Another Vigilante

Kai wakes up, and hears his phone ringing. Kai picks up the phone.

Lawrence: Kai, have you finished the public glasses yet?

Kai: Yeah, why?

Lawrence: In a few months the military will have their glasses. So I suggest we start working on figuring out where the public glasses will be made. Paperwork will be sent to your house explaining everything that's going on.

Kai: Yeah, alright. I'll drop off the blueprints at your house later today.

Lawrence: Thank you.

Kai hangs up, and gets out of bed. Kai's doorbell rings. Kai opens it up, and Remi walks inside with a bag.

Remi: I brought you breakfast.

Kai: Lucky for you I haven't eaten yet.

Kai grabs the food, and Remi sits on the couch. They sit in silence for a minute. Kai starts eating the breakfast burrito

Kai: Just tell me what you want.

Remi: I want you to train me.

Kai laughs.

Kai: Not happening.

Remi walks over and takes the burrito. She takes a bite out of it, and sits back down.

Kai: Hey, that's mine.

Remi: You get it back when you agree to train me.

Kai: You're eating it!

Remi: Hurry up.

Kai: I'm not training you.

Remi: Then be hungry.

Kai: Why do you want to fight?

Remi: We both know the cops are useless. Now that everyone knows about a mutant breakout the cops are going to do even less. I can't just call you every time I'm in trouble.

Kai: It's-

Kai sighs.

Kai: It's not that I don't want you to be able to protect yourself, or even that I think you'll be a bad fighter. You could only be as good as me if I trained you, and I have almost died several times. The only reason I'm not dead today is because of my regeneration. You don't have that Remi. I understand that you feel powerless, but you weren't born with powers. Even if I did train you there isn't anything saying you will be able to take on mutants. Az knows how to fight well, but he is no match against someone with superpowers.

Remi gets up from the couch, and walks up to Kai. Remi hands back Kai's food.

Remi: So I just have to hope I can call you before I get captured or attacked.

Kai: Remi, I'm sorry. If I could give you powers I would.

Remi: Thanks for telling me the truth at least.

Remi leaves. Kai finishes his food. Kai wipes off his hands.

Kai: Guess it's about time to get to work.

Kai puts on his suit, and starts scouting the city. First Kai finds a man who's wearing street clothes and a bandana. Kai sees him start beating someone up. The man picks up the guy he was punching, and throws him. Kai jumps down.

Kai: Mutant or Meta?

???: They call me Guts, and what does it matter to you?

Guts spits on the ground. Kai puts up his fists.

Kai: I have a feeling you like talking with fists.

Guts: So do you.

They both rush at each other. Guts punches. Kai ducks under the punch, and uppercuts Guts. Guts stumbles back. Kai jabs him in the jaw, and Guts grabs Kai's arm throwing Kai into a wall. Kai slams through the wall. Guts dusts off his hands as he doesn't see Kai getting up. A brick flies out of the hole in the wall. Guts hits the brick breaking it. More bricks fly out as Kai starts to walk out of the hole in the wall. Kai throws one last brick, and starts running over to guts. Guts throws another punch. Kai grabs Guts arm and breaks it. Guts knees at Kai. Kai easily dodges, and knocks guts out with a punch to the temple.

Kai: Strength is only good when you have skill.

Kai goes back to scouting the city. Another hour or two later Kai sees a people walk in a shady building one after another every few minutes. Kai sneaks up to see through one of the windows. Kai sees that one man is slaughtering the men one by one. Kai breaks through the window, and lands on the ground.

Kai: Did you really need to kill these men?!

???: You don't know me!

Kai puts up his fists.

Kai: Then who are you?

???: The name is Grime.

Grime takes out a staff, and starts spinning it around. Kai chuckles.

Kai: Come at me Grime.

Grime swings his staff. Kai blocks the swing with his forearm. Grime swings to the other side, and Kai blocks again. While Kai is blocking he kicks Grime back. Grime disappears into dust, and reappears father away from Kai.

Kai: I can do that too.

Kai teleports to Grime. Kai palms Grime in the stomach. Grime falls on his back, and drops his staff. Grime scrambles to grab his staff. Kai slowly walks over to Grime to knock him out. Grime grabs his staff before Kai gets to him. Grime points his staff at Kai. The staff shoots out black smoke. Kai is covered in dust and smoke. Kai can't see anything, and his ears are clogged. Grime gets up, and starts swinging his staff at Kai. Kai gets hit one after another. Kai puts his hands up in an attempt to block. Grime is relentlessly hitting Kai. Kai gets some hearing back in one of his ears, and just barely manages to grab Grime's staff. Grime moves his hand, and it makes the dust on Kai feel tight like it's squeezing the life out of him. Grime slams his staff on Kai's head. Kai goes to the ground, and wipes the smoke out of his eyes. Kai kicks Grime in the knee, breaking his leg.

Grime: Hey! It's not only me whose part of this operation. Watch your back!

Kai knocks Grime out, and starts to hear sirens. Kai goes out the window he came in. After a few more hours of scouting the city the sky becomes dark. Kai sits on a rooftop.

Kai(in head): Now I have to clean my suit because of all the dust, and for the last few hours my ears have been hurting. I think this might turn out to be a bad day.

Kai sees a woman. She sped out of the shady building from earlier.

Kai: Shit. She looks like she could be part of that.

Kai got to the top of the roof and walked up on the woman.

Kai: Get up.

The woman got up.

Woman: What?

Kai: What were you doing in that place?

Woman: Nothing. It's none of your business.

Kai: I don't want to hurt you. Just tell me what you were doing.

Woman: I wasn't doing anything!

Kai: You'll talk one way or another.

The woman pushed Kai down. She activated her speed and picked him up by the scruff.

Woman: Leave me alone!

Kai swung his body forward. And kicked her down on the floor. She dropped him off the roof. As he fell he focused and teleported to the top of the building. He turned around and saw a Blonde woman in front of the woman.

Blonde woman: Hey! The fuck are you doing?

The Blonde woman had a mask on, along with a prosthetic arm.

Kai: Another vigilante?

Blonde woman: You don't know me?

Kai: Of course. I've never seen you until now.

Blonde woman: I'm Repulse.

Kai: Look, Repulse. This woman was being suspicious. And she threw me off the building!

Repulse: Back off from her. Before things get ugly.

Kai: Ugh, starting to get tired of all this shit.

Repulse threw a jab at Kai, he dodged and kicked her in the side. She elbowed him in the face as he ducked down. Kai kicked her back with a front kick. She fell back and rolled to her feet. She clapped her hands together and a powerful blast came out. Kai got hit head on and almost fell off the roof. He stood up on the edge. Repulse ran at him and threw a punch. And then an uppercut with her robotic arm. Kai jumped into the air and kicked her into the wall. Parts of it cracked off when he kicked her into it. She stood up straight, and a blast from where Kai kicked her came from her body. And he was knocked back. She ran up at Kai, he dodged her first punch. But didn't see a haymaker from her robotic arm coming. She held Kai above a glass roof. She picked him up and threw him through the roof. The glass shattered on impact, and Kai smashed into the ground.

Repulse: Sorry, just don't mess with Amelia. She would've done worse to you. You're lucky you got me. I think I remember you. Kai, right?

Kai: How do you know me?

Repulse: Doesn't matter.

Repulse walked away.

Kai: I'll never find her now. I might as well go home.

Kai leaves the area, and runs back to his house. Kai wakes up the next day