One More Road To Cross

Kai goes back to Demon Deals.

Miscreant: Did you do it?

Kai: I paid him back.

Miscreant: I knew you could. It's because you're not dead.

Kai: You know I'm alive?

Miscreant: Why do you think I tested you against hellhounds?

Kai: All for a debt?

Miscreant: My debt was more than all the soul coins in Hell.

Miscreant hands Kai a box of explosives.

Miscreant: My debt was unpayable, and Asmodeus would have killed me for it. Now have fun with these explosives.

Kai leaves Demon Deals, and returns to Spellbooks throne, and puts the box of explosives down. A guard takes the explosives, and leaves the room.

Spellbook: My army will go to this place in the center of hell under one condition.

Kai: What?

Spellbook: You need to be a scout. You have to go to the center of Hell, and check it out. Once you get a feel for it retreat back here. Then we'll work out our gameplan. You'll have to set up the explosives while your scouting. So we have to wait until the explosives are done. We are going to take it down.

Kai: Then I need to go somewhere.

Spellbook: Where?

Kai: I need a few soul coins. I need to get to the east kingdom to ask them for help too.

Spellbook: Why? they're weak.

Kai: We need all the help we can get.

Spellbook: Fine.

Spellbook passes Kai a sack of soul coins.

Kai walks back to the lava lakes, and gets on dimises boat. Once he gets off dimises boat he travels to the east kingdom, and walks into the palace. As he walked through the city to the palace he saw a lot of rebuilding going on. In the palace he sees two thrones with James and Jaik sitting in them.

Jaik: Kai?

Kai: I have come here with a proposition.

James: What's your proposition?

Kai: It's more of a question.

Jaik: What's your question?

Kai: I am taking down the area in the center of Hell. I would appreciate it if you helped me. If you were to help me. You would be fighting alongside the north kingdom against the west kingdom.

Jaik: We just fought to save these people from fighting the east kingdom.

Kai: This is different. It's the center of Hell so you won't be tortured, and you have a whole army helping you.

James: We're in. When?

Kai: Thank you. I'll tell Spellbook to send you a letter when it's time.

Kai goes back to the north kingdom and tells Spellbook he is going to the center of Hell. Kai then travels to the lava lake, and Demise appears out of black smoke. Right before Kai got on the boat a man with blond hair appeared behind him.

Constantine: I found you.

Kai: Aren't you that guy from LianYu?

Constantine: doesn't matter who I am mate. the only thing that matters is that you shouldn't be here.

Demise: I think he'll stay.

Demise holds up a soul coin with a name on it.

Constantine: Once you cross the lake. I'm coming for you.

Constantine leaves.

Kai gets out of Demise's ferry.

Kai: You usually use a funerary boat. Why are we in a ferry?

Demise: You're going to need space.

Kai: For?

Entity appears on the boat.

Entity: Been too long.

Kai: I've been looking around for you.

Entity: Didn't know you cared so much. It's time your Hell Adventure ends. You killed Mammon, and now you're going to blow up the demons' escape. That would be two big hits to the demons. No wonder Kamaitachi chose you. You're just like him. You both spite demons.

Kai: The beast doesn't spite demons. He loves them. They're his children.

Entity: Tell that to them. They are the ones who slaved for the original kingdom. Now that they are trying to make a better life somewhere else you still want to stop them.

Kai: I guess we'll have to fight then. We clearly don't see things eye to eye.

Entity: Then we fight.

Entity disappears, and then reappears behind Kai. Entity punches at Kai's head. Kai moves his head to the ground, and back kicks Entity in the head. Entity moves back shaking his head a bit from being stunned. Then Entity regains his bearings and makes small portals all around Kai. Then blades come out of the portals slashing Kai. Kai gets a few cuts, and then takes out his staff. Kai spins his staff, and knocks the swords onto the floor. The sword dematerializes, and a portal a bit bigger than Kai opens behind him. A giant hand comes out of the portal and grabs Kai. The hand shakes Kai around, and then slams Kai into the ground. Kai's staff drops, and the hand goes back into the portal. Entity walks over to Kai, and picks Kai up by his collar.

Entity: You can't beat me.

Kai: Beat you? You're not even fighting!

Kai knees Entity in the stomach. Entity drops to one knee. Kai picks his staff up, and overhead swings to hit Entity. Then Kai and Entity switch positions, and Entity hits Kai with an overhead staff attack. Then Entity throws the staff to the other side of the boat.

Kai: What was that?!

Entity: My powers.

Kai runs at Entity, and a sword appears in Kai's stomach. Then Entity kicks the handle of the blade. The blade digs deeper into Kai's stomach. Kai falls to the ground, and rips the sword out of his stomach. Kai gets back to his feet. Then a portal appears in the lava, and a tentacle comes out of the lava. The tentacle grabs Kai, and starts dragging Kai into the portal. Kai grabs onto the boat, and rips the tentacle off of him. The tentacle quickly escapes back into the portal. More portals surround Kai, and little darts get shot out. Kai dodges a few of the darts, but ten darts still stick to him.

Entity: Poison. You're dead.

Kai rips the darts out one at a time.

Kai: Regeneration. Poison doesn't affect me.

Entity: You are infuriating to kill.

Kai: And you're a little pussy bitch that hides in a corner.

Entity: I guess we are both pissed off. I'll end the frustration.

Five swords stab in Kai's chest. A flamethrower appears next to Kai's head. Kai jumps to the ground, and dodges the flamethrower. Entity starts shooting a laser gun. Kai crawls on the ground to avoid getting shot with a laser. Kai picks up his staff. Entity appears next to Kai with an axe, and Kai quickly stabs his staff right through Entity's heart. Entity falls to the ground. Kai takes the swords out of his chest, and pulls his staff out of Entity. Kai then throws Entity's body into the lava.

Demise: That was a long battle.

Kai: That sucked.

Kai sits down and sighs. The ferry stops at a small island. The island has a gigantic building in the middle of it. The building looks like a skyscraper. The island is only a few acres. Kai walks up to the sky scrapper, and then walks in the door. Kai sees demons walking around. A demon walks up to him.

Demon worker: Are you new?

Kai: Yes.

Demon worker: Follow me.

Kai follows the demon to the elevator. They ride the elevator up several floors before they get out. When they finally get out the demon leads Kai into a room. There is a demon speaking up front, and other demons are sitting in chairs listening. Kai sits in one of the chairs, and the demon worker leaves. The speaker is presenting a picture of a portal surrounded by walls, and lava being blocked off by those walls.

Speaker: This portal is the portal that you take to travel to the multiverse. This portal is all throughout the lava lake, but the Leviathan would kill us if we went down there. With this wall we are protected from the Leviathan. If you go down to the basement you might feel shaking which is just the Leviathan hitting against the wall trying to break it open. Lucky for us that wall has magic to protect the outside from the leviathan.

Kai(in head): There might be magic on the outside, but the inside is what matters.

The speaker finishes, and Kai leaves the room, and goes into the elevator. Kai closed the elevator door so that he was in the elevator alone. Kai used the elevator to get down to the basement. The basement was a floor with nothing in the center. A few feet below the empty center.

Kai: This would be a good place to put the bomb. If we put the bomb on the wall here the whole skyscraper will come down. Hopefully the wall blocking the leviathan too.

Beast: This is where you'll have to put the bomb.

Kai: Alright, It's time to go back to Spellbook.

Kai goes back in the elevator. As the elevator rises a spider-like creature comes from the shadows.

Beelzebub: Time for war.