
Kai is at his house cooking dinner. He has already taken a shower and changed his clothes.

Remi: Do you always make dinner?

Kai: Not always. What would leftovers be for if I always made dinner?

Kai gives Remi and Max a plate before sitting down on the couch.

Kai: So, care to fill me in?

Max: Of course. Since you left the villains didn't feel like they needed to be as careful. Remi and I believe that they split up. They have taken over different parts of the city's meta population. They have their own turfs.

Kai: Couldn't the cops just fight them, and have they taken over districts?

Max: They didn't take over per se. They are more underground. They're more like the mob. They have everything taken over, but no one could tell by the surface. Remi was able to pin down all of them.

Max flips his computer around so Kai can see it. The computer has a map of new york. The map is split into sections.

Max: The only member we don't know about is Fever. He seems to not be in any of the sections. First section is Staten Island.

A picture of a woman with fur. She looks like a dog, but stands on two legs with white fur. She has black wrap around her chest and around her forearms. Then she has a scarf that goes around her neck and over her head like a hood.

Max: That's Jackal. She controls Manhattan.

Max clicks on another picture.

The next picture is a woman in what looks to be a black overcoat and black leggings. She has a sweatshirt on under her overcoat. She has the hood on, and her black hair comes down from the hood.

Max: That's Datura. She controls the Bronx.

The next is a man in a super suit. His suit is black on the outsides and white in the middle. He has a yellow pattern going over his chest like a strap. Then he has yellow circles on his wrists and ankles. His mask covers his face. The mask is mostly black with orange then white under his eyes. He has a dog beside him

Max: That's Guru. He controls queens.

The next guy has a military looking suit on. The suit is completely white with some exceptions to it. His arms down to his elbows are grey, and he has some gold patterns here and there on his suit. He has a helmet that is white with gold around the eyes. Then he has a white hood on.

Max: That's Dead Air. He runs Brooklyn.

Last is a brown skinned woman with shaved hair. She wears a brown jacket that doesn't reach her stomach and black leggings.

Max: That's Vision. She runs Staten Island.

Kai: That's a lot of information.

Remi: Then why don't we do something else while that sets in.

Kai: And what would that be?

Remi: I think I deserve a sparring match.

Kai: Nah. I don't want to crush your hopes and dreams.

Remi: But I'm more powerful now. I can hold my own.

Kai: Fine, let's spar.

They walk outside. Max does the same, but he brings his computer. Kai and Remi get into a fighting stance.

Remi: Don't hold back.

Kai: Alright, I guess.

Remi runs at Kai. Remi throws a punch Kai hits the punch away, and punches Remi in the stomach. Kai grabs Remi's arm and throws her. When Remi is thrown into the air she throws sparks down. Kai teleports away from the sparks. They explode behind Kai. Remi roundhouse kicks. Kai grabs her leg. Then he kicks out her other leg. She falls to the ground. Kai tries to kick her. She rolls out of the way. Then Remi palms his stomach. Kai sits there confused because it didn't do anything.

Remi: Have fun.

Kai is blasted back by sparks exploding. Mid air Kai puts his hand on the ground catching himself. He then uses his hand to pull himself to the ground. Kai gets back to his feet completely untouched by the explosion except for a few knicks.

Kai: This is a good test.

Remi runs at Kai. She kicks Kai in the ribs. He blocks the kick and elbows her in the stomach. Remi falls back in pain.

Kai: C'mon,. I know you can still get up.

Remi pulls herself off the ground. Remi elbows Kai in the stomach. He feels some pain. She starts wailing on his stomach. Then Kai grabs her arms.

Kai: I think that's enough.

Remi looks upset.

Kai: You're pretty powerful. You're not too far off from where I was a month ago.

Remi: A month ago?

Kai: I'll teach you more. I've learned things that I had no idea about before I went to Alcatraz. You can more than hold your own in a battle. So, would you want to go on missions with me?

Remi's sad expression goes away.

Remi: Yeah, I think that might be fun!

Kai lets go of her arms.

Kai: I thought so.

They go to walk back in the house. Max is laughing.

Max: He still beat your ass!

Remi: I'll beat your ass Max!

They all go inside. Max is about to walk downstairs.

Max: Tomorrow we need to attack Jackal.

Kai: Yeah, yeah, go in your hidey hole.

Max goes into the basement. Kai and Remi both sit on the couch.

Remi: What made you want to train me in the first place? I didn't have powers back then. I wasn't really too useful.

Kai: Let's just say a friend.

Remi: Who?

Kai sighs.

Kai: A young woman with a really annoying lack of intelligence. She might have been annoying, but it was fun. It made me realize the benefits of having a partner on missions.

Remi: Do we have anything even in common?

Kai: Not really, but I'm not training Max. He hates sunlight.

They both laugh.

Remi: True. It's getting late. I think I'm going to go home.

Kai: See you tomorrow night.

Remi: Yup.

Remi leaves. Kai gets up and walks over to the kitchen. He grabs a bottle of some special liquor. He pours a glass and swishes it around. He drinks the liquor. Then Kai sighs.

Kai: What have the cops been doing?

Kai finishes his drink and goes upstairs. He sees his hero suit on the bed folded. Kai puts it on, and heads to the rooftops.

Kai: Haven't been here in a while.

Kai sees that New York is like a ghost town at night. No one is there. Everyone is inside. The only lights are the street lights. Then Kai hears a girl screaming. Kai runs over to her. He looks down from the rooftops. Three wolf men stand in front of The woman.

???: We have a few options boys. We could eat her for dinner, or have her for dinner.

They all laugh as they snarl and growl. One of them howls. Kai jumps down from the rooftop. He lands behind them. They hear a loud crack as the cement under Kai starts to break. The beast men turn around.

Wolfman: Hey Corey! I think he's trying to steal our girl!

Corey: I think you would be right!

Wolfman2: Let's show him a lesson! Let's show him what you get when you mess with the beast.

Corey smiles showing all his teeth.

Corey: You mess with the beast and you get the teeth!

They all run at Kai. The first one Claws at Kai. Kai kicks the second one. He stumbles back. Corey goes to bite Kai on his shoulder. Kai grabs Corey by his snout closing his jaw. Then Kai throws Corey into the stumbling wolf. The other wolf runs up behind Kai. It scratches Kai's back. The scratch barely even broke the skin. The wolf looks at his claws.

Wolf: What?

Kai: Your claws are brittle.

Kai punches the wolf in the head. The wolf falls back dazed. It lands on the ground. Kai stomps on its stomach. The other two wolves pounce on Kai. Kai reaches for his staff, but he realizes that the cops had taken it. Kai grabs them both by their necks.

Kai: You're not powerful just because you're stronger than a human.

The wolves try to claw at Kai's hand. They try everything to get out of his grasp, but they can't do anything.

Kai: You'll never attack again.

The wolves just keep trying to escape Kai's grasp. Kai holds their necks tighter and they whimper.

Kai: Thought so.

Kai throws them into walls, and then looks over at the woman.

Kai: Are you okay?

She looks frightened even of Kai.

Woman: Y-yeah.

Kai: Why are you the only person out tonight?

Woman: S-s-since the beastmen started running the streets e-everybody stays in at night.

Kai: I thought so.

Kai jumps onto the roof. He can hear the woman running away. He reaches for his phone.

Kai: I need to get my stuff back from the cops.