted to use your speed for good. So come on, go!

Amelia summoned her speed and blew through the bridge. She slipped through cars and grabbed people. She got into a rhythm. Back and forth. Delta started paying attention to Amelia. She took out her gun.

Terra: Hey! Keep your eyes on me!

Delta: Whatever you did to me….that would've killed me if it wasn't for the Ichor coursing through my veins.

Terra: That was the point.

Delta: I thought you were against killing.

Terra: And what happens if you stay alive? You'll never stop! Can't you see what's wrong with your actions!?

Delta: My mom taught me the way. She showed me that there was only one way the world can be perfect. And she didn't do anything to enact that vision. She loved me. I was going to follow in her footsteps, And you took that all away from me!

Delta lunged towards Terra. Terra jumped out of the way. Delta's hand smashed into a car. She shot a couple bullets at Terra. Terra made one of her gauntlets fly off and cross cut Delta in the face, Terra took out her spear and stabbed forward to puncture Delta. She did a hook kick, and kicked Terra's spear at the ground. She shot a bullet right in between Terra's eyes. Terra was struck down to the ground. The bullet had bounced off of Terra's head. But her head rung. She held her hand out and tried ripping Delta's armor off of her. She started to be pulled towards Terra. Terra took what she could get. She kicked Delta's gun out of her hand and elbowed her in the face. Delta stumbled back, her eyes watering. She slashed at Terra with her axe, Terra jumped back. Delta slashed once again, and Terra jumped right off of her axe and kicked her in the face, landing behind her with a roll. Delta slammed her axe down, making a huge shockwave that broke the ground in two. Terra lost her balance, and Delta jumped in and kicked Terra twice ending with a superman punch to the face. Terra was slammed into a car. Delta ran at her. She held out her gun and shot Terra over and over. Screaming. Delta gripped her axe and slashed overhead. Terra lit up with a blinding red glow. She kicked off the car and punched Delta in the face. She kept up the pressure. Bloodying her face with each punch. Delta caught Terra's next punch. She was burning with a red aura as well. She made a gigantic vine come from the sea and smash into the bridge. Both of them were slammed off the bridge along with debris. They free fell through the air. Delta got a hold of Terra and started clobbering Terra in the face, They hit the ground somehow, they had landed on a piece of debris. They both ran towards each other with their weapons in hand. Before they could make any final lacerations a bright light appeared in front of the two. And they disappeared.

Millie: Terra! She fell when that big ass vine hit the bridge!

Themis: I've seen her take worse. She has to be fine.

Amelia ran in the last of the people.

Woman: Thank you so much! I don't know what I would've done if it wasn't for you!

Amelia: Yeah yeah yeah.

Amelia ran over to Millie, Themis and Lobo.

Amelia: I saw what happened to Terra. She had made it down there alive. Her and Delta were still fighting.

Themis: You think you could run us down there Amelia?

Amelia ran everyone down to the shore of the ocean. Where some debris was floating about.

Millie: Where is she?!

Themis: I don't see anyone….

Millie: Terra! TERRA!

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Terra opened her eyes, and there the sun was. Blinding her. She sat up. She was in the woods,

Terra: It can't be....Artemis's camp.

Terra stood up, feeling a little lightheaded. There was Artemis's old cottage. What had happened? Why was she here?! Where was Delta?

She opened the door, the cottage was the same as last time. Pictures of all of Artemis's kids on the wall. Well, illegitimate kids. She treated them so harshly. She wondered if they even came to this place by choice. Terra walked past the dining room and saw the bathroom. Someone opened the door.

Terra: Did you bring me here? What do you expect to gain from this!?

Delta looked at Terra.

Delta: I don't know how I got here!

Terra: Then why did you take a shower?!

Delta: I was told to prepare.

Terra: For what?! You're making no sense!

Terra slammed Delta against the wall.

Terra: We were just fighting! We were going to kill each other!

Delta: Our fight was cut short.

Terra: Who says?!

Delta: Zeus.

Terra: What?

Terra's heart sank.

Delta: He is awaiting our arrival in Skyland.

Terra: Skyland?! Not now! I can't go there!

Delta grabbed Terra and flipped her onto the dining room table.

Delta: I wouldn't want to disappoint Zeus by gutting you like a fish. You can't leave this place. We're stuck together until we leave.

Terra: I have people at home waiting for me! You can't do this!

Delta: I'm not. I've always dreamed about going to Skyland. You should too.

Delta left Terra. Terra ran out of the house and tried to run out of the woods. She ran into something invisible. A wall or shield of some kind. A blue beam shot down into the ground. And someone stepped out. He wore an armor-like suit with cracks in it, It was emitting a golden light. He wore shoes with wings on their sides and a big gold helmet over his face.

Delta: Hermes.

Delta bowed.

Hermes: I don't require bows. That's for my father.

Terra: Hermes is dead. Who are you?

Hermes: Very perceptive. I am Polybus. His son. Come with me, you two.

Terra: No! I'm not letting you drag me away from my home!

Polybus: What? This is not a choice. You don't get to choose when it comes to this.

Terra: I DON'T CARE! Olympus is a waste of space! All gods are the same! You all think you're high and mighty because you were born into godhood!

Polybus dashed, so he was directly in front of Terra.

Polybus: What was that?

Terra: I had to work for my power. You were handed it on a silver platter.

Terra fired on destruction and threw a punch at Polybus's stomach. Terra felt an impact, but Polybus was motionless. He was holding her punch. He dislocated her arm and forced her to turn around. He kicked her straight in the back. Terra regained her footing and threw punch after punch at Polybus. He dodged every single one. He reached for his sword in his sheath, and dodged a punch. His sword flew out with a click and he slashed straight up and sliced straight through Terra's skin. Her arm flew into the air. She yelled out in anguish.

Polybus: Don't worry. Your arm will return when we make it to Olympus. I'm sorry you had to watch that, Delta. Let's go.