New Friends

Righty and Lefty are cracking their knuckles.

Kai(in head): How to get out of this one.

Kai looks around. The only exit is behind Lefty and Righty.

Kai(in head): Teleportation would really come in handy. Please, please let me teleport behind them.

Kai all the sudden hears a deep overpowering voice answer to his calls.

Disembodied Voice: Simple teleportation? I believe I can do that.

Kai(in head): Huh, who are you?

Kai teleports behind the two grunts, and runs out the doors.

Kai(in head): You didn't give me a lot of time to come up with a plan Voice.

Kai hears nothing from the voice he heard before. Then Kai gets stopped in a big room with no exits in sight.

Kai(In head): Damn, did I really just run into a dead end?

Lefty and Righty walk into the room.

Righty: Seems like you made your way into a dead end, huh?!

Lefty: Yeah!

Righty turns to lefty.

Righty: No, that question was for him.

Lefty: Yeah?

Righty: Yeah.

Lefty shrugs.

Lefty: Yeah.

Righty: Get ready to be beaten punk!

Kai(in head): These guys are so dumb.

Kai runs up to Righty, and goes in for a punch. Righty gets hit with the punch, and doesn't even flinch. Then Righty tries to punch Kai. Kai does a back handspring to dodge Righty's punch.

Kai(in head): He's really big, but really slow. I won't be able to dodge forever though. I don't think I'll be able to win this. I can already tell that if I get hit with one good shot I could be done.

Kai runs up to Lefty, and Lefty throws a slow punch. Kai easily dodges to the side, and slams a right hook into Lefty that makes him tumble back. Then Righty slams his hands down. Kai just barely rolls to the side in time to dodge it. Then Kai does a jump spin crescent kick to Righty. Righty gets kicked right in the head, and he is dazed. Lefty starts to charge Kai. Kai walks in front of Righty, and Lefty keeps charging at Kai. Then at the last second Kai rolls to the side, and Lefty crashes into Righty. They both end up on their asses shaking their heads to get rid of the dizziness. After about five seconds the two behemoths get up, and charge Kai. They both start punching Kai. Kai is struggling to dodge both of their punches.

Kai(in head): I'm gonna have to weaken their speed, but my power only allows me to weaken someone by a little.

Kai uses his powers, and all of the sudden starts dodging the two enormous beasts without struggle.

Righty: Just let me hit you!

Lefty: Yeah!

Kai: No!

Kai tries to sweep one of their legs, but it doesn't do anything, and Kai has to roll away.

Righty: We should finish this brother!

Lefty: Yeah!

Kai(in head): What are they gonna do?

The two gargantuans run at Kai, and start slamming the ground. Kai jumps up.

Righty: Let's get him now brother!

Righty and Lefty lock arms, and start spinning around like a top. They both put the arm that they didn't lock. They almost resemble a helicopters' blades. Kai falling in the air from jumping can't dodge.

Kai(in head): I underestimated them. I didn't think they had a special move!

One of the arms slams into Kai, and Kai slams into a wall.

Kai(in head): AH, I think they broke my back!

Righty: Now let's make sure he stops breathing for his boss!

Lefty: Yeah!

Righty and Lefty start smashing Kai with overhead slams. They just keep smashing Kai until he's a bloody pulp. Then Righty slings Kai over his shoulder, and walks outside. Righty throws Kai in a dumpster a little off his area.

Righty: The boss wants you to be found dead. He wants to make a statement. The boss is so cool.

Lefty: Yeah!

Both Righty and Lefty go walk away. About half an hour later a girl is walking by the dumpster.

Some girl: I hate that this is the quickest way home. I hate having to walk in this alleyway.

The girl here's grunting from the dumpster.

Some girl: Aw man, is there a drug addict in here?!

The girl opens the dumpster to see a bloody beaten up man. Kai gets a good look at her. She is a petite girl with black hair dyed purple. He can tell her hair is normally black because the roots of her hair were black. She has a large purple tattoo on her right arm. She is wearing a black tank top and regular black pants. Then she has a white sleeveless sweatshirt over her tank top. The sweatshirt is left open. Then she has a brown sweatshirt connected to it so that the sweatshirt goes down past her knees. Then she has brown knee high boots, and a brown belt.

Some girl: Don't worry, I'll help you.

Kai passes out. Kai then wakes up with the girl on top of him with her hands on his chest. Kai is almost completely healed, and he is only in his underwear.

Some girl: Oh, you're awake. My name is Zuri.

Kai: …It's not you, it's me.

Kai moves so that Zuri falls off of him and onto the other side of the bed.

Zuri: Hey, you didn't have to do that ya know. I was healing you.

Kai and Zuri are laying in bed looking right at each other.

Kai: You know I have regeneration right?

Zuri: Yeah, and every organ and bone in your body was just smashed. You would still be in recovery if it weren't for me.

Kai: Well then, thank you.

Kai gets out of bed to see his clothes cleaned and folded. Kai puts on his clothes.

Kai: So, what made you help out a half dead man laying in the garbage?

Zuri: I just like helping people. I'm a doctor so I have experience.

Kai: Don't lie to me, you have powers.

Zuri: Well, I said I had experience. Not that I healed you with medical supplies.

Kai: Well, thanks for the help. I'll be leaving now.

Zuri: Wow, I help you out, and you can't even be bothered to tell me your name?

Kai: The name's Kai.

Zuri: So Kai, how did you end up in the garbage?

Kai: I was kidnapped. I was tied up, and about to get beat up. I ran away, and they found me. Then I got beat up, and thrown in the garbage. Wait, I'm supposed to be leaving!

Zuri: Wait!

Kai: What?!

Zuri: You said I have powers. Does that mean you have powers?

Kai: And what if I did?

Zuri: Then I think I would like to hang out with you.

Zuri and Kai trade phone numbers.

Kai: I'll see you later Zuri.

Zuri: See ya.

Cal: Are you just gonna leave, and sleep in other places because I like that a lot better?

Kai: Shut up Cal. I wouldn't be paying half the rent if I didn't want to live here.

Cal: Ugh, I'm going out.

Kai: Then leave!

Cal leaves. A week later Kai gets shipped a package. He brings it into the house, and opens it up. Once he opens it up he sees a rubber handle that he has seen before. He starts moving his hands through the handle until he finds a button. Then he presses the button, and two metal poles come out of each side.

Kai: It's my staff!

Kai is holding the staff he got from Stick.

Kai: I don't think my staff was ever anything technological though.

Kai grabs a letter out of the package.

Kai: Maybe this will explain it!

Kai opens the letter, and starts reading it.

Kai: "Sorry it took longer than expected to ship your staff. I decided to send it over to some friends of mine to give it some advancements. Hope this helped, Diggle." Diggle is really a cool dude. I should go try this out.

Kai goes outside and practices with his new staff. Then the next day Kai was laying on the couch, and someone unlocked the door to the apartment. Then Kai sits up, and grabs his staff.

Kai(in head): Wait, Cal is in his room.

The door bursts open, and a guy walks in with an electric whip in each hand. He is a man with brown skin and pure white hair. He looks to be around Kai's age, and he has a huge grin on his face.

Smiling guy: I knew you were alive, and ready to be killed by me!

Cal runs to the living room with a wooden sword.

Cal: What the hell?

Smiling guy: You can call me The Amazing Smiley. If you want to know why i'm called that you can just ask.

Kai: Why do they call you Smiley?

Smiley: Because I enjoy murder. I enjoy it with a burning passion! I want to give everyone the gift of death! Don't worry, you're the next to receive my gift!

Cal: Crazy fucking bastard!

Cal goes in for a slash. Smiley wraps one of his whips around Cal's wooden blade.

Cal: Wood doesn't conduct electricity idiot!

Cal pulls his blade closer to him pulling smiley. Once Smiley is close enough to Cal, Cal kicks him in the gut.

Smiley: You never know. One time you have the advantage, and another you don't!

Smiley takes a spray bottle, and sprays Cal's sword until the bottle doesn't have any water left. Kai just laughs the whole way through. Cal is so shocked he just doesn't even do anything.

Cal: It takes more than just being wet once to ruin a sword, you know that right?

Smiley: You don't see my genius!

Smiley goes to whip Cal, and Cal blocks it with his sword. The whip wraps around the wooden sword like before, and all of the sudden Cal starts getting electrocuted. Cal gets hit with so much electricity that he drops his sword, and falls to the ground. Smiley then starts smacking Cal's unconscious body with his whips.

Smiley: Not so dumb huh?!

Kai: The electricity traveled through the water! You're a low key genius, crazy, but a genius. I guess now you'll have to beat me.

Smiley wraps his whip around Kai's staff.

Smiley: Too bad you're using metal.

Smiley's electricity doesn't even affect Kai.

Smiley: HOW?!

Kai: Rubber handle, douche.

Kai runs up to Smiley. Smiley uses his other whip, but it ends up getting wrapped around the other side of Kai's staff.

Kai: Your out of time!

Smiley: NO!

Kai punches Smiley, and Knocks him out in one punch. In about an hour the cops are putting the hand cuffed Smiley into a cop car. Kai is outside watching the cops.

Kai: So, about The Grandfather-

Cop: Oh, are you a bounty hunter?

Kai: Wait, what?

Cop: You said "The Grandfather." Even the cops don't know who The Grandfather is. We have a one hundred thousand dollar bounty on him. So I thought you were a bounty hunter.

Kai: Wait, do you just have a bunch of bounties like that?

Cop: Well not as high as that bounty, but we have enough that a person could easily make a living off of it. You might even get famous for helping out the cops. Anyway, I'll be off to go put this criminal in jail.

The cop drives away in his cop car.

Kai: Well I think I might have found my job.

Kai goes down to the police station, and checks out the bounty hunter board.

Kai: 20 thousand, 20 thousand, 15 thousand, 5 thousand, 15 thousand, 50 thousand, and the gold mine of bounties the 100 thousand. I really want that bounty, but Right and Lefty. Maybe I should put together a team.