A Chill Day

After Jaik looked mostly okay everyone said their goodbyes. Kai went back home. Jaik and Zuri flew back to Star City. Everything seemed like it wrapped up nice. Until Kai saw Cal when he got home.

Cal: Wassup dick? Where is my money?

Kai hands over the twenty grand.

Cal: No, you waited months. I want 25 grand now.

Kai hands him another 5 grand.

Cal: It's always a plea-

Kai: Shut it.

Cal: Hey, I'm being fair. The deal was that you were to pay me 20k when you got back. Then you went to a wedding, and started only coming here to sleep here and there. It's only fair.

Kai lets out a huge sigh.

Kai: Ugh, fine. I guess you're right!

Cal: Plus, I deserve money because you keep blowing me off.

Kai: Oh yeah. It has been two years, and we haven't even hung out once, hah! We should hang out tomorrow since it's late.

Cal: Alright, but don't be mad if I have something to do.

Kai: Don't worry, I won't. I'll be big mad because you were whining about it.

Cal: Big mad, are you a child?

Kai: Issa joke!

They both go to bed. Kai wakes up, and decides to make breakfast. Kai uses what he finds in the refrigerator, and makes pancaked, eggs, bacon, sausage, and hashbrowns. Cal walks out of his room like a sloth. It clearly shows that Cal doesn't like mornings.

Cal: What's with the feast?

Kai: I was hungry.

Cal: You know hanging out isn't a date right?

Kai: I'm not fucking gay!

Cal: Just checkin.

Cal grabs a plate of food, and sits down. They both start eating the food Kai made.

Cal: You're a good housewife.

Kai: You know. That is probably the nicest thing you have ever said to me.

Cal: You set the bar real high.

Kai: For you? Yes, yes I do.

They finish their food.

Cal: I actually got an errand to run. I'm guessing you don't want to go with me.

Kai: Where is it?

Cal: Some huge office buildings.

Kai: I love heights. I'll go.

Cal: Are you just gonna follow me around like a puppy today?

Kai: I got nothing better to do.

Cal sighs. Cal and Kai drive over to the office building, and walk inside. They go up an elevator to a high floor.

Kai: So how's your day going?

Cal: Are you really using elevator talk?

Kai: When you're in an elevator it's what you do. Hasn't Geico told you this?

Cal: I'm already regretting hanging out with you today...

Kai: You should.

The elevator stops, and they start walking through. Kai can hear a meeting going on.

Manager: We are not doing this design. It might stop sickness, but its a military suit. Come back with a new design, but I like the idea.

Worker: I spent all my money on the design! You said that it was great!

Manager: Then management said otherwise, and I'm more inclined to listen to them. Get out.

Cal: Stop staring.

Kai snaps back into reality.

Kai: Sorry, he was just really loud.

Cal grabs papers, and they leave. Once they get back in the car Cal asks Kai-

Cal: So, what do you want to do now?

Kai: Let's play my favorite game that I am very good at.

Cal: What?

Kai: Bowling.

Cal: You bowl?

Kai: Oh, I bowl.

They drive to the bowling building. Then they play a few games. Kai doesn't score a single point the entire time, and Cal just laughs at him.

Cal: Why did you even suggest bowling?

Kai: Oh, I don't know! It sounded like a good idea at the time. I thought I had gotten better.

Cal: How many times have you bowled before?

Kai: One.

Cal: You said you scored a strike with your first bowl!

Kai: I did. I threw the ball, but apparently that's not how you're supposed to play!

Cal looks surprised.

Cal: You whipped the ball across the lane?!

Kai: The balls only like ten pounds.

Cal: Yeah, and you threw it sixty feet.

Kai: It's a pound per six feet. I feel like that's a nice easy spread.

Cal just laughs.

Cal: Do you wanna go again?

Kai: No, I'm tired of losing!

They drive home, and Kai is scowling the whole way.

Cal: You really are a child.

Kai: I'm mad! The one thing I suck at is bowling!

Cal: You know what? Next time, I'll show you how to bowl.

Kai: You know, learning how to do something is usually the first step.

Cal: Yeah, and you're the person who skipped that step and fell.

They both laugh. They go home, and Cal's show is on. Cal takes in a deep breath.

Cal: I almost missed my show!

Cal sits down.

Cal: Wanna watch?

Kai: Sure.

Kai sits down and watches people in costumes sing. Once it gets onto a commercial Cal turns it to the news.

Kai: The news?

Cal: Yeah, I'm not really on social media like that so I watch the news to keep up with events.

Kai: Same here.

Reporter: At this moment a guy dressed up in a red and yellow armored bird suit is attacking a bank. He seems to go by the name Phoenix.

Phoenix: I had to spend all my money on this suit! I want my money back, and if your not going to give it. Then I'm going to take it.

Bullets fly at him, and they just bounce off of his suit.

Phoenix: I guess I'm taking it!

Phoenix flies into a plane, and his wings cut right through the plane. Cal turns the Tv back to his show. Then Kai gets up to leave.

Cal: We're watching a show!

Kai: I like it, and I don't want to be spoiled.

Cal: Then why don't you just go to your room?

Kai: Because there isn't anything to do in there but watch more tv. I'm going to find something to do.

Cal: Alright see ya!

Kai goes, and grabs his suit in his room, and puts it into a backpack then leaves.

Cal: So you think you're a superhero now? That's gonna make it more interesting.

Kai runs to a back alley where he changes into his costume before going to the bank. He sees a cop trying to shoot Phoenix, but their attempts to hurt him fail.

Phoenix: Now, you die!

Phoenix's wing moves to go slice through the cop, but then Kai jumps in the way, and blocks the wing with his staff.

Phoenix: A new opponent?

Kai: Your last opponent.

They both jump back, and Phoenix laughs.

Phoenix: My last opponent? What, am I going to kill you, and scare everyone else off?

Kai: Maybe, or maybe I'll kill you.

Phoenix: Not likely.

Phoenix swoops flies up, and then swoops down fast. He grabs Kai by the shoulders, and flies him up high.

Phoenix: How are you going to win when I can kill you just by dropping you.

Kai: Please don't.

Phoenix: We had a nice talk.

Phoenix drops Kai, and Kai starts falling through the air.

Kai: Ugh, this is stupid.

Kai gets in a meditative position, and starts thinking about where he would want to teleport to. Then Kai teleports to the ground. Phoenix looks mad that Kai is still alive, and swoops down again. This time Phoenix tries to slice Kai with his wings. Kai moves his body to the side dodging Phoenix's attack. Phoenix keeps swooping down to little effect. Then Phoenix lands on the ground and detaches his wings. He has each wing in one hand. They almost seem like two halves of a shield. Kai comes over, and starts trying to kick Phoenix. Phoenix just blocks the attacks with his wings. Then as Phoenix blocks another kick from Kai, he goes to slice with his other wing. Kai rolls to the side, barely managing to dodge. Then as Kai rolls to the side he pops back up to elbow Phoenix in his side. Kai sees that he cracked Phoenix's armor. Phoenix goes to swipe at Kai again, and Kai does a back handspring. They both run at each other. Phoenix swipes his huge wing at Kai, and Kai jumps on top of the wing. While on top of the wing Kai kicks Phoenix in the face, and does a flip off the wing landing behind Phoenix. Then as Phoenix is stumbling backwards from getting kicked Kai kicks him in the head again with a tornado kick. The tornado kick breaks Phoenix's helmet, and half of it falls off. Kai can see his face, and it's the man that he saw in the office with Cal. Phoenix drops to his knees.

Phoenix: No, you broke my suit!

Kai: Usually villains fight until they're beaten. Why do you care so much about your suit?

Phoenix: It slows down my cancer! Now I'm going to be put in jail, and I won't even get medical care!

Kai: I'm sorry, but you went about this the wrong way. Maybe you should have sold the suit then used it to rob a bank. I didn't make this happen to you. I do hope that you get proper treatment though.

Phoenix is just looking down at his hands holding the other half of his mask. Kai leaves to go back home. By the time that he gets back home he has already changed into his regular clothes. Once he is home he sees Cal asleep. Kai then decides to get into his own bed.

Kai: I kind like staying in New York. Maybe I should try to find a way to not have to leave.

Stick: That'll never happen.

Kai tries to sit up, but before he can Stick puts a rag over his mouth. Before Kai knows it he's already unconscious.