L is Coming

Kai is walking aimlessly.

Beast: You made it past the lava lake.

Kai: Yeah, so?

Beast: Find the temple of Leviathan.

Kai: They have a temple to worship a leviathan?

Beast: They are on the shore of the lava lake. They pray to him so that he doesn't attack them. The town is around here, find it.

Kai: Wait, they think there is a giant beast in the lava? Wait, is there?!

Beast doesn't respond.

Kai: Goddamn you.

Kai starts walking around in circles trying to find any signs of a town. Eventually he finds a town that he presumes to be the one beast was talking about. As he walks through the town he sees that it's mostly demons. Kai finds the temple, but as soon as he tries to walk in, two guards stop him.

Kai: Imma need to pass through here.

Guard: Demons only.

Kai: Yeah, okay. What can I do to be allowed to pass through?

The guard brings his spear up to Kai's throat.

Guard: Demons only.

Kai walks a step closer to the spear.

Kai: I need to get in the temple to talk to Kamaitachi. Let me in.

Guard: You have to do something first.

The guard drops his spear.

Kai: What do I have to do?

Guard: Are you a good cook?

Kai: I guess. That's a weird question.

Guard: You need to help with our restaurant.

Kai: Um, what? You need to eat in Hell?! That is the weirdest request I have ever gotten.

Guard: The archangels are coming today to have dinner. They will destroy the whole town if they don't like the food.

Kai: If that's what I have to do I guess I have to do it.

The guard that was talking leads Kai to the restaurant. The owner is freaking out, and making people clean everything. No one is allowed in the store at this time except for the workers.

Owner: What do you want?!

Guard: Kai, this is Choronzon. He owns this establishment.

Chronzon: Why are you telling this human about me?

Guard: He's going to help you make food for the archangels.

Chronzon: Why didn't you say so?

Chronzon leads Kai inside.

Chronzon: I'll make him work.

The guard goes back to the temple, and Chronzon leads Kai into the kitchen. Chronzon drops a gigantic recipe book on the counter.

Chronzon: I'll tell you what to make, and you make it as quick as possible. Make it taste phenomenal. Make a faqaeat sakhina.

Kai quickly flips the book to the f's, and searches as fast as he can. It takes him a minute, but he finds the page.

Kai: It's a drink!

Kai grabs a glass, and a nar fruit. He fills the glass up with lava. Then he drops the nar fruit into the lava. The nar fruit dissolves, and turns the same purple color as the fruit.

Kai: Done.

Chronzon: Don't get cocky. You haven't even cooked anything. Now, cook a almawt alssakhin.

Kai flips to a section, and starts searching through pages. He finds the recipe. He takes a slab of meat labeled khinzir aljahim. He throws it on the stove at the temperature the book says, and he starts cooking it. Once it finishes cooking he slides the meat on a plate. He seasons it with a little milh ladhidh.

Kai: Done!

Chronzon takes out a fork, and a knife. He cuts a piece, and takes a bite.

Chronzon: I guess you're going to be cooking with me!

Throughout the next hour, Kai was just learning the recipes in the book. The five archangels land in front of the restaurant. They all walk in. The waiter sits them down, and takes their drink orders. They all order different drinks. Once the waiter passes the order onto Kai and Chronzon they start scrambling to get all of their drinks done quickly. The waiter takes all the drinks, and hands them out. The archangels start getting rowdy. They become loud and obnoxious as they tell their jokes and laugh. They all order food, and the order is passed to the chiefs. Kai and Chronzon sweat as they try to make delicious food as fast as possible. Once they are finally done the waiter takes the food, and the chiefs nervously watch the waiter give the archangels their food. The waiter walks away, and after a few minutes returns to ask them how their food is. The angels seem fine with their food, and they continue to be loud and obnoxious. Once the angels finish their food they tell the waiter to get the chiefs over to their table. Kai and Chronzon walk out to meet the angels.

Archangel leader: A human helped cook our food?!

Chronzon: He knew how to cook food well, and I wanted you to get your food quicker then last time.

Archangel leader: Good. You were slow last time. We'll be seeing you again.

Chronzon: Can't wait.

The angels all get up, and walk out of the building. They all shoot up into the sky, and start flying away at great speeds.

Chronzon: Whew. I'm still alive!

Kai: You really have to deal with archangels wanting free food, and they kill you if it's bad.

Chronzon: Yes I do Mr.Privileged. Now get out of here. I gotta clean up, and I hate the smell of humans.

Kai: That's rude, but alright then.

Kai goes to the temple, and sees the same two guards.

Guard: Since the town isn't destroyed I will let you through.

Kai: Thank you.

The guard opens the door, and Kai starts walking. Feathers like metal stick into the ground in front of Kai.

Kai: Shit.

Kai hears the wind whoosh as a beast lands behind him. Kai turns around to see Malphas standing there.

Malphas: I found you.

The two guards run up to Malphas. Malphas locks his eyes on Kai. The guards try to stab their spears into Malphas. Malphas' wings slice the spears in half. Then the wings cut the guards in half.

Malphas: You're a threat.

Malphas shoots a feather at Kai. Kai tries to dodge it, but the feather sticks right into his leg, Kai drops to the ground.

Kai(in head): BEAST?!

Beast(in Kai's head): Working on it.

Kai: Did Beelzebub send you?!

Malphas starts throwing more and more fathers at Kai. Each one penetrates Kai's skin. Soon Kai has at least ten feathers half way in his skin. Malphas picks Kai up by the collar, and punches one of the feathers deeper into Kai's body.

Kai: Fuck you.


Kai(in head): BEAST?!

Beast(in Kai's head): He's almost here.

Malphas punches another feather into Kai. Kai punches Malphas in the stomach, but it does nothing. Malphas puts his wing up to Kai's throat.

Malphas: Target finished.

Then a giant serpent like thing with small yellow eyes. The back of its head is a giant maine of spikes. There are spikes seemingly placed randomly across its body. The body of this creature is as wide as a skyscraper, but the length of this serpent was much longer. When the serpent opened its mouth it showed large black teeth that looked more like spikes then they do fangs. Instead of this serpent hissing it gave off a loud roar. The serpent started slithering around the town. It circled around the town going over its own body while the rest of the serpent was still under the lava lake. The serpent's head stops near Kai and Malphas. Malphas drops Kai to the ground, and tries to fly away. Instantly the serpent's head shot into the sky, and caught Malphas in its mouth. The head drops back to the ground. Then one loud crunch before the beast swallows Malphas.

Kai: Are you the leviathan?

The serpent slithers its head right next to Kai so that his eye was next to Kai looking down on him. Then the leviathan speaks in a loud rough deep voice.

Leviathan: Is that what they call me?

The leviathan's beady eye stares down at Kai.

Kai: I think so.

Leviathan: Why are you shaking, nervous?

Kai starts taking out the feathers Malphas shot at him.

Kai: No, I think it's just the pain of these razor blade feathers.

Leviathan: You would be the first human to not be frightened, and the first human to see me that I didn't eat.

Kai: That's comforting.

The Leviathan laughs.

Leviathan: Very, take my coin.

Kai: Coin?

The Leviathan opens its large mouth, and its snake like tongue slams onto the ground. On the tip of his tongue is a gold coin with a L ingrained on it. Kai takes the coin off the Leviathans tongue. The Leviathan's tongue wraps back into its mouth.

Leviathan: With that thing you can call on me. Even if you're on earth, but it'll take me longer to get to you. Don't call on me often, or I'll have to take my coin back.

Kai: Thank you.

The Leviathan slowly slithers back into the deep lava. The towns people all step out of their houses to see the leviathan that they have been praying to for many years. Kai walks inside the temple, and sits down to pray to respect the village's traditions.

Kai(in head): Why did you want me to come here?

Beast(In Kai's Head): To allow you to use my power once again.

Kai(In head): Finally!

Out of nowhere Kai passes out, and falls to the floor.