
After hours of walking Kai sees a wall vastly larger than the size of china's great wall.

Kai: I think I know what that is.

Beast: That's the southern kingdom.

Kai walks through the giant entrance into the great kingdom. The kingdom is beautiful. It almost looks as if it were to be a city from ancient greece. The whites, marbles, gold, and red color palette almost brings a light to the city. Kai can see that in the middle of the kingdom is a mountain that holds the largest building he can see.

Kai: Are angels architects?

Beast: They dabble.

Kai: Are we going to the building on the hill?

Beast: Yes. That building is their town hall, or you could call it the palace.

Kai walks through the town as he sees archangels traveling around. They look like normal humans, but their giant white wings show they're nothing to be messed with. Kai walks up the stairs to the gigantic building. When he opens the doors, and makes it inside he sees that it's just a library.

Kai: I thought you said this was a palace?

Beast: This is the first floor. Angels This level is called Lucifer's Library. All these books have been collected and read by lucifer.

Kai looks at the seemingly unlimited rows of bookshelves.

Kai: He has way too much time on his hands.

Kai walks down to the librarians desk.

Kai: I'm looking to talk to the king.

Librarian: Do you have an appointment?

Kai: Kaimatachi sent me.

Librarian: I will be right back.

The librarian leaves. Kai walks over to a seating area. He sees a giant poster of Hell's kingdom. He sees the lava lakes like an X through the picture. Then in the center is a circle of lava where the lava rivers connect into the lake. He sees all the different kingdoms. Each kingdom has their territory outside the kingdom labeled as something. The north is an outskirts with no rules. The east kingdom is labelled as lava geysers. The South is a dead zone. While the west is a demon safe zone.

Kai: Wait, why is the south side a dead zone?

Beast: Archangels treat everyone in those areas as slaves. If you are there you will get constant demands by angels. If you refuse to go along with them they'll kill you.

Kai: That's definitely a problem.

Beast: We'll fix it in due time.

The librarian walks back to the desk.

Librarian: He's ready for you.

Kai walks over to the librarian, and she shows him the way up to the third floor. They walk to a room. The librarian leaves, and Kai walks into the room. The room has tubes that connect into it. Then in front of those tubes are cases. A piece of mail comes through the tube, and drops into the box. In the back of the room is a desk. A man with dark hair is sitting behind that desk.

Kai: Are you lucifer?

The guy looks up to show blond highlights at the end of his hair.

???: I am Azazel.

Azazel has his hands put together, but then moves one of his hands towards the direction of the chair in front of his desk.

Azazel: Why don't you sit down? Get comfortable.

Kai sits down in the chair.

Azazel: Why are you here?

Kai: It seems like Hell is in a ruckus. I'm helping Kamaitachi fix it.

Azazel: That ruckus wouldn't be anything that us archangels are doing, would it?

Kai: Somewhat.

Azazel: Elaborate.

Azazel sits back in his chair.

Beast(Only to Kai): He doesn't need to know.

Kai: Actually I need you to elaborate on some things.

Azazel: Information for information my dear friend. You need my knowledge much more than I need yours.

The beasts aura makes him appear above Kai out of a red cloud coming from Kai's chest.

Beast: Azazel, what do you know about demons leaving Hell?

Azazel: Is that what this is about? You're mad that the demons have figured out a way to get past Scolopendra?

Kai: Who?

Beast: The leviathan. So they are getting past the leviathan.

Azazel: There is only one.

Beast: That one creature is longer than a kingdom.

Azazel: Maybe that's the problem.

Beast: Who taught them. Lucifer has been gone for years. Even if he was here he wouldn't have given out that secret.

Azazel: The demons knew they could leave. They just didn't know how. It only takes one to teach.

Beast: Who?!

Azazel: We're making a deal. What's in it for me?

Beast: Life.

Azazel: A better life?

Beast: No. I will erase you if you don't tell me. If you don't tell me then I would be forced to assume you helped in the demon's escape. Therefore erasing you would help the issue.

Azazel: Erasing me won't do anything. No one puts all their eggs in one basket Kamaitachi.

Beast: We're done.

The cloud fades away.

Kai(in head): Why are we done?

Beast: He'll use any information we give him to use against us. Azazel is a genius in manipulation. He takes after his older brother.

Kai(in head): Lucifer?

Beast: Yes.

Kai: Thank you for your time Azazel.

Azazel: Anytime for my creator and his tool.

Kai: What did you-

Beast: He's much stronger than you are.

Kai: I'll be back.

Kai and Azazel shake hands, and Kai leaves.

Kai: Great, this was useless.

Beast: You might be able to call Lucifer.

Kai: Would he even show up?

Beast: Not for a while, but he might show up in time. He does care about Hell.

Kai: Really? Why did he leave then?

Beast doesn't respond

Kai: Not this again. Fine, where do I call lucifer?

Beast: The Temple of Asmodeus. They'll be signs pointing towards it.

Kai walks along the road. He starts seeing the signs, and follows their directions until he sees a giant temple. The temple has large pillars that keep up the ceiling. Kai walks inside the temple to see a man that resembles Beast. He has purple skin, and giant horns that circle around themselves. On his face was a scar over his left eye. He has spiky black and red armor that covers his shoulders and chest. The armor leaves his stomach and arms open. His lower body is covered with spiky pants like armor. His hands have the palm size of a regular human, but his fingers are black claws that are the same length as his palm. He is holding a scythe. The scythe's staff is black, but the blade is a bright almost glowing red. His voice is deep, and when he speaks it's almost as his voice is coming from all around you.

???: Hello father.

Kai: Who are you?

???: Allow me to introduce myself. I am the king of devils. Feared among all kingdoms. I am Asmodeus.

Kai: You own this temple?

Asmodeus: Lucifer gave it to me as a peace offering to show respect for me.

Kai: Is Lucifer scared of you?

Asmodeus' eyes glow.

Asmodeus: Of course he is.

There is a gap of silence.

Asmodeus: Have fun praying for him.

Asmodeus leaves

Kai: How did he know that?

Beast: We had a nice conversation while you were talking.

Kai: What? Nevermind.

Kai kneels down and prays for lucifer. Then Kai gets back up, and leaves the building.

Kai: Lots of time wasted.

Beast: Only a day.

Kai: How long have I even been in Hell?

Beast: Four days.

Kai: How?!

Beast: Time is different here than earth. You're outside of time here.

Kai walks out of the kingdom.

Kai: Where do we go next?

Beast: I don't know.

Kai just keeps walking. Eventually he runs into a town. Archangels are destroying the town, and killing the demons.

Beast: Don't, angels are too powerful.

Kai: Hey!

The angels look at Kai.

Kai: Why would you destroy this town?

Archangel: They didn't give us food.

Kai: All this because they didn't want to be treated as slaves?!

Archangel: You should act as you are. Are you challenging me?

Kai: If you're asking for it.

The angel flies over to Kai and sticks his hand through Kai's chest.

Archangel: Don't challenge me.

Blood starts running out of Kai's mouth.

Kai: Fuck you.

The angel drops Kai to the ground.

Archangel: Lets go. The town is destroyed.

Off somewhere in Hell a portal from earth opens up, and a man with blond hair walks through. He lights a cigarette, and starts smoking.

Constantine: I've been looking for ya for a while you bloody weasel, but you're in my domain now.